If China has as much leverage as the US then we should not see a "global operations sales" of Tik Tok, it would make no strategic sense as the soft power gain from Tik Tok far out strips any financial compensation the US can provide in return.You got it backwards, its China that has the killswitch over the US AI and US economy
Killing Huawei was 100x more important than Tiktok. US already used up all its cards, best one was EUV.
Even supposing US had a magical killswitch, why would they waste it on TikTok? Does not pass litmus test
The only compensation of similar value to a Tik Tok sale is turning over Taiwan and TSMC on a platter - that could be worth it to control the global hardware supply chain, in exchange for the US controlling the global software supply chain. Anything less is a steal.