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Junior Member
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Were you aware that since Federal Republic of Germany was established no political party ever managed to win absolute majority ?

Did you notice that AfD is being avoided like the plague by rest of the mainstream parties ?

AfD won the regional election in Thuringia last year, but CDU, SPD and BSW joined forces to prevent AfD from governing. The fact complete opposites like CDU and BSW were willing to work together should tell you how determined everyone is to keep AfD from power.

Scenarios I listed are only theoretically possible but not plausible at all.

Are you even sure the Federal Republic of Germany will continue to exist in its current form twenty or thirty years from now?!



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Someone get this idiot to the Greek, he has officially lost his cognitive skills to the point where if someone Sparta kick him in the ass into an Indian back house, he might actually enjoy instead of registering the pain/stink like anyone else with normally working brain. Damn this old bastard is a threat to the world, no only in terms of accidentally pressing the big red button, but for doing irreversible damage to my brain from pure stupidity, I should sue that fool like a typical Karen, I might actually win in court given how retarded the collective lot seem to have become. Deagle man have you considered taking a long vacation somewhere safe for the time being, those people seem to be matching head first into a genus world record how how to empty at least 2/3 of the entire population while crying about how China did it, IN A SINGLE YEAR with very little input from China might I add, who will also get the genus world record of the quickest owning of an entire nation in a single year without doing anything to them. Even Russia cannot claim that one


Junior Member
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Western media are now reporting the rebellion:
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The company has never been named as "RedNote" - this is the type of bullshit cultural appropriation that MSM is doing.

Can't wait for the House Select Committee on the CCP to find out that TikTok refugees are migrating to an app that literally means Little Red Book.

RedNote's original Chinese name is Xiaohongshu:

Xiao = Little
Hong = Red
Shu = Book

You don't need a history degree to know that this is an obvious nod to Chairman Mao's bestseller.