South Koreans think the current China is the 2nd coming of Imperial Japan. Somehow they think the country that controls their military and blocks peace with their ethnic kin to the north is way better. This is the overwhelming power of America that China faces. So easy to play divide and conquer games in Asia.
While the USA continues to play these games, they waste time not fixing all of their core issues. They don't have much time left to do so because the only reason they can do this is due to the US dollar and the military in SK and I am pretty sure that these polls are doctored up by the west because really, did they question ever SK person and also not have a gun pointed at their heads for not towing the line and with all the biased media playing 24.7.
Once the USA goes into economic collapse, SK can get a very good look as to how their masters go down and then watch them jump ship immediately to China because at that moment, without the USA backing them, SK will suddenly have NK, Russia and China to deal with and really, that is the greatest weakness of the USA with regards to their military, they are strong but their allies are individually weak so that the US can continue to control them without resistance. Also to note is that this kind of control is very taxing on the US economy and also very taxing on the moral of the US soldiers who have to go to all these places and not fight anybody because heck, China and Russia are smart enough not to throw the first punch and really, NK for all of its problems have the common sense not to start a fight until the right time.
Just wait for the civil war in the USA, everything is going to change so fast that no one will be prepared, least of all Australia, Japan and SK due to putting all there eggs in one basket, expecting the USA to always be there to protect them, but really on the day that the US isn't there, they should expect no mercy at all. So they either make a deal to China to prevent this so called imperial China from coming in to do a Japan WW2 invasion (so they say because they completely don't understand China but really, the west has made these nations stupid so whatever) or they will face the consequences for all of there actions, which I am sure most of the world excluding the EU and the USA and the likely will support because most of these countries have been victims of the USA and most of them would love to get even when the time is right