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Lieutenant General
So you are still in denial about Israel's victory. This says enough.

Not that much and obviously only temporarily. Both Israel and Ukraine are already growing again.

And Israel neutralizing Iran, Syria and Hezbollah in the region and making agreements with Arab countries is a good investment that will bring a lot of profit in the future.

Ukraine is also counting on transforming into a new South Korea supported by Western aid and partnerships after the stalemate. Which is very likely to happen.

Therefore, these economic excuses are naive.

If Russia doesn't destroy Ukraine as a country, it will only gain a new, bigger, bloodthirsty South Korea on the border. A stalemate isn't a victory for Russia.
Israel and Ukraine suffered greatly. People are leaving and not coming back so there goes power purchasing consumers. Nobody is interesting investing in a war torn country. Ukraine is not South Korea, they don't export high tech technology.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Israel and Ukraine suffered greatly. People are leaving and not coming back so there goes power purchasing consumers. Nobody is interesting investing in a war torn country. Ukraine is not South Korea, they don't export high tech technology.
In the 1950s South Korea also did not export high tech technology. But after the Korean war ended in a stalemate, SK became one of the most productive countries in the world, we have to admit.

Ukraine, led now by Poles and Jews friendly to the West, is obviously counting on this scenario.

You need to look at the big picture and not focus on just a few short frames.
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Registered Member
So you are still in denial about Israel's victory. This says enough.

Not that much and obviously only temporarily. Both Israel and Ukraine are already growing again.

And Israel neutralizing Iran, Syria and Hezbollah in the region and making agreements with Arab countries is a good investment that will bring a lot of profit in the future.

Ukraine is also counting on transforming into a new South Korea supported by Western aid and partnerships after the stalemate. Which is very likely to happen.

Therefore, these economic excuses are naive.

If Russia doesn't destroy Ukraine as a country, it will only gain a new, bigger, bloodthirsty South Korea on the border. A stalemate isn't a victory for Russia.

How will Ukraine transform into a new South Korea?

The context of South Korea developing into what it is now is 50 years, fertility rate of 5+ births per woman, another war - Vietnam - that provided them with chances to act as middlemen and mercs, US dominating 30%+ of GDP, cheap easy energy and only a few competitors.

Ukraine has none of that: not the time, not the demographics, not the chances for a war where it has a chance to act as mercs and middlemen and not the cheap energy. US doesn't have 30%+ of global GDP, and it has tons of competitors including South Korea itself.

And how do you know that western aid will even work?

Counterexample: Philippines. US poured aid into the Philippines after WW2, it was the richest country in Asia in the 1950's, and where is it now? How do you know Ukraine won't end up like Philippines?

More: Bosnia, Albania, Turkey, Argentina, Morocco, Thailand, etc.


Registered Member
Typical, as they always just project their unpopular desires onto the enemy.

But Ukraine as a country today is a project that serves the Jews and Poles who inhabited the lands of former Galicia and who still inhabit western Ukraine today, a region that is still intact.

The majority of Orthodox people would be more favorable to Russia in elections, for example.

Now in the war, the Jewish and Polish elite command the Orthodox to fight against Russia and Russia only kills the Orthodox used as cannon fodder.

It's a Machiavellian plan, but it's working well for the Ukrainian command, we have to admit.
i already gave you one reply you seem not understood it. Putin mentioned Russia would be a different country with population of about 500m in absence of 1917 revolution. obviously he studied this thing with new research and i am sure he knows where the blame lies. just today Putin essentially praising Israel for becoming main beneficiary of Syria and that Islamic version of Israel aka Chechnya is a modern miracle. and it is not just Grozny. once you research it.
It seem Putin has very low opinion about those Orthodox people. he cannot find way to crush them or relocate them to East of Kazan.

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Putin Calls Israel the Main Beneficiary of Events in Syria​

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Vladimir Putin: Grozny is a modern Russian miracle​



Junior Member
In the 1950s South Korea also did not export high tech technology. But after the Korean war ended in a stalemate, SK became one of the most productive countries in the world, we have to admit.

Ukraine, led now by Poles and Jews friendly to the West, is obviously counting on this scenario.

You need to look at the big picture and not focus on just a few short frames.

The international environment was a lot different. Back then, US accounted for a large share of world production due to the devastation of WW-2. Hence it had the resources to give foreign aid and import preference. Nowadays, both EU and US are in a financial deep hole -- no longer has resources to spare -- at least not without incurring a domestic political price. And their manufacturing has atrophied.

So depending the West for a market or financial aid as per SK is no longer feasible.

Even if it were feasible -- look at the competition: whatever leftover in the middle end by China and ASEAN is extremely limited. At the low end there are hungry African and South Asians economies. Exporting farm produces are blocked by protectionist EU. US has no need for farm produces from Ukraine, as it is struggling to handle the surpluses due to trade war with China.

Ukraine has lost, and is expected to lose, the majority of its industries and mineral production, as they are mostly in the region annexed by Russia.

Somehow, I failed to see any up-points.


Senior Member
Registered Member
There is a difference between the Ukrainian Jewish and Polish Western Command and the Eastern Orthodox cannon fodder spent in battles.

For the Ukrainian Command, it doesn't make the slightest difference whether they lose 1 million poor orthodox men or zero. As long as they receive money and weapons from NATO, everything is fine and their dominance only grows stronger.

Just as Israel doesn't care about killing half a million Palestinians in bombings or hunger and disease. If they get more money and weapons from the West, that's great.

What matters is that the US maintains permanent military bases in the Middle East and on the Russian border without contest.
So what does this make Russia who's economy is doing far better than every NATO nation thanks to their alliance with China? lol

See, it's this kind of primitive short term thinking that prevent your culture from ever achieving civilization status.
Civilization requires long term thinking, you only think of draining NATO and the west, where does the west get their stuff from? German, French, Canadian, South Korean government all collapsed because of money you're "winning" with, meanwhile China can help Russia without a single iota of inflation or increase in bond yields.
Why does Trump want to cut money to Ukraine? What do you think will happen to Israel once you drain US of money? What happens when US goes to war with CHina and can't help you anymore?

You will be tore to shreds, and it will be ISIS who do so, lol


Senior Member
Registered Member
In the 1950s South Korea also did not export high tech technology. But after the Korean war ended in a stalemate, SK became one of the most productive countries in the world, we have to admit.

Ukraine, led now by Poles and Jews friendly to the West, is obviously counting on this scenario.

You need to look at the big picture and not focus on just a few short frames.
You and a lot of people in the west seem to live under the delusion that they can just call it quits if things don't go well, South Vietnam thought so too, where are they now?

There is no scenario in which Ukraine can achieve ceasefire while remaining a non-Russian sovereign state, the entirety of NATO can't even keep up with North Korea and their governments are collapsing under financial crisis left and right, meanwhile Russia's backer China is "suffering" from making too much stuff.... Russia and China can keep this up for another 10 years if need be, will NATO survive that long?


Junior Member
Registered Member
How will Ukraine transform into a new South Korea?

The context of South Korea developing into what it is now is 50 years, fertility rate of 5+ births per woman, another war - Vietnam - that provided them with chances to act as middlemen and mercs, US dominating 30%+ of GDP, cheap easy energy and only a few competitors.

Ukraine has none of that: not the time, not the demographics, not the chances for a war where it has a chance to act as mercs and middlemen and not the cheap energy. US doesn't have 30%+ of global GDP, and it has tons of competitors including South Korea itself.

And how do you know that western aid will even work?

Counterexample: Philippines. US poured aid into the Philippines after WW2, it was the richest country in Asia in the 1950's, and where is it now? How do you know Ukraine won't end up like Philippines?

More: Bosnia, Albania, Turkey, Argentina, Morocco, Thailand, etc.
I agree with you. There is no guarantee that Ukraine will be another South Korea.

But the Polish-Jewish group in power is promising this idea to the Ukrainians and has managed to convince them to fight against Russia successfully.

But speaking of possibilities, the demographics of all countries in Europe and Asia are equally terrible, including in China. Despite this, Poland, Estonia and Lithuania are all growing to become near-developed countries already. China, despite poor demographics, is also growing and competing.

A country no longer needs to have a fertility rate of 6+ to become rich.

After the war, my prediction is that Ukraine will be divided into three parts:

1 - the Donbass strip will remain with Russia.

2 - the center becomes a fake "neutral" zone occupied by UN and NATO peacekeepers, just like Palestine/West Bank and with the male population devastated.

3 - the west is the real Polish-Catholic-Jewish Ukraine, with relatively good demographics and preferential access to US and European politics and investments.

That's why I think Russia should do everything to win while possible and not imitate Iran against Israel. A stalemate is dangerous, a defeat even worse.


Registered Member
Shame is rooted in basic decency and benevolence - don't do to others what you wouldn't want done yourself.

Guilt is rooted in a criminal's suspicion, in having done the crime himself, he assumes others are equally guilty. A conniving, rat-like trait.

My understanding was that this guilt culture came from Christianity.

However, there were differences.

It is like the old joke about shit happening.

If shit happens, and one is a Roman Catholic, they you deserved it.

But that is different for the Protestant, because if shit is going to happen, let it happen to someone else.

As you pointed out, that is the essence of it.

