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There is a difference between the Ukrainian Jewish and Polish Western Command and the Eastern Orthodox cannon fodder spent in battles.

For the Ukrainian Command, it doesn't make the slightest difference whether they lose 1 million poor orthodox men or zero. As long as they receive money and weapons from NATO, everything is fine and their dominance only grows stronger.

Just as Israel doesn't care about killing half a million Palestinians in bombings or hunger and disease. If they get more money and weapons from the West, that's great.

What matters is that the US maintains permanent military bases in the Middle East and on the Russian border without contest.

Funny, this is exactly what NAFO says about Russia.

"For the far right communist dictators of Russia, it makes no difference whether they lose 1 million poor Asians or 0. In fact they welcome it for a whiter Russia. As long as they receive money and weapons from China they're OK with it."


Junior Member
Registered Member
Funny, this is exactly what NAFO says about Russia.

"For the far right communist dictators of Russia, it makes no difference whether they lose 1 million poor Asians or 0. In fact they welcome it for a whiter Russia. As long as they receive money and weapons from China they're OK with it."
Typical, as they always just project their unpopular desires onto the enemy.

But Ukraine as a country today is a project that serves the Jews and Poles who inhabited the lands of former Galicia and who still inhabit western Ukraine today, a region that is still intact.

The majority of Orthodox people would be more favorable to Russia in elections, for example.

Now in the war, the Jewish and Polish elite command the Orthodox to fight against Russia and Russia only kills the Orthodox used as cannon fodder.

It's a Machiavellian plan, but it's working well for the Ukrainian command, we have to admit.


Registered Member
My hope was that Russia would win this war and neutralize NATO expansion.

But the reality is, at best, a stalemate.

Let's be realistic here.

Ukraine behaves like Israel and Russia like Iran. You can't deny that.

Ukraine's command and decision centers are intact and increasingly bold, like those in Israel.

Putin promised to destroy them, but did nothing, just like Hezbollah. Putin made several televised speeches promising responses against the crossed red lines, but then did nothing. What does this mean if not fear?

Russia, instead of winning this war, at best will have to deal with a stalemate and a huge enemy country as a neighbor.
Wait Israel lost more commanders than Hezbollah and orders of magnitude of civilians + soldiers?

I've never seen an Iran glazer bigger than you then


Basically, I said that Putin fears attacks on the Ukrainian leadership because he is afraid of Western reactions.
And that is without evidence. Just because a person doesn't do something of very limited and quesitonable value does not mean that he's scared to do it, especially when he's already at war and nuclear-armed.
Very similar to the behavior of Hezbollah and Iran against Israel. And like Assad.
Those 3 have no ability regardless of fear. Hezbollah's leaders died throwing wooden planks as a final defense after being fatally wounded. You think these people are scared?
That's why he endures attacks within his own territory and the loss of generals without reacting,
Absolutely wrong. Russia makes thousands of attacks into Ukraine for every Ukrainian offense into Russia. They kill people on sight every day in battle. But you are stuck thinking that Russia has to announce a specific reaction to an event for it to count. That's just... stupid.
just as Hezbollah and Iran also endured all these provocations. For fear of the opponent.
Iran perhaps, but Hezbollah fears nothing. It's just too weak. They dont' fear dying.
You didn't refute this, you just went downhill into personal attacks because that's all you can do against reality.
I refuted it always and I just did it again. It's not a personal attack to point out that you can't read. And you'll probably miss this response too.
Because you need to defend cowardly behavior,
Reasons are outlined above. Putin is KGB; he was brave enough to volunteer for it and smart enough to rise to the top to see strategy. Who are you? What have you done? Get cursed out at forums backseat-driving armies and countries that will have nothing to do with you? LOL You'd be scared for your life to call Putin a coward to his face.
perhaps only for identification.
I don't identify you as a coward; I identify you as a stupid person.
I'm not afraid to be a minority opinion on this forum.
Then why do you keep pretending that people agree with you?? I don't even talk about this until you did.
I also don't fear low insults coming from a meltdown of creatures of low culture.
Did you read my 3 points on how to determine who is of low culture? Or you want to pretend that you alone decide? LOL
If your life is measuring reality by getting likes on a minor forum then that is simply ridiculous and the definition of a low cultured and narrow minded individual.
Once again, you brought it up. You brought up who people agree with and you brought up "culture" which is determined by the masses instead of the individual. You dug your own grave, fell into it and now you try to crawl out of it.
There are many forums around the world
Apparently all of which hate you.
and you just post these funny breakdowns here
Funny to whom? I think you have significantly more laugh emojis than me, right? Or do you count as poorly as you read?
to defend Russia's performance in this war?
They're winning by every metric. Personel/equipment exchange, economics, land expansion. Assassinations is not a metric.
This is the definition of a fearful and socially ill individual.
While a healthy brave one would think that assassinations is the lone metric to determine the tide of war?
Go out into the real world, get out of the bubble and learn what is really right and wrong and learn what true culture and education is.
Swinging in the dark again I see. You're the one raging on forums getting laughed at by everyone, downvoted in culture and talking about education to a STEM PhD.
Although your posts are feminine and childish, I believe you are male.
Feminine... but you believe I am a male? LOL It means it's not really feminine but you don't know what insult to use so you pick a random one LOL
Be ashamed, behave like a man, not like a childish coward.
You confuse your helpless anger with courage and others' tact with cowardice. You cannot be brave with other people's lives and resources. Men see strategy. I agree with Putin, and you have to have an incredible resume to call such a man a coward. Are you familiar with his? I don't think you have such a resume, do you?
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Attacks against Ukraine only kill low-level soldiers and cannon fodder that no one cares.
Ah, an internet troll calling soliders who fight and die for their country low-level... How "manly" and "brave." How is a war continued when these soldiers are too few and too many dead? The high-leveled ones come to fight? LOL
The entire command of Ukraine is intact, free and richer than ever despite organizing lethal attacks deep inside Russia. And yes, the same as Israel's command.
More emotions from you about how a few individuals are "free" and "rich" because you chase your feelings towards them rather than the big picture of the battlefield.
Russia only attacks already useless powerplants with missiles, while energy for Ukraine is coming from Europe.
That's the first time I've heard anyone call powerplants useless. Do you just put that word in front of anything you wish to diminish without thinking what it is? "Useless powerplants" and "low level soldiers no one cares about" are the lifeblood of the economy and war. Ukraine suffers blackouts and energy shortage on a daily basis. Europe needs Russian energy.
Ukraine's weapons continue to come from NATO.
That is out of Russia's control.
There is no sign of collapse in the Ukrainian structure, so as long as NATO can arm and sustain Ukraine, there is no victory for Russia.
How long can they arm and sustain Ukraine with the Russian economy ramping up and theirs on a stalled or downward trajectory? Especially as industry suffers the most? How long can Ukraine sustain the fight if they suffer so many losses of "low-level soldiers" that they recruit women and adolescents?
Kiev and Liviv today have normal lives and are rewarded for defying Russia.
Normal with constant blackouts, barely any economic activity, drastically reduced population and a mandatory draft that captures men right off the streets?
Because of Putin's cowardice or inability,
Putin joined the KGB and rose to the top. What is your qualification for "bravery" and "capability?" I'm curious how you think you compare to this man whom you think is an inept coward.
Russia is not winning today as it should.
How should it be winning? How do you know? Your thinking is at a level so elementary, you once claimed, "Russia big. Ukraine small. Russia should win easy." It's like you didn't even know about the NATO. How many countries even dare stand up to NATO alone?
The war is heading towards a stalemate at best.
A stalemate with Russia seizing Ukrainian territory? LOL That's like you fought your neighbor and it came to a "stalemate" with you in the hospital and him now living in half your house.
My hope was that Russia would win this war and neutralize NATO expansion.
Masochistic after reading American propaganda, aren't you?
But the reality is, at best, a stalemate.
See above about you losing half your house in a stalemate.
Let's be realistic here.
We are. You try your best to follow.
Ukraine behaves like Israel and Russia like Iran. You can't deny that.
I absolutely deny that. Israel gains territory, like Russia. Ukraine loses territory like Palestine. Iran has killed 0 Israelis; I have no idea how you think this looks like Russia. It's just your emotions based solely on assassinations.
Ukraine's command and decision centers are intact and increasingly bold, like those in Israel.
They're commanding less territory and fewer soldiers by the day, unlike in Israel.
Putin promised to destroy them, but did nothing, just like Hezbollah.
Putin kills Ukraininans. Hezbollah just gets killed. There is no similarity.
Putin made several televised speeches promising responses against the crossed red lines, but then did nothing. What does this mean if not fear?
He's killing people and taking land every day. But your emotions lead you to think that all the people killed are soldiers no one cares about and all the land taken is "useless" because you are driven by hatred towards a select few. Very emotional indeed.
Russia, instead of winning this war, at best will have to deal with a stalemate and a huge enemy country as a neighbor.
See above about you losing half your house in a stalemate.
For the Ukrainian Command, it doesn't make the slightest difference whether they lose 1 million poor orthodox men or zero. As long as they receive money and weapons from NATO, everything is fine and their dominance only grows stronger.
Who uses the weapons if the soldiers are killed? The high-level people?
Just as Israel doesn't care about killing half a million Palestinians in bombings or hunger and disease. If they get more money and weapons from the West, that's great.
OOOOOKKKK You have now confused the deaths of soldiers on your side with those of your enemies' side. That is a new low in your "logic." You compared Ukraine losing thier own soldiers to Israel killing Palestinians. How stupid is this???
What matters is that the US maintains permanent military bases in the Middle East and on the Russian border without contest.
They always had those. Russia not strong enough to throw out American bases. But Russia's bigger now and no country in history has ever gotten bigger after losing or stalemating a conflict.
It's a Machiavellian plan,
Fighting Russia for the West was a machiavellian plan.
but it's working well for the Ukrainian command, we have to admit.
LOL There is no "we"; it's just you. Stop pretending that you are not alone in this stupidity. We admite that if their goal was to lose parts or the entirety of the country to Russia then it's working great.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
"You have now confused the deaths of soldiers on your side with those of your enemies' side."


What !

Polish-Ukrainian Totem Pole was

A) Catholic Aristocracy
B) Yiddish people
C) Christian peasantry

You have now confused one side (A+B) with the death of another side: Ukrainian and Russian "am ha'eretz"


Junior Member
Registered Member
Hezbollah's leaders died throwing wooden planks as a final defense after being fatally wounded. You think these people are scared?
No, you as an ignorant person just don't know that Hezbollah had stocks of thousands of missiles and made television speeches promising to fire these missiles in response if Israel continued the massacre in Gaza.

Israel just continued to be bolder against Gaza and later just killed the Hezbollah leaders and destroyed all the missile depots.

Hezbollah was afraid to respond to Israel's actions and was defeated.

Hezbollah's leaders died without fighting and without causing any relevant damage to Israel.

Swinging in the dark again I see. You're the one raging on forums getting laughed at by everyone, downvoted in culture and talking about education to a STEM PhD.
It seems that a STEM PhD does not guarantee culture, true education and much less knowledge in the art of war.

Defending those (Putin) who copy strategies that have failed around the world multiple times is madness, in addition to being atrociously stupid.
That's the first time I've heard anyone call powerplants useless. Do you just put that word in front of anything you wish to diminish without thinking what it is? "Useless powerplants" and "low level soldiers no one cares about" are the lifeblood of the economy and war. Ukraine suffers blackouts and energy shortage on a daily basis. Europe needs Russian energy.
Since the energy comes from Europe now, the broken plants that Russia keeps attacking are useless, but you don't have the intellectual capacity to recognize that.

Europe only needed Russian energy for old and intensive German industries. Germany is already closing these old industries so there is plenty of energy to continue sending to Ukraine. There is no lack of energy for homes or normal life.

Normal with constant blackouts, barely any economic activity, drastically reduced population and a mandatory draft that captures men right off the streets?
Blackouts only last a few hours and most homes now have generators and are in fact unaffected.

In general, the Ukrainians also have a very good economy now, receiving money from NATO and investing in manufacturing drones and weapons.

Only the Orthodox in cities like Odessa, Dnipro and others are being captured off the streets and sent to war. But the Ukrainian stronghold of the Poles and Jews has not been affected and is, in fact, prosperous and richer than ever.


Junior Member
Registered Member
"You have now confused the deaths of soldiers on your side with those of your enemies' side."


What !

Polish-Ukrainian Totem Pole was

A) Catholic Aristocracy
B) Yiddish people
C) Christian peasantry

You have now confused one side (A+B) with the death of another side: Ukrainian and Russian "am ha'eretz"
Yes, something obvious and he couldn't understand it.

Not only does he live in a bubble and have no idea what he's saying, he also doesn't even know how to read and interpret a text.

Ukraine's ideal is for let Orthodox peasantry to kill each other while the Jewish and Polish Catholic elite dominate the entire territory.

It's the same thing Israel does in the Middle East. They have allowed Sunni and Shia Muslims to kill each other while the Jews dominate the entire region and kill everyone in their path.
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Registered Member
Yes, something obvious and he couldn't understand it.

Not only does he live in a bubble and have no idea what he's saying, he also doesn't even know how to read and interpret a text.

Ukraine's ideal is for let Orthodox peasantry to kill each other while the Jewish and Polish Catholic elite dominate the entire territory.

It's the same thing Israel does in the Middle East. They have allowed Sunni and Shia Muslims to kill each other while the Jews dominate the entire region and kill everyone in their path.
Congrats, someone more schizophrenic than PMC has revealed himself

You went from claiming countries that lose 1-2 commanders per year (Russia and Israel) are equivalent to countries that lose dozens of commanders per year and are unable to hold their land (Palestine and Lebanon).

Now we're at the stage where "losses are actually good, it is a machiavillian plan".

By the same logic, then Hezbollah losing ~5k soldiers or whatever and 10ks dying in Palestine is actually the plan of Iran? They're just killing more peasants which the Iranian government doesn't care about as long as they get weapons from Russia and China. At least 50k is a drop in the bucket for Iran, 2-3 million isn't for Ukraine.

Why is Israel doing nothing about Iran completing its 5D plan of deleting peasants while Iranian agents kill Israel generals with impunity on their own territory?
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Iran is winning any day now, you must quickly do something about it!


No, you as an ignorant person
There is no ignorant person compared to one who thinks that a country can lose or stalemate a war while taking territory from its enemy.
just don't know that Hezbollah had stocks of thousands of missiles and made television speeches promising to fire these missiles in response if Israel continued the massacre in Gaza.

Israel just continued to be bolder against Gaza and later just killed the Hezbollah leaders and destroyed all the missile depots.

Hezbollah was afraid to respond to Israel's actions and was defeated.

Hezbollah's leaders died without fighting and without causing any relevant damage to Israel.
I am ignorant while you think Hezbollah never fought or fired missiles into Israel and Russia never used its missiles in Ukraine, right? I think you don't even know what fighting is, only criticizing those who have done far more than you and understand far more than you.
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It seems that a STEM PhD does not guarantee culture
It doesn't. But culture is determined here by who has more support, not by your lone valuation.
, true education and
It is the definition of education. You have absolutely nothing to insult me with LOL. "You're feminine... but I still think you're a man though... You have low-culture... though people agree with you and laugh at me... You're poorly educated! Oh, a STEM PhD? ... Well I meant different eduaction... true education!" LOL What is this "true" education you made up? I'm curious.
much less knowledge in the art of war.
That is true, however, it's still much more than you.
Defending those (Putin) who copy strategies that have failed around the world multiple times is madness, in addition to being atrociously stupid.
What works for China doesn't work for India. What works for America doesn't work for China. The world is full of different circumstances. I think at this point, you're just scared to acknowledge the land gains and enemy kills that Russia has achieved, which are the hallmark of wartime victory. There's no way to support a losing narrative in Russia's case.
Since the energy comes from Europe now, the broken plants that Russia keeps attacking are useless, but you don't have the intellectual capacity to recognize that.
Ah, so confident but so wrong as always. I have the intellectual capacity to realize that:
1. Ukraine's energy imports from the EU are limited because the EU themselves have limited energy since sanctioning Russia.
2. Ukraine commonly suffers blackouts indicating insufficient energy.
3. Therefore, destroying Ukraine's indigenous energy production puts strains on both Ukraine and the EU in energy sufficiency.
Europe only needed Russian energy for old and intensive German industries. Germany is already closing these old industries so there is plenty of energy to continue sending to Ukraine. There is no lack of energy for homes or normal life.
1. Germany's industry is being destroyed.
2. No lack of energy? LOLOL So wrong and so stupid. You just have to Google before you talk:
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Blackouts only last a few hours
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"If Russia continues to attack power plants, the worst-case scenario is that come winter Ukrainians could be spending up to 20 hours a day without power and heating, according to Ukraine's largest private energy company DTEK. Part of the issue is that Ukraine’s thermal and hydroelectric power stations are difficult and expensive to fix.

“Some will take years to repair, and others might never be brought back online” said Maria Tsaturian from Ukrenergo, Ukraine’s national energy operator."
and most homes now have generators and are in fact unaffected.
What do you think generators run on? Air? LOL
In general, the Ukrainians also have a very good economy now, receiving money from NATO and investing in manufacturing drones and weapons.
Donations don't count as an economy, especially when they come from countries that are in economic trouble and straining to provide.
Only the Orthodox in cities like Odessa, Dnipro and others are being captured off the streets and sent to war. But the Ukrainian stronghold of the Poles and Jews has not been affected and is, in fact, prosperous and richer than ever.
You said Kyiv, right? LOL

This is Lutsk, wayyy far away from Dnipro:
Yes, something obvious and he couldn't understand it.
Whatever religion they are, they were fighting on Ukraine's side as they died. Palestinians fought against Israel when they died; you can't understand that?
Not only does he live in a bubble
A bubble with everyone else in it and you free by yourself outside, right? LOL
and have no idea what he's saying, he also doesn't even know how to read and interpret a text.
Wow. So first, I called you emotional then you called me emotional. Then I called you machiavellian and you used the word machiavellian. And then I said you don't know how to read and you say the same thing back to me? You really do like copying shit, don't you? Do you just copy me and post it on other forums then copy thier replies and post them back here? LOL
Ukraine's ideal is for let Orthodox peasantry to kill each other while the Jewish and Polish Catholic elite dominate the entire territory.
That means they will have no men left to resist a total Russian takeover. I don't think they're that stupid but you certainly are to believe it.
It's the same thing Israel does in the Middle East. They let Sunni and Shia Muslims kill each other while the Jews dominate the region.
And yet, Russia is dominating the region while Ukrainian territory shrinks. Same thing, right?
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