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Ignore the channel but if the news is true then guys I believe Putin is officially tired of this shit and has finally decided to use the big guns. Really the consequences are terrifying but any one this stupid should have known better then to push too far
Fundamentalists/fanatics that run the neocon/neolib US and its vassal states (including russophobic troublemakers) via US agents/Quislings do not care about facts or reality. All they see are their goals and how these goals can be reached by almost whatever means necessary. For them, the ends justify the means. I am not sure if these nutjobs are suicidal or not.


Registered Member
Fundamentalists/fanatics that run the neocon/neolib US and its vassal states (including russophobic troublemakers) via US agents/Quislings do not care about facts or reality. All they see are their goals and how these goals can be reached by almost whatever means necessary. For them, the ends justify the means. I am not sure if these nutjobs are suicidal or not.

Yeah, exactly.

This is precisely what Chairman Mao said.

Chairman Mao quotation: "The Americans are not reasonable. Give them no choice, then they are reasonable."

Okay, I am repeating myself. Ad naseum. Ad infinitum too probably.

But the larger point ... hey! We have seen this before.

China still here, and growing!



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Another pathetic attempt at money grab. You purposely apply for a Moderators job knowing very well you'll be exposed to a ton of vile stuff. And then you claim you're mentally shook and now want money.

Its like a Coroner suing the Govt that dead bodies give him nightmares. Like bruh its your job.


Registered Member
It will be hilarious to see the reaction of anglos and vassals if sectarian violence killing large number of muslims really happen in india
How will they spin it lol
Not really report much of it... I remember the protest/riots where score of muslim protesters (maybe double or three digit?) died during a long muslim citizenship protest/kashimir blackout and i only saw some of it on euro news for a couple days. It was instead 24/7 hk protest propaganda here in the us and us social media space like reddit.


Registered Member
It will be hilarious to see the reaction of anglos and vassals if sectarian violence killing large number of muslims really happen in india
How will they spin it lol

India, will always be India. They are in the QUAD for themselves, as they envision themselves are leaders or co-leaders of the QUAD sitting besides America, with the down under people and those Chinese looking like people as support pieces.

India is in the QUAD for themselves.

America's influence in the region, anywhere around China, that is definitely in flux.

What we probably should look for, or look at, is the so-called American allies.

India is not, and probably never will be an American ally. They are equals.

There is Korea, and both North and South talking about a peace agreement, to official end the Korean War.

There is the Philippines, and the Marcos family along with the Duterte family, will be in power, which kind of means American influence is waning there.

There is Thailand, and things never have been the same after the Vietnam War and the periodic coups. Them getting close to China does not help that alliance, the Thais a big supporter of Huawei gear.

There is Japan, who says all the right things. The other day, the Huawei website reported they made a deal with a Japanese company. Guess Japan never did ban Huawei. Seems like Japan is trying to please two masters. That seems to be the proper strategy. Japan should sit back and watch and wait, see who wins the struggle between China and America then choose that side. The Japanese actions in accordance with the QUAD (where USA has trade war, Aussies have trade punishment, where India soldiers killed, all with QUAD interaction with China) where and when did Japan pay its dues for that that? They never paid. Japan's purpose in the QUAD is to let the others fight.

That is what I believe we should be looking at. The grip that America has on its allies in the region is loosening, except for Morrison man.

The grip could loosen to a point, where you no longer got a grip at all.

Or there could be a shock event where they have to drop that utensil.

For example, the UAE cancelling their F-35 contract because they would rather work with Huawei gear. The Americans fully believed they had a handle on that situation. That was not true, they lost their grip, and the UAE made it official when they bought those 80 Rafales.

The Americans do not seem to understand, that it is not enough to say stuff and proclaim that they are Americans. They have to compete. They have to compete with China, and offer a better deal.

So far we are still waiting.

Sooner or later, people move on if nothing really changes.



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This article has a misleading title and the write up doesn't precisely convey what Zhang was saying. But if you only read the direct quotes, listed below, you can see that instead of PREDICTING US bouncing back (which you disagreed), he is arguing we should NOT predict the future because it's futile. And definitely should NOT act like we are destined to win. I can't agree more. Underestimating or just write off our rival is the last thing China should do in this historical junction.

“The US’ role as a global leader is declining but, from historical experience, the US is also a country with a strong capacity for self-regulation. So it needs to be seen whether there will be an adjustment in the United States in the future,”
“It is important that we do not pin the hopes for our development on the inability of the United States to solve its own problems,”

I don't mean to be rude, but I think dismissing the US as a 'parasite' is probably the type of thoughts Zhang is warning against. Do they benefit from their hegemonic position? certainly. But that's hardly their only source of power. we underestimate our enemy to our own detriment. Qing made the fatal error of dismissing western achievements, resulting China being humiliated for a century. The west underestimated China's ability to constantly reinvent herself, making it just a bit easier for us.

In the end, the past can not be changed, so we have to accept it no matter how hard it is. and the future is unwritten, so we have to actually write it.
just finished watching this debate. the content is actually meh for this forum. the interesting part is how Allison and Stilwell mirrors Chinese analysts/commentator. If you know anything about these two Americans, you know they are highly patriotic and as pro-American as anyone you meet. But Allison is the one that is not blinded by what side he is on and can recognize China's strength. He sees China's strength but know the US also have a few tricks up her sleeves. He recognizes China has issues but understand the US ain't perfect either. Then he says, OK, how we should go from here. That's the mark of a shrewd and calculative geostrategist. But all Stilwell can do is collect a list of China's faults/errors (many hyped up) like a kid hoarding candy. It certainly made him feel good as you can see how energetically he aired his list.

I think what Zhang wanted (as in the SCMP article I originally quoted) is for us Chinese patriots to be more like Allison, not Stilwell, for China. Here I want to stress what Stilwell said in the end: China's rise was because the US was nice and let her; now the US is in competition mode, the game is over for China. So again, let's be more like Allison, not Stilwell, when we analyze the US and all the other competitors.



Senior Member
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Ignore the channel but if the news is true then guys I believe Putin is officially tired of this shit and has finally decided to use the big guns. Really the consequences are terrifying but any one this stupid should have known better then to push too far
Ignore the channel then ignore its "news"... see nowhere of such story then we should know what kind of quality this youtube blogger... better stick to Alexander Mercouris, if things like this one really happens as she meant it then Alex won't miss it as well as many other Alt sources, and the MSM should have screamed out!

If what she meant was the Yamal pipeline then nothing is new.

Gazprom halts gas transit to Germany via Yamal pipeline (RT, 21 DEC 2021)

Deliveries of Russian natural gas to Germany through the Yamal-Europe pipeline have been completely halted, data from the country’s transport operator, Gascade, revealed on Tuesday morning.

The suspension of the flow comes after a weekend in which the volume being sent through the network dropped significantly, just as demand for energy in both Russia and the rest of Europe reached its winter peak. On Monday, it was reported that state-owned giant Gazprom, the system’s operator in Russia and Belarus, had booked no capacity at all for transiting natural gas on Tuesday.

...the drop in supply may be due to Russia having prioritized its storage to keep its own citizens warm as some parts of the country endure frigid temperatures.

“It is possible that cold weather here in Russia is limiting Gazprom’s export capacity to an extent, and/or they are working to keep Russian storage as full as possible,

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Registered Member
just finished watching this debate. the content is actually meh for this forum. the interesting part is how Allison and Stilwell mirrors Chinese analysts/commentator.

That Stillwell guy is outrageous. It is like he just graduated from high school or middle school yesterday.

Another way to view that video, is that the Professor guy Allison is on the negotiation or acceptance stage in the 5 stages of grief.

The other guy Stillwell is in deep denial. The guy is clueless.

Ever wonder how the Americans how to could lose in Vietnam and lose in Afghanistan? They got people like General Stillwell in charge. That is simply unbelievable that that guy was a general, hahahaha!

As for what they plan to do with China, ie, what do they think should be American strategy?

The Stillwell guy has no strategy because we already reached peak China and it is going downhill.

The professor Allison actually thought about it, and we can tell from his facial expression, he thought about it a lot.

In short, it is a modified containment of China. He wants an American lead network of allies of like minded countries to set the rules that China must operate in. That is the American strategy as we know it today, hence a big emphasis on the allies sticking together. By setting the rules, America should have more opportunity to advance its own interests.
