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The Ukraine - Russia tensions has increased and the summit has apparently hit a wall which only lead to more tensions.

* Due to the difference being great it was not possible to agree on anything
* Resulted in basically Putin keeping his forces along the border intact and saying he won't remove they are inside their own border

*His demands for eastward expansion was also denied he was basically demanding Ukraine to not be admitted into NATO including retreat of heavy weapons from the Baltic states and Poland nor putting there heavy weapons and ofcourse both were gonna get denied.

Washtington always knew that Putin or Russia was gonna become an eventual issue and it came to them sooner then later this will make NATO and US to direct their main focus on this front in the next decade or so whereas China will take backseat on the focus list and in fact everything else will take complete backseat as the Russian file is being taken very serious in the EU and US as this could unraval the entire western civilization if Putin was to press forward into Ukraine and invade many of the eastern european countries could break rank from the EU and NATO as a result of that meaning Putin is the greatest spoiler for them right now who is driving the knife inside them currently and they are taking this very very serious.

*I don't know if you have noticed there media has been slightly silent on the normal Anti-Chinese articles that use to flow and it is not because they have forgotten about China it is just because they are now all focussing on Ukraine and Russia hence their attention just diverted there.

*NATO's main head-quarters are there and if NATO has to win WW3 and re-ethablish another world order something similar to the Post-WW2 world then the journey will start from East-Europe that is what they have been planning for generations just fortitying the east but it is also coincidence that their first front will be there because they didn't know Russia will relapse into again the evil of axis and that is just from their point of view don't quote me on that evil of axis part just narrating from their point of view here..

*They will attempt to avoid war both sides for as long as possible but this is not possible in the long term and I mean by that in the coming few decades as Ukraine will also grow militarily with time and this is officially another DMZ zone the battle may be frozen for few decades but you know it will ignite one day for sure just like the DMZ


Registered Member
This happened a few days ago and I think it's worth to post here. The US imposes arm embargo on Cambodia cites close relationship with China.

Except some equipment donated by The US, I don't recall we have any meaningful equipment in our military. Cambodia doesn't buy US weapon anyway because it is simply too expensive. Our Prime Minister orders to recall all US weapon in use for storage or destroyed. This is the strongest and most important sentence: "Know that if you want to be independent in the field of defense, do not use American weapons"

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@SteelBird yeah correct bro from first hand experience, it's a way of perpetuating its imperialist policy. Duterte had a taste when our order of already paid 20,000 assault rifle had been halted. From then on we diversify our suppliers which saves us a lot of money thru competitive bidding instead of a single supplier. And since most of the US supplied arms are from Surplus stock and are old thus in constant need of repairs. Most of our fatalities are from accidents not in armed encounter.

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Oct 31, 2016 — The U.S. State Department halted the planned sale of some 26000 assault rifles to the Philippines' national police after Senator Ben Cardin ...
Missing: 20000


Registered Member
The Ukraine - Russia tensions has increased and the summit has apparently hit a wall which only lead to more tensions.

* Due to the difference being great it was not possible to agree on anything
* Resulted in basically Putin keeping his forces along the border intact and saying he won't remove they are inside their own border

*His demands for eastward expansion was also denied he was basically demanding Ukraine to not be admitted into NATO including retreat of heavy weapons from the Baltic states and Poland nor putting there heavy weapons and ofcourse both were gonna get denied.

Washtington always knew that Putin or Russia was gonna become an eventual issue and it came to them sooner then later this will make NATO and US to direct their main focus on this front in the next decade or so whereas China will take backseat on the focus list and in fact everything else will take complete backseat as the Russian file is being taken very serious in the EU and US as this could unraval the entire western civilization if Putin was to press forward into Ukraine and invade many of the eastern european countries could break rank from the EU and NATO as a result of that meaning Putin is the greatest spoiler for them right now who is driving the knife inside them currently and they are taking this very very serious.

*I don't know if you have noticed there media has been slightly silent on the normal Anti-Chinese articles that use to flow and it is not because they have forgotten about China it is just because they are now all focussing on Ukraine and Russia hence their attention just diverted there.

*NATO's main head-quarters are there and if NATO has to win WW3 and re-ethablish another world order something similar to the Post-WW2 world then the journey will start from East-Europe that is what they have been planning for generations just fortitying the east but it is also coincidence that their first front will be there because they didn't know Russia will relapse into again the evil of axis and that is just from their point of view don't quote me on that evil of axis part just narrating from their point of view here..

*They will attempt to avoid war both sides for as long as possible but this is not possible in the long term and I mean by that in the coming few decades as Ukraine will also grow militarily with time and this is officially another DMZ zone the battle may be frozen for few decades but you know it will ignite one day for sure just like the DMZ because it is unsettled affair
@Arnies Interesting! Bro pls post it at Ukraine thread so we can discuss it at a proper venue. :)


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China will 100% support Russia in any Russia-NATO conflict, but until such a conflict happens, China wants to continue doing business with Ukraine.

China shouldn't get involved in it but rather help Russia only with material.. I know alot of Chinese assume Russia is vital ally that could shift the tie over to them but that is necessarily not true.

Russia is shrinking in population and just slowly fading away there is nothing they could add to China's foreign policy or ambitions but it is good to have them on your side but sacrificing them to get India is much better..

The US endgame plan is West+Islamic world+India against China-Russia it is basically a shrinking Russia with China against the whole world this is not a fair fight by all means.. This is what Pakistan is here for to make sure it is a fair fight.. We can't allow our Chinese brethen to get tagged-teamed not happening on our watch.

The question is how? working in the shadows first The Gulf is basically Pakistani protectorate and Nuclear guaraantor states they won't join alliance against Pakistan that is no.1 and the second is Turkey despite being NATO they have good ties with Pakistan who will share nuke tech at moments of need hence they can't go against Pakistan.. You have Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Jordan All these states are GCC influenced they will follow the GCC. The Central Asian states are to afriad to engage NATO hence they will just watch Russia get swept aside and lament their demise shedding tears for them from a far. Azerbaijan is basically Turkey's brother nation or extension.

Iran is the worst ally anyone could pick in this game of positioning they are just playing with a very poor hand. Anyone going with them could be enough to cause that someone who gambled on them defeat to themselves as well that is how bad hand it is. They will probably go down even before Russia by a decade or so..

You got Indonesia-Malaysia these two will likely want to join the US they are lackeys but Pakistan has lobbies in their countries and have somewhat influence over them to tell them to sit down and to scold them..

In my honest opinion using Russia as bait is the only solution once that front begins we take India or we trade Russia for India.. Because these on the other side in eastern europe aka NATO won't mind doing the trade if they were to storm Russia getting extra guraantees from us that nobody would come to the russkies aid and in return they don't come to India's aid that is a fair trade off if you ask me
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