How will Ukraine transform into a new South Korea?
The context of South Korea developing into what it is now is 50 years, fertility rate of 5+ births per woman, another war - Vietnam - that provided them with chances to act as middlemen and mercs, US dominating 30%+ of GDP, cheap easy energy and only a few competitors.
Ukraine has none of that: not the time, not the demographics, not the chances for a war where it has a chance to act as mercs and middlemen and not the cheap energy. US doesn't have 30%+ of global GDP, and it has tons of competitors including South Korea itself.
And how do you know that western aid will even work?
Counterexample: Philippines. US poured aid into the Philippines after WW2, it was the richest country in Asia in the 1950's, and where is it now? How do you know Ukraine won't end up like Philippines?
More: Bosnia, Albania, Turkey, Argentina, Morocco, Thailand, etc.