The essence of anti-China propaganda:
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The essence of anti-China propaganda:
Imo Chinese have quite high psychopathic potential in their own way, they just don't get a reason to express it because they broadly speaking don't face setbacks.
The US is literally printing dollars and therefore GDP, with an astronomical debt.
If the UK and other European countries imitate the US it would be enough to print money and inflate the GDP too, but the result will be more similar to that of Türkiye, Argentina and Zimbabwe.
Europe does not have the same prestige, only the dollar is inflated and accepted worldwide, so only the USA has this privilege of, for now, depending on debt and currency issuance. But there will certainly be a limit and this US bubble will burst, as has happened on other occasions.
“If Britain is to regain its place”… Which means never. You can try but the only way they can do this is doing the thing that got them there in the first place which means the US and the West end up getting nuked. Please do! The reason why they don’t is because is the cost to the West just makes it not worth it. So all they have left is scorched earth."China is waging a silent war on Britain: it’s time to act"
By Suella Braverman
Who do u thiink waging a silent war w who?
Author, UK MP. Former anti immigration Home minister.
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