Miscellaneous News


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Korea think so high they want big EU firms. $100B cash with Samsung. I will not be surprized that Korea auto production inside Korea exceed inside Germany. Germany is only saved by China. I doubt Germany can develop and sustain modern vehicles without China.
Koreans have the most effective industrial supply chain management for sending components with forward factories. It is Korea that is competing with Germany for industrial labor. Kaluga is Samsung big ware house base for trucking along with factory. I mentioned earlier. watch Koreans to take advantage of crises.

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EXO-M breaking up in 2014 was symbolic of things to come. Then afterwards Chinese league of Legends teams started winning against the Koreans in world championships since 2018.

Guess the Koreans REALLY hate losing in computer games and their pop idols leaving.
Was EXO-M that much of a big deal?


Registered Member
EXO-M was huge, but mostly outside Korea. Just look at how many views and positive comments their videos get on YouTube. All the Chinese members also went on to become solo artists of their own accord.

It's kind of a symbol. It's not really that EXO-M has geopolitical power.
Why has the relationship between S.Korean public turned sour with China. I wonder what was China’s relationship with S.Korea prior to the THAAD issue souring the Sino-SK relationship.

I have this unfounded feeling and suspicion that as soon as the relationship betwen China and SK were becoming positive it alarmed those American Foreign policy blob that it had to act or create an issue where it was for sure going to deflate the relationship between the East Asian neighbors and that was the issue of North Korea and the missile defense. No sane South Korean president can say NO to the American pressure of having to host THAAD when they know full well the American subterfuge can come at full swing through Westernized Korean media, businesses, and western outward looking S.Korean public as a legacy of the American assistance during the Korean War.

The same argument can be applied to the Russia-Ukraine situation where prior to the Crimea situation, Ukrainian public were less than enthused of joining NATO according to some polls done sometime before 2013 onwards, Ukrainians had a growing positive relationship and views of Russia. So what happened? Cookies from the Nuland and prior to that the constant attack and propaganda against the malign influence of Russia in Ukrainian politics which was being seen as the main culprit for Ukrainian politicians massive corruption and that they weren't really working to help Ukrainians but that of Russia...There's already a growing dissatisfaction with how the country was being run then where most of the average Ukrainians were bombarded with images and news not just from their media but also from western leaning Ukrainians how it's best for Ukraine to be aligned with Europe/America for economic and political stability. The growing aspirations, dreams, and ambitions were the key ingredients and opening needed by the Americans to create the destabilizing operations they did in Ukraine in my opinion.