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FDI into Asian countries comes mainly from other Asian countries, the end. The energy point is complete bullshit, petroleum is primarily dominated by the OPEC cartel which already leveraged this power against the West in the past (1973-1974 oil embargo for support of Israel). The importance and influence of the Western seven sisters on oil have been waning for a long time already, and they have been largely displaced by
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. The only Western countries that are not energy dependent are the US and Canada, Europe is one of the largest importers of both petroleum and natural gas.
when Computers and actual machines are western. than? i am not going into Military power bases and all the Air traffic control.
Opec policy is good for stock markets.
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The only country that attracted money during the crisis was the US because of the dollar system. Europe was devastated by the crisis which resulted in the 2009 debt crisis which crippled their economies well into the 2010s. You are lying about people flows, the
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shows that migration has been declining since the 2008 crisis.

Another fantasy.

Another fantasy

So you cannot even say what exactly you are talking about or prove anything which means that it is another one of your fantasies.

Fun fact:
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(Microsoft's R&D center in Beijing) probably has more citations than the entirety of deep learning papers produced by R&D centers in Russia or even Europe. What a shame.

Alternative history time.
just some thing is not published it does not mean it does not exist. i gave you a hint in a link of road project that can cost $30b to $80b.
those mountains are too important for computers.
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Maybe that's true in your fantasy world. The reality is the following: Russia's forex to GDP ratio is ~0.375, countries with larger ratios - Switzerland (~1.45), Saudi Arabia (~0.55), Singapore (~1.116), Thailand (~0.458), etc. Subjects like Taiwan (~1.387) and Hong Kong (~1.355) also have better ratios. As for wealth funds, the Russian one is tiny compared to other petroleum exporting nations -
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, and so on. That's likely due to them having to use parts of it when the rouble got annihilated by sanctions and oil price drops.
You conveniently ignore the expenditure part.
Saudi/Norway/Hong Kong. they are non-industrial/R&D countries that cannot even produce a toilet paper without external help all they do is buy/sell stocks and reside in virtual world.
these people have real experience of software behind Germanic systems and machines.
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Another fantasy story.

Well, Russia desperately tries to attract foreign students to go up in the various university rankings - it failed btw, 5top100 did not produce any new Russian entries to the top 100 lists from QS, THE, or ARWU - so it is easy for people from CA to enter them, in no large part due to lack of language barrier. Russia does not use anything "as it wishes", they even have to lease Baikonur paying pretty hefty sum to Kazakhstan. The joint drills and all that stuff are obviously present as many of those countries are in OECD and similar organizations.

Nah, Russian heavy engineering is meh since the Soviets fell.
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It has very little to do without outside world. largest does not mean best or control over supply chains. they are now teaching nuclear power so they can operate future plants. foundation is still Russian engineering.

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One Russian company is expanding some presence, that's it? Looks weak. Uzbekistan has been the manufacturing hub for a lot of stuff for a while now - Daewoo, various car manufacturers, etc. have long had factories there due to larger population compared to other -stans and cheap labor. Uzbekistan even hosted the US military base in the past before the Uzbek president got pissed that the US critiqued him, so Russian influence was not even able to deter Uzbekistan from hosting the American military on their soil.
Korean companies will invest there because they invest big in Russia and that is connected to other stans. that route was used previously by Nato.
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I don't give a fuck about German engineering, lol. You were saying that without Russia, Middle-East would increase prices in Asia and failed to prove that so you started gushing about Germany senpai.

Cool, maybe it'll help them with their currency crisis. Still does not prove your earlier assertion, I think that you should throw words ™Germanic engineering™ some more.
i am pretty sure. without Russia. Middleast behavior will change. they will price gouge Asia and fund West.
too high prices benefit Russia as they can produce so much more that Arabs get terrified.
how long i am keep repeating this point? it is like going in circles.


Lieutenant General
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If you look at the growth of the Russian Federation's GDP in PPP adjusted terms it does not look nearly as bad as that.
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A lot of it is plain market speculation on the ruble causing the gross product in dollar terms to go down. Since Russia's economy is mostly self-contained this devaluation of the ruble has little impact internally however. Prices of basic utilities, think electricity, gas, communications, and food remain down. Price of imports like consumer electronics might go up.

Russia does have sectors in heavy industry where it is highly competitive like the nuclear industry. He's talking about Power Machines, that is a private enterprise which makes large turbines for all sorts of applications, including nuclear, hydroelectric, and gas. But it has a lot of competition worldwide. Unless we are talking about a customer in the CIS, some other country with a middle income economy with little capital, or a customer of said nuclear power plants it is highly unlikely someone will choose a Power Machines product.


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Nowadays they love talking about the Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact. Let's forget the absurd terms of the Versailles basically opening doors to a radical, let's forget Anglo-German Naval Agreement, Munich conference, continuous sanctions on the Soviet Union starting with 1917, support of right wingers throughout Europe against communism (which Hitler also benefited from). There is an incredible historical revision going on right now.

Everytime someone brings up Molotov Ribbentrop, you can remind them that before the Munich conference, Stalin asked France, Czechoslovakia and Britain to help him resist Hitler. It was only because the West betrayed CzSv at Munich, Stalin realised he had no choice but to sign a non aggression pact with Hitler to create a buffer zone against Germany because the West will betray him too. The West is solely responsible for the Molotov Ribbentrop pact.


Registered Member
@AssassinsMace Sir for us in the Global South , the Rise of China is a heaven sent cause now we have the courage to dare the West to follow up their Promises of economic development. Before they are our only source of investment and the term is so onerous, it's a slave contract and most of those approve loans are for Extraction industries.
@ansy1968 as an aside, what did you think of Bong Marcos interview with Mr.Abunda fella? I watched his interview for a little bit to gauge how he thinks and what sort of plans/ideas he has set forth for your country. I think he's quite capable and has clearly readied himself to be thrusted in the seat of the Presidency more than anyone else in your country. Having said that, and without going into the weeds, I did find his response on "pornography" to be amateurish and a by product of your country's quixotic relationship with Christian religion. Just my 2 cents.


Agreed. Honestly, the only figures that do sound believable are the US, Japan, and Germany. Even in the case of Japan, it would require them to solve their deflationary pressures, while Germany would require to have above-average growth to reach those numbers. Chinese GDP PPP right now is around $27 trillion (correct me if I'm wrong), having $64 T economy would require a growth of more than 8% for the next 10 years, I think it is unrealistic and most likely China will grow at 5-5.5% per year (which is fantastic compared to the absolute majority of other countries). Russian growth for the last years was 2-3% on average, reaching $7.9 trillion means that their economy will essentially double over the next 10 years, which is doubtful. Turkey is projected to have $3 trillion GDP PPP in 2022, no way I'm buying that their economy is going to expand 3 times over 10 years, lmao. And so on.

You forgot something very important factor, Yuan appreciation against USD


Junior Member
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It has very little to do without outside world. largest does not mean best or control over supply chains. they are now teaching nuclear power so they can operate future plants. foundation is still Russian engineering.
Of course. Russian technology is so good, from its automobiles to computers! Russia alone has all the talent, supply chain and market it needs to create world leading products, which doesn't need to be exported because no one else in the world could understand it and operate it! Russia is secretly Wakanda!

Honestly, I agree that Russia has no shortage of amazing talent, but it is absolutely terrible at utilizing them. Let's not forget that a Russian scientist publically asked Putin for a raise on live TV.
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See the West has an illusion of being rich. Everything cost more to do in the West and then they have to pick one or the other to fund money shows how they aren't as rich in reality. The US didn't give these countries money before China's rise because they saw them as strategically worthless. The only thing that has changed is China is there and they're going to spend billions upon billions just to counter China in hopes of getting countries to be loyal to the West? That means more money every year to keep these countries loyal but then I just posted that article where the US expects already allies to accept no new and better access to the US market but at the same time they cannot do business with China and make no money. You have these new countries feeding off the American teat but are they expected to get no milk? The new theme of Republicans to stop Biden's plans is to claim it helps China when it has nothing to do with China. This one it really helps China because the West will be paying for infrastructure that China doesn't have to bother with and yet they will still want to business with China because the US doesn't have the milk.

Yup, exactly.

On the subject of BRI, China has them out-gunned financially, and out-finessed diplomatically.

This is not a war, so people will use polite terms when doing business.

People always talk first before doing business.

The Americans nowadays are all talk, and nothing ever gets done.

Wasn't those Soviet 5 year plans always like the law? The Americans pass a lot of laws. We know today nothing ever got done in the Soviet Union other than arms manufacturing.
