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Registered Member
Anyone read on the resignation of Lithuania's FM ? If history is to go back, China might follow up by declaring a sanction on him.(Remember Mike Pompeo?)
I heard about it this morning, and expected it to be relating to the Taiwan policy. Its not.

The Lithuanian minister was involved in helping a Belarusian company bypass American sanctions, standard eastern Euro corruption.


Registered Member
Is this a man or a woman ?!?!
Is she a trans woman? The gay agenda has really made a lot of inroads in Taiwan which essentially makes that province's false bravado that more ridiculous. While being a trans person doesn't automatically means combat inferiority or make our fellow brothers and sisters wholly unsuitable for military service, the culture being broadcasted and penetrated to that province isn't a martial culture or even stresses the immediacy and urgency of life and death vis a vis Chinese invasion per it's own media, political leaders and it's western benefactors.

Unless modern combat has eliminated the need for warrior ethos and human martial components of combat then I just don't see how the prevailing attitude of care free, let the white people save their bacons, will produce the necessary deterrence against a more determined foe in China.


China shouldn't get involved in it but rather help Russia only with material.. I know alot of Chinese assume Russia is vital ally that could shift the tie over to them but that is necessarily not true.

Russia is shrinking in population and just slowly fading away there is nothing they could add to China's foreign policy or ambitions but it is good to have them on your side but sacrificing them to get India is much better..

The US endgame plan is West+Islamic world+India against China-Russia it is basically a shrinking Russia with China against the whole world this is not a fair fight by all means.. This is what Pakistan is here for to make sure it is a fair fight.. We can't allow our Chinese brethen to get tagged-teamed not happening on our watch.

The question is how? working in the shadows first The Gulf is basically Pakistani protectorate and Nuclear guaraantor states they won't join alliance against Pakistan that is no.1 and the second is Turkey despite being NATO they have good ties with Pakistan who will share nuke tech at moments of need hence they can't go against Pakistan.. You have Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Jordan All these states are GCC influenced they will follow the GCC. The Central Asian states are to afriad to engage NATO hence they will just watch Russia get swept aside and lament their demise shedding tears for them from a far. Azerbaijan is basically Turkey's brother nation or extension.

Iran is the worst ally anyone could pick in this game of positioning they are just playing with a very poor hand. Anyone going with them could be enough to cause that someone who gambled on them defeat to themselves as well that is how bad hand it is. They will probably go down even before Russia by a decade or so..

You got Indonesia-Malaysia these two will likely want to join the US they are lackeys but Pakistan has lobbies in their countries and have somewhat influence over them to tell them to sit down and to scold them..

In my honest opinion using Russia as bait is the only solution once that front begins we take India or we trade Russia for India.. Because these on the other side in eastern europe aka NATO won't mind doing the trade if they were to storm Russia getting extra guraantees from us that nobody would come to the russkies aid and in return they don't come to India's aid that is a fair trade off if you ask me


Any time there is a tripolar situation, the best strategy for the most powerful faction is to create division between its two opponent. Conversely, the best strategy for the other two factions is to unite against the most powerful faction.

China, US, and Russia will remain the three major world powers for the foreseeable future. The Islamic world is too fragmented to do anything as a bloc, and India will remain a basket case because it bought into the Western propaganda. Likewise, the EU is too mired in various self-interests. All other nations are either bit players or bystanders. It would be extremely foolish for China not to support Russia in the current situation.


Registered Member
Is she a trans woman? The gay agenda has really made a lot of inroads in Taiwan which essentially makes that province's false bravado that more ridiculous. While being a trans person doesn't automatically means combat inferiority or make our fellow brothers and sisters wholly unsuitable for military service, the culture being broadcasted and penetrated to that province isn't a martial culture or even stresses the immediacy and urgency of life and death vis a vis Chinese invasion per it's own media, political leaders and it's western benefactors.

Unless modern combat has eliminated the need for warrior ethos and human martial components of combat then I just don't see how the prevailing attitude of care free, let the white people save their bacons, will produce the necessary deterrence against a more determined foe in China.
I read the other day that Taiwan is the only country in Asia to allow gay marriage.

Japan is a very modern society, Philipines highly christianised , Vietnam and many others are highly secularised. Yet all recognise that it is an alien concept to Asia.


Junior Member
Registered Member

Any time there is a tripolar situation, the best strategy for the most powerful faction is to create division between its two opponent. Conversely, the best strategy for the other two factions is to unite against the most powerful faction.

China, US, and Russia will remain the three major world powers for the foreseeable future. The Islamic world is too fragmented to do anything as a bloc, and India will remain a basket case because it bought into the Western propaganda. Likewise, the EU is too mired in various self-interests. All other nations are either bit players or bystanders. It would be extremely foolish for China not to support Russia in the current situation.

But why storm to Europe to save them and leave you rear and behind uncovered against you know who the servant. Yes I agree the Islamic world is not a single united element but they are strong individually and whomever they side with it will tip the tie over to them. They are strong individually and they have plentiful numbres.

Russia is only assumed to be a power because of the USSR and their nulcear stockpile but alot of people don't see Russia as it should have been seen which is declining on all areas and with a NATO incursion it is over and there is nothing China can do about it because they will not advance before securing their flanks. Russians is not enough when you consider the magnitude this is gonna be at


Registered Member
I read the other day that Taiwan is the only country in Asia to allow gay marriage.

Japan is a very modern society, Philipines highly christianised , Vietnam and many others are highly secularised. Yet all recognise that it is an alien concept to Asia.
Gay marriage is being pushed so heavily in the Philippines by their celebrities, some of which are American born Filipinos. I don't have any issues for our gay brothers and gay sisters to marry another human being whom they want to spend a portion of their lives with. But I can't seem to wrap my head around intersectionality where a man today can become a woman tomorrow vice-versa and that's just fine and dandy. Our sexuality can be replaced and changed just like changing clothes or chewing a different gum, it boggles my mind and I thought I was an open minded person. Little did I know that am a traditionalists when it comes to gender norms and I understand there are enough people out there that would abhor my viewpoints and would be perfectly okay to hang my crap on the cross of cancel culture pervasive in the west.

I don't know how and why the trans movement is being heavily pushed or shoved down the throats to the societies of the world.