It doesn’t help that the poster has a name that means “vagina” In old English: “”That's not what you did. Everyone has concerns but you're essentially saying that the winning side is getting run over like Hezbollah/Iran.
Ultimately, that is the final escape for those who can't debate. Those who truly feel no need to convince anyone just keep their thoughts to themselves.
You don't have a moderate opinion; you have a wrong opinion here characterizing a winner as the loser. People with moderate opinions are very rarely troubled by the crowd. Elsewhere combined, you more likely have an erratic unstable opinion from what you said.
Of someone who's wrong.
Oh do Western LGBT pro-Ukraine like to debate with a lot of facts proving you wrong like I do? I just do it against people with very stupid and demonstrably wrong opinions, like you characterizing something that is factually wrong as just another opinion. In actuality, there are many opinions here that are left unchallenged by anyone, including me, because they're actually just different instead of being stupid or wrong. But unfortunately for you, claiming something like the earth is flat (or that an invasion force gaining territory is comparable to one that is losing) is just not going to be accepted as a different or "moderate" opinion.
It's no problem. The competent often do not tolerate incompetence. You can't debate any points worth a shit when it comes to Ukraine and Russia and I'm just not being as polite as other people in telling you that. And because you can't debate on topic, now the style of communication, rather than Russia or Ukraine, has become your main discussion.
So you're masochistic; I'm fine with it. Keep coming back for more fun. I got Six Flags, Disney World and Universal Studios right here waiting for you.