I understood them; that's how I know they're stupid. You're the one who couldn't understand my posts calling them "long text" with "absurd conclusions." That's your problem... and the problem of your English teachers.
LOLOLOL They understood what I wrote and agreed. They put laugh emojis on yours cus most people don't have words for people who they think are too far gone. Go check the replies between us. Once again, I did not raise this; you raised it again after claiming that you're not here for likes.
This is more strongly disagreeing.
Me? LOL You went to an American forum and got convinced that Russia's losing depite killing more Ukrainians, taking thier land, and putting the EU economy into recession/stagnation while growing its own. That is the definition of being eating propaganda until you're wrong and unable to differentiate it from fact.
None that you're capable of.
But unlike them, I first destroyed all your arguments with point-to-point until you helplessly called them long absurd text. And then when you still had no idea how to respond in point-to-point but kept talking, there was nothing left but to point out that you can't even read.
It's not disguised. People here know I hunt trolls for fun.
I rebutted every point of yours. Point-to-point. You cannot answer the content so your only response was, "You use ad hominem..." LOL
It is not high culture to respect the stupid, although you so wish it were.
That's because you cannot read. I have answred and defeated all of your points each time as you raised them. That is the inescapable nature of point-to-point and that is why you are scared to use it. Even in this post, I put content that you cannot rebut:
"You went to an American forum and got convinced that
Russia's losing depite
killing more Ukrainians,
taking thier land, and
putting the EU economy into recession/stagnation while
growing its own."
Those 4 things are the definition of victory but you have no reason for why Russia is suffering a defeat. That a general was assassination? LOL
I didn't do either. Unlike you who regurgitates other forums, my arguments are all original. See above bolded text for example.
1. Unfortunately for you, I do.
2. Of 2 people arguing, the crowd judges who is of low culture because the crowd determines culture. Individuals do not or no one would ever lose an argument. So... simply go to our first exchange and count up the likes (not laughing emojis) and see who is low culture.
3. My screen name means to be full of enthusiasm and zest. Your very highly cultured one apparently means... pussy? And you want others to respect you? LOL
That's not what you did. Everyone has concerns but you're essentially saying that the winning side is getting run over like Hezbollah/Iran. Ultimately, that is the final escape for those who can't debate. Those who truly feel no need to convince anyone just keep their thoughts to themselves...
4. I actually have a STEM PhD. You're really swinging in the dark here, huh? Wonder what you maxed out at...