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Why do I have to pick a side? In every forum there are opposing predominant ideas. It is not possible for everyone to be always right or wrong. In reality, there are right and wrong points on all sides.

It is a colossal stupidity to form an opinion following the herd and not being able to filter what is fact or simple propagated belief.

In American and Brazilian forums I have presented arguments similar to yours to contest the narrative of Ukrainian victory. Some politely disagreed, others went downhill like you with personal attacks. It's life.

In those forums the majority are bovinely pro-Ukraine and believe that Ukraine is winning, you would be made a laughingstock in them.

Here, on the other hand, the majority are moderately pro-Russian and politely accept independent opinions, except for you who always resort to personal attacks when you disagree with someone, curiously looking like the Ukrainian fans with the opposite orientation. I don't do this thing.

If I just wanted to get likes and be accepted I would repeat the predominant ideas in each forum, but I only use forums to inform myself independently and that's why I occasionally just present a counterpoint to what is just a cope. Only you resembled the Ukrainian fans here, however.

No. I just pointed out Russia's contradictory policy in this war. Putin has repeatedly said that he would attack decision-making centers if Ukraine and the West crossed the red lines that Putin himself drew, but whenever the West ignored Russian red lines, Putin never kept his words and there were never attacks on decision-making centers in Ukraine.

This is the lack of deterrence and posturing that I criticized. If Russia really wants to win, it will have to keep its word. Or yes, the war will end in a stalemate.

Russia has full capacity to do to Ukraine what Israel did to Syria and Lebanon, but for some reason Russia stops keeping their word and loses deterrence and respect. Losing a general in their own capital is serious and only happened due to incompetence and loss of respect from the enemy with impunity.
Switzerland having it's mask off moment due to Ukraine shows there's no such thing as true neutrality. You will always be biased towards one side especially when the stakes get higher. Then your true colours come out.

In a fight/match most of the time there will be a winner and there will be a loser. You cant fence sit hoping it will somehow be a draw.


Registered Member
Why do I have to pick a side? In every forum there are opposing predominant ideas. It is not possible for everyone to be always right or wrong. In reality, there are right and wrong points on all sides.

It is a colossal stupidity to form an opinion following the herd and not being able to filter what is fact or simple propagated belief.

In American and Brazilian forums I have presented arguments similar to yours to contest the narrative of Ukrainian victory. Some politely disagreed, others went downhill like you with personal attacks. It's life.

In those forums the majority are bovinely pro-Ukraine and believe that Ukraine is winning, you would be made a laughingstock in them.

Here, on the other hand, the majority are moderately pro-Russian and politely accept independent opinions, except for you who always resort to personal attacks when you disagree with someone, curiously looking like the Ukrainian fans with the opposite orientation. I don't do this thing.

If I just wanted to get likes and be accepted I would repeat the predominant ideas in each forum, but I only use forums to inform myself independently and that's why I occasionally just present a counterpoint to what is just a cope. Only you resembled the Ukrainian fans here, however.

No. I just pointed out Russia's contradictory policy in this war. Putin has repeatedly said that he would attack decision-making centers if Ukraine and the West crossed the red lines that Putin himself drew, but whenever the West ignored Russian red lines, Putin never kept his words and there were never attacks on decision-making centers in Ukraine.

This is the lack of deterrence and posturing that I criticized. If Russia really wants to win, it will have to keep its word. Or yes, the war will end in a stalemate.
The list of hits on Ukrainian officials and leaders is quite exhaustive and goes beyond what Israel has done in their war on the resistance

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It makes sense not to hit Zelensky himself, it would only create a martyr while if he stays, he'll be more and more hated like Assad was.
Russia has full capacity to do to Ukraine what Israel did to Syria and Lebanon,
You mean walk in, take some unpopulated territory, kill a few 10 000s over a year then back out?

Yeah, China should sack Putin like Assad ended up sacked if he has the idea to perform like Israel has been doing in Lebanon and Gaza. US should sack Netanyahu as well but they don't have the political will to do it.


Why do I have to pick a side?
It's called being a consistent person rather than a troll. But trolls are ok if they're strong debators and good trolls. That's certainly not you.
In every forum there are opposing predominant ideas. It is not possible for everyone to be always right or wrong. In reality, there are right and wrong points on all sides.
Except I find you here making the wrong points, such as Russia not using missiles or it being the same as Hezbollah/Iran against a Ukrainian Israel. That is definitely the wrong point.
It is a colossal stupidity to form an opinion following the herd and not being able to filter what is fact or simple propagated belief.
By picking SDF while living in the West, that is already NOT following the herd. That you propogate this to mean that you can't be mainstream in any group essentially means being a loner with an unstable opinion.
In American and Brazilian forums I have presented arguments similar to yours to contest the narrative of Ukrainian victory. Some politely disagreed, others went downhill like you with personal attacks. It's life.
That's being a troll. You present my arguments to other people and present theirs to me? Are you able to debate with your own opinion or are you just a telephone?
In these forums the majority are bovinely pro-Ukraine and believe that Ukraine is winning, you would be made a laughingstock in them.
That's you right here. I'm arguing against you, apparently presenting their opinions, except I haven't seen a single thing to explain how Russia can be grabbing land while losing.
Here, the majority are moderately pro-Russian and politely accept independent opinions,
They accept some, as do I, but not yours, seeing has how everyone argues against you or laughs at your posts.
except for you who always resort to personal attacks when you disagree with someone,
No, not always. It's only when the debate gets to a level so stupid that it's apparent one side can't even read or respond on point.
curiously looking like the Ukrainian fans with the opposite orientation.
Except I present facts to support what I say while the "opposite orientation" just calls them "long text" and "absurd."
I don't do this thing.
Logic, you mean
If I just wanted to get likes and be accepted I would repeat the predominant ideas in each forum
If conformation to the standards is not your thing, then don't accuse me of dropping the standards when they agree much more with me than you.
, but I only use forums to inform myself independently
Then just read
and that's why I occasionally just present a counterpoint to what is just a cope.
Except you presented it confidently as if it were the truth, and then it gets destroyed by facts.
Only you resembled the Ukrainian fans here, however.
Did they present facts? I'm not seeing any of them. If you cannot come up with your own original arguments, can you at least be a competent telephone so I can argue against whatever supporting evidence they wish to present? Or are they really just stuck at "long text=absurd?"
No. I just pointed out Russia's contradictory policy in this war. Putin has repeatedly said that he would attack decision-making centers if Ukraine and the West crossed the red lines that Putin himself drew, but whenever the West ignored Russian red lines, Putin never kept his words and there were never attacks on decision-making centers in Ukraine.
I will accept this observation, but it is amidst a backdrop of Russians slowing winning the war, increasing their territory and grinding down the enemies both in personel and in resources, so ultimately, the observation is a detail.
This is the lack of deterrence and posturing that I criticized. If Russia really wants to win, it will have to keep its word. Or yes, the war will end in a stalemate.
Or much more likely a slow Russian victory as it looks now. You don't know.
Russia has full capacity to do to Ukraine what Israel did to Syria and Lebanon, but for some reason Russia stops keeping their word and loses deterrence
That is your assumption. Like I said, the war is not easy as Ukraine is well-armed and heavily allied. Despite that, Russia is winning. And even if your assumption were correct, the reasons mentioned prior explain why Russia may withhold its full power. Either way, Russia is in control. It is opposite to your narrative (or your copied narrative) that Russia is like Hezbollah/Iran losing everything to Israel while getting all their leaders killed.
and respect.
Depends on who from. From simple-minded people who only respect those who kill and kill without reservation, maybe. From those who understand complexities, we respect Russia all the same for standing against all of America's henchmen at once, winning, using it as an oppertunity to better itself and furthering the strategic interests of the Sino-Russian alliance at the same time.
Losing a general in their own capital is serious
Anything is "serious." America having a mini-aircraft carrier burn down in San Diego is serious; doesn't mean that the USN is no longer respected.
and only happened due to incompetence and
They need to improve, as we all do.
loss of respect from the enemy with impunity.
I think you are too obsessed with earning respect, particularly that of your enemies. Enemies are for killing, not for impressing. Ukraine's military population is getting decimated and Russia is taking their land. They don't respect Russia? It's funny LOLOL
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Switzerland having it's mask off moment due to Ukraine shows there's no such thing as true neutrality. You will always be biased towards one side especially when the stakes get higher. Then your true colours come out.

In a fight/match most of the time there will be a winner and there will be a loser. You cant fence sit hoping it will somehow be a draw.
I'm not neutral. I am for Russia in this conflict. But this does not prevent me from seeing errors and problems in the Russian conduct of the war and expressing my considerations.

It's called being a consistent person rather than a troll. But trolls are ok if they're strong debators and good trolls. That's certainly not you.

Except I find you here making the wrong points, such as Russia not using missiles or it being the same as Hezbollah/Iran against a Ukrainian Israel. That is definitely the wrong point.

By picking SDF while living in the West, that is already NOT following the herd. That you propogate this to mean that you can't be mainstream in any group essentially means being a loner with an unstable opinion.

That's being a troll. You present my arguments to other people and present theirs to me? Are you able to debate with your own opinion or are you just a telephone?

That's you right here. I'm arguing against you, apparently presenting their opinions, except I haven't seen a single thing to explain how Russia can be grabbing land while losing.

They accept some, as do I, but not yours, seeing has how everyone argues against you or laughs at your posts.

No, not always. It's only when the debate gets to a level so stupid that it's apparent one side can't even read or respond on point.

Except I present facts to support what I say while the "opposite orientation" just calls them "long text" and "absurd."

Logic, you mean

If conformation to the standards is not your thing, then don't accuse me of dropping the standards when they agree much more with me than you.

Then just read

Except you presented it confidently as if it were the truth, and then it gets destroyed by facts.

Did they present facts? I'm not seeing any of them. If you cannot come up with your own original arguments, can you at least be a competent telephone so I can argue against whatever supporting evidence they wish to present? Or are they really just stuck at "long text=absurd?"

I will accept this observation, but it is amidst a backdrop of Russians slowing winning the war, increasing their territory and grinding down the enemies both in personel and in resources, so ultimately, the observation is a detail.

Or much more likely a slow Russian victory as it looks now. You don't know.

That is your assumption. Like I said, the war is not easy as Ukraine is well-armed and heavily allied. Despite that, Russia is winning. And even if your assumption were correct, the reasons mentioned prior explain why Russia may withhold its full power. Either way, Russia is in control. It is opposite to your narrative (or your copied narrative) that Russia is like Hezbollah/Iran losing everything to Israel while getting all their leaders killed.

Depends on who from. From simple-minded people who only respect those who kill and kill without reservation, maybe. From those who understand complexities, we respect Russia all the same for standing against all of America's henchmen at once, winning, using it as an oppertunity to better itself and furthering the strategic interests of the Sino-Russian alliance at the same time.

Anything is "serious." America having a mini-aircraft carrier burn down in San Diego is serious; doesn't mean that the USN is no longer respected.

They need to improve, as we all do.

I think you are too obsessed with earning respect, particularly that of your enemies. Enemies are for killing, not for impressing. Ukraine's military population is getting decimated and Russia is taking their land. They don't respect Russia? It's funny LOLOL
I have my own opinions and I don't need to convince anyone

Certainly having a moderate opinion can be seen as trolling by narrow-minded extremists from both sides. But, c'est la vie.

If you choose to behave like a Western LGBT pro-Ukraine from Twitter with these personal attacks and obsessions against those who think differently, that's your cultural choice and your problem, at least it's a entertainment and I have fun with these childish tantrums.


Lieutenant General
There’s an LA Times editorial making “fun” of Great Britain having a GDP lower than the poorest state, Mississippi, in the US. It claims GB should be more like the US. I thought they already were being a democracy. Maybe the actual problem is the US has its allies by the balls because virtually all of them are doing worse than you expect from the wonderful democratic system they live in. Look at how they can’t sell advanced technology, the only thing they have that the rest of the world doesn’t to sell to others because the US wants its adversaries not to have it. What does GB and other US allies have that can’t be bought somewhere else? The “over capacity” problem European economies have being dependent on being able to sell to others in order to make enough money to live a first world lifestyle is what’s the problem. The “rich” US can’t even help its allies because it too is spending more that they can make hence why the huge debt. That’s what it costs being a US ally. The US gets to dictate everything you can or cannot do when it wants. The US wants that kind of control over China so it’s not as powerful as it is now.


Registered Member
Turks are based if they shank the kurds, otherwise they're slaves of US.
Will it? Also regarding those "moderate rebels"?

Lol there's like a million of drones that look kinda like that all across China. But those in US are with 99.9% chance nothing directly to do with China. Why would China stick lights on their drones deployed over an adversary? (they might have been imported from China though)

I think the regime itself lost some item(s) and they're now looking for it. They've not revealed why those drones are up because it would be too embarrassing to admit.

That's hardly surprising because we know US has huge struggles with general carelessness and corruption. Only a matter of time until one of those many un-auditable and unsupervised branches of government misplace something important.


Junior Member
Registered Member
There’s an LA Times editorial making “fun” of Great Britain having a GDP lower than the poorest state, Mississippi, in the US. It claims GB should be more like the US. I thought they already were being a democracy. Maybe the actual problem is the US has its allies by the balls because virtually all of them are doing worse than you expect from the wonderful democratic system they live in. Look at how they can’t sell advanced technology, the only thing they have that the rest of the world doesn’t to sell to others because the US wants its adversaries not to have it. What does GB and other US allies have that can’t be bought somewhere else? The “over capacity” problem European economies have being dependent on being able to sell to others in order to make enough money to live a first world lifestyle is what’s the problem. The “rich” US can’t even help its allies because it too is spending more that they can make hence why the huge debt. That’s what it costs being a US ally. The US gets to dictate everything you can or cannot do when it wants. The US wants that kind of control over China so it’s not as powerful as it is now.
The US is literally printing dollars and therefore GDP, with an astronomical debt.

If the UK and other European countries imitate the US it would be enough to print money and inflate the GDP too, but the result will be more similar to that of Türkiye, Argentina and Zimbabwe.

Europe does not have the same prestige, only the dollar is inflated and accepted worldwide, so only the USA has this privilege of, for now, depending on debt and currency issuance. But there will certainly be a limit and this US bubble will burst, as has happened on other occasions.


I'm not neutral. I am for Russia in this conflict. But this does not prevent me from seeing errors and problems in the Russian conduct of the war and expressing my considerations.
That's not what you did. Everyone has concerns but you're essentially saying that the winning side is getting run over like Hezbollah/Iran.
I have my own opinions and I don't need to convince anyone
Ultimately, that is the final escape for those who can't debate. Those who truly feel no need to convince anyone just keep their thoughts to themselves.
Certainly having a moderate opinion can be seen as trolling by narrow-minded extremists from both sides.
You don't have a moderate opinion; you have a wrong opinion here characterizing a winner as the loser. People with moderate opinions are very rarely troubled by the crowd. Elsewhere combined, you more likely have an erratic unstable opinion from what you said.
But, c'est la vie.
Of someone who's wrong.
If you choose to behave like a Western LGBT pro-Ukraine from Twitter with these personal attacks and obsessions against those who think differently,
Oh do Western LGBT pro-Ukraine like to debate with a lot of facts proving you wrong like I do? I just do it against people with very stupid and demonstrably wrong opinions, like you characterizing something that is factually wrong as just another opinion. In actuality, there are many opinions here that are left unchallenged by anyone, including me, because they're actually just different instead of being stupid or wrong. But unfortunately for you, claiming something like the earth is flat (or that an invasion force gaining territory is comparable to one that is losing) is just not going to be accepted as a different or "moderate" opinion.
that's your cultural choice and your problem,
It's no problem. The competent often do not tolerate incompetence. You can't debate any points worth a shit when it comes to Ukraine and Russia and I'm just not being as polite as other people in telling you that. And because you can't debate on topic, now the style of communication, rather than Russia or Ukraine, has become your main discussion.
at least it's a entertainment and I have fun with these childish tantrums.
So you're masochistic; I'm fine with it. Keep coming back for more fun. I got Six Flags, Disney World and Universal Studios right here waiting for you.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
That's not what you did. Everyone has concerns but you're essentially saying that the winning side is getting run over like Hezbollah/Iran.

Ultimately, that is the final escape for those who can't debate. Those who truly feel no need to convince anyone just keep their thoughts to themselves.

You don't have a moderate opinion; you have a wrong opinion here characterizing a winner as the loser. People with moderate opinions are very rarely troubled by the crowd. Elsewhere combined, you more likely have an erratic unstable opinion from what you said.

Of someone who's wrong.

Oh do Western LGBT pro-Ukraine like to debate with a lot of facts proving you wrong like I do? I just do it against people with very stupid and demonstrably wrong opinions, like you characterizing something that is factually wrong as just another opinion. In actuality, there are many opinions here that are left unchallenged by anyone, including me, because they're actually just different instead of being stupid or wrong. But unfortunately for you, claiming something like the earth is flat (or that an invasion force gaining territory is comparable to one that is losing) is just not going to be accepted as a different or "moderate" opinion.

It's no problem. The competent often do not tolerate incompetence. You can't debate any points worth a shit when it comes to Ukraine and Russia and I'm just not being as polite as other people in telling you that. And because you can't debate on topic, now the style of communication, rather than Russia or Ukraine, has become your main discussion.

So you're masochistic; I'm fine with it. Keep coming back for more fun. I got Six Flags, Disney World and Universal Studios right here waiting for you.
If you were not able to understand my posts it is your problem. Some understood and agreed, others knew how to disagree like normal people... everything is fine.

But with someone limited, wrong, incapable of differentiating facts from propaganda like you, it's certainly not worth any debate. Like any western lgbt cultured, you only resorted to ad hominem to disguise your obsessions, lack of content and cultural deficiency.

You have not presented any facts or anything worthy of an answer. Repeating releases from the Kremlin is as stupid as repeating releases from Kiev and Washington.

So I'm really not going to debating with people of low culture and education.