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Registered Member
The Russians didn't enter this talks thinking it will work no not at all they are experienced enough to know this
Russians, as every half-decent negotiator would do, entered the arena and took a maximalist position.
The US then also responded with its own maximalist position.

It is given that both sides will make concessions. The whole point of having the meeting is to determine who will make the most concessions.
Russia knows that the US would never accept its full demands. The US also knows that Russia would also never accept its full counter-demands.

IMO there will be a deal and the concessions done by either side will be masked behind face-saving spin and media propaganda.


Junior Member
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Russians, as every half-decent negotiator would do, entered the arena and took a maximalist position.
The US then also responded with its own maximalist position.

It is given that both sides will make concessions. The whole point of having the meeting is to determine who will make the most concessions.
Russia knows that the US would never accept its full demands. The US also knows that Russia would also never accept its full counter-demands.

IMO there will be a deal and the concessions done by either side will be masked behind face-saving spin and media propaganda.

I don't see conflict or anything of exaggerated nature occuring here or becoming the outcome here but I don't see a deal being reached here due to Ukraine being a thumb to large for Russia to swallow. The Eastern European file is also another case that I don't see a solution for either Russia accepts status-quo by standing down or the US moves out of Eastern Europe if I have to bet I would say the US won't certainly move out of Eastern Europe this is off the table. Will Russia accept status-quo not really but they will attempt to create a DMZ like zone in the area like de-militarized zone as response if all talks fail where Russia will fortify extremely it's western borders as response where all ties will falter between them.

That status will linger for decades sort of like another berlin wall being created and Russia will begin to arm itself more aggressively then previously hence we will officially be back to a cold war era and the tensions will keep boiling for atleast another 30 years but no intial conflict but what I see is Ukraine's armed forces increasing exponentially during that time and their capabilities and also another prediction is that Ukraine will gain nuclear weapons before mid 2030s and by 2050s Ukraine will become an existential threat to Russia leading to an eventual war at the mid-century point because during the entire 2020s to all the way until 2050s they will be beefing and Ukraine is going thru an acceleration of it's armed forces. They won't just clash because of miscalculation but because of world economy crash Russia will try to make everything out of that situation and quickly try to seize Ukraine. We will not see an end game until 2050s.

But Russia will not make a move on Ukraine until it knows the world economy has crashed and it has nothing to lose that is when it will come dashing and try to re-create the world order in Europe and attempt to reconstruct it
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Registered Member
160+ killed in Kazakhstan, according to the bots on twitter. Quite sad, but the worst appears to be over. Quick and effective operation from Russia which was mobilised hours after the coup began.

Good work, Russia. It would be terrible to have another Afghanistan on the border.


Registered Member
I don't see conflict or anything of exaggerated nature occuring here or becoming the outcome here but I don't see a deal being reached here due to Ukraine being a thumb to large for Russia to swallow. The Eastern European file is also another case that I don't see a solution for either Russia accepts status-quo by standing down or the US moves out of Eastern Europe if I have to bet I would say the US won't certainly move out of Eastern Europe this is off the table. Will Russia accept status-quo not really but they will attempt to create a DMZ like zone in the area like de-militarized zone as response if all talks fail where Russia will fortify extremely it's western borders as response where all ties will falter between them.

That status will linger for decades sort of like another berlin wall being created and Russia will begin to arm itself more aggressively then previously hence we will officially be back to a cold war era and the tensions will keep boiling for atleast another 30 years but no intial conflict but what I see is Ukraine's armed forces increasing exponentially during that time and their capabilities and also another prediction is that Ukraine will gain nuclear weapons before mid 2030s and by 2050s Ukraine will become an existential threat to Russia leading to an eventual war at the mid-century point because during the entire 2020s to all the way until 2050s they will be beefing and Ukraine is going thru an acceleration of it's armed forces. They won't just clash because of miscalculation but because of world economy crash Russia will try to make everything out of that situation and quickly try to seize Ukraine. We will not see an end game until 2050s.

But Russia will not make a move on Ukraine until it knows the world economy has crashed and it has nothing to lose that is when it will come dashing and try to re-create the world order in Europe and attempt to reconstruct it
Ukraine's economy is going backwards, its young are leaving for Germany and even Eastern Europe. They are struggling against a ragtag militia in Novorossiya armed with Soviet era small arms. Yet some how they will become an existential threat to Russia?

Ukraine getting nuclear weapons? No chance. A few years ago a wacky Ukrainian general mentioned it, but it's not going to happen. You're misreading the situation in Ukraine.

More likely Ukraine will alternate between pro-Russia and pro-EU administrations over the next few decades depending on the political climate, and EU/Russian subsidies and US pressure.


Junior Member
Registered Member
160+ killed in Kazakhstan, according to the bots on twitter.

CSTO has technically not been utilized because there was no need. They were called in to guard the stragetic facilities in case a civil war had broken out which it didn't. It was just a protesters mayhem for about 2 days that just fizzled out by itself. It never came to any of that.. The Kazakh security forces gained control of the country within 24 hours after the president has invoked article 4 of the CSTO treaty hence the called in CSTO was not utilitzed and won't be utilitzed in the future either as things have ended

james smith esq

Senior Member
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Although not necessary, it might be useful to move the Ukraine related posts, here, to the Ukraine Conflict Developments thread.



Junior Member
Registered Member
Ukraine's economy is going backwards, its young are leaving for Germany and even Eastern Europe. They are struggling against a ragtag militia in Novorossiya armed with Soviet era small arms. Yet some how they will become an existential threat to Russia?

Ukraine getting nuclear weapons? No chance. A few years ago a wacky Ukrainian general mentioned it, but it's not going to happen. You're misreading the situation in Ukraine.

More likely Ukraine will alternate between pro-Russia and pro-EU administrations over the next few decades depending on the political climate, and EU/Russian subsidies and US pressure.

Sorry about that I tried to join both replies but I couldn't do it somehow..

I am talking about Ukraine 30+ years in the future and besides the build-up Ukraine is going thru nobody is going thru that right now and also another thing to keep in mind is that Ukraine is desperate to survive and will do anything to gain a guaraantee or deterence agaisnt Russia and it is normal actions hence it is like forcing a cat into a wall that is Ukraine currently hence a Nuclear armed Ukraine is not only a possibility but a certainity and in line with their continuity existence as an state


Registered Member
160+ killed in Kazakhstan, according to the bots on twitter. Quite sad, but the worst appears to be over. Quick and effective operation from Russia which was mobilised hours after the coup began.

Good work, Russia. It would be terrible to have another Afghanistan on the border.
@Abominable bro lesson learned from Ukraine with practical experience in Belarus, I think the Russian with the possible assistance from China ( HK, Tibet and Xinjiang experience) had found a solution to Western style Color Revolution.

The pattern had been long established, first a US or Western Thinktank identify you country (based on economic and geopolitics), then a Western gov't issued warning of Human right abuses, then trade sanction followed, after softening up the underbellies riot and protest happen , a snap election follow , another protest regarding the election result and then people power revolution and the installation of a western back puppet gov't. So within each step the preparation takes months or years to established so countering it can be done easily IF they Acted decisively. Ohh!!! Lest I forget to add again , the precedent ,it always OCCUR the same year as the Olympics especially when it is held either in China or Russia. So a lesson for both never Bid for an Olympic event , its a curse rather than a blessing.
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