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They will work with whoever is in power. China was never really picky about who they worked with anyway. Syria is hardly relevant for China in the geopolitical or economic scene.
Well, Syria won't be a viable route for BRI anytime soon.

And his apparently dead. They fly over Homs and went bye bye.

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Assad and his family are in Moscow and were granted asylum in Russia according to Tass.
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With 20/20 hindsight, I suspect the moment that actually doomed Syria was when China brokered a detente between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Good luck to that. It's easy to turn a failed MENA teapot dictatorship into an utter sh*thole with open slave markets, as the events in Libya demonstrated. Building large-scale infrastructures over lands ravaged by a potentially genocidal civil war? Won't be so easy.

"Rule of thumb":

Is this the final stage?


Registered Member
Well, congrats to Turkey as the gambit seems to have paid off. This would be like what, their 2 or 3 ethnic cleansing/genocide they have either participated in in less than 150 years?.

One thing is for sure, their NATO membership is not misplaced, they are as perfidous as the rest of them even when they don't consider them white enough
If you know, you know...



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There were rumours Russia and Iran had disagreement on HTS, with Russia believing they were anti-American and so can be talked to, while Iran didn't think so. Of course Russia is allied with Iran so Iranian interest is considered too.

Oh and Israel is invading Syria and bombing both HTS and FSA positions in the south right now, supposedly trying to create a Druze state, the Druze were allied with Assad at one point btw. We'll see how long HTS and FSA can pretend Israel is fine people while also claiming they're pro-Palestine and ruler of Syria.

This show's just getting started, a number of way it can go, a lot of behind the scenes deal happened, a lot of games the player can play, but people who think they achieved "decisive victory" need to wait a bit longer to celebrate.

Assad might end up having the last laugh as he chills with his family in Russia.


Registered Member
Yes, this is the bitter truth that "Global South" promoters have to contend with. Syria was in effect bankrupt because of the sanctions imposed by the US and there is no world alternative to the US dollar. For all the talk about an alternative BRICS-led system, there has been nothing but empty words and slogans.

When a weak country like Syria comes under crushing sanctions, there is no alternative. Only very strong and self-sufficient countries like Russia or China can withstand them. But weaker ones like Syria collapse under the weight. Had there been a genuine alternative to the Western financial domination, Assad might still have ruled Syria. The country is so broke that lots of SAA soldiers simply switched sides or stood down for a simple bribe. Many were not paid regular salaries for months or even years but had to resort to exortion from civilians to make ends meet prior to the recent events. If you can't even pay your soldiers, why would they fight? And of course, Assad had to demobilise many of the best units as he could no longer afford them either. This explains why the collapse happened so quick. The army was a hollow paper tiger, withered from the inside over years.

Hezbollah is now bereft of its most crucial supply link through Syria. I'm already seeing images of Israeli settlers trying to settle Southern Lebanon. Israeli army units have begun occupying more Syrian land through a so-called "buffer zone" east of the Golan Heights. Iran's influence has been fatally weakened. For Russia, it's less clear. If they get to keep their base, it might not be the end of the world for them. I don't see China being affected much since they've wisely stayed out of these stupid sectarian fights.
lol what sanction?. Taliban are ideolgically aligned with Gulf Arabs. they gets what they want. Syria had no chance even with sanction lifted. if Taliban meet Arabic standards they will get more than what is known.
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Putin Reduces Risks for Russia's Largest Project in Afghanistan​

November 29, 2024 at 6:07 PM
Russia is seriously considering the construction of the eastern branch of the international transport corridor "North-South" as an additional route in Asia bypassing Iran. As analysts explained to URA.RU, this is confirmed by the latest statements by the country's leadership about its intention to recognize the Taliban* and reflects confidence in ensuring the security of the route. According to experts, Moscow has positively assessed the changes in Afghanistan in recent years and considers the risks not as high as before.
During their state visit to Kazakhstan on November 27, President Vladimir Putin and his counterpart Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted in a joint statement that the countries "welcome the start of practical implementation of projects within the framework of the formation of the North-South corridor.


Registered Member
There were rumours Russia and Iran had disagreement on HTS, with Russia believing they were anti-American and so can be talked to, while Iran didn't think so. Of course Russia is allied with Iran so Iranian interest is considered too.

Oh and Israel is invading Syria and bombing both HTS and FSA positions in the south right now, supposedly trying to create a Druze state, the Druze were allied with Assad at one point btw. We'll see how long HTS and FSA can pretend Israel is fine people
Meh, I didn't take that much stock into supposedly pro Israel statements from them. A jihadist regime will always be in conflict with someone who threatens Al Aqsa.

They're not trash talking Israel openly or attacking them for the obvious reason that they don't have the power for it yet. Condemning them for not marching to Tel Aviv now is like condemning a prospective Chinese warlord in 1930 for not marching on the Japanese home islands. First, Syria's freedom fighters must liberate Israel's version of Manchuko: the Kurd/SDF regions.

It's this battle that will show their mettle, if Syria has a future or not.
while also claiming they're pro-Palestine and ruler of Syria.

This show's just getting started, a number of way it can go, a lot of behind the scenes deal happened, a lot of games the player can play, but people who think they achieved "decisive victory" need to wait a bit longer to celebrate.
Assad might end up having the last laugh as he chills with his family in Russia.


Junior Member
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Almost half way through this decade and things feel much more hectic than the last decade.

We are in a decade of chaos and strife. It will possible be topped off by a major global war; either at the end of this decade or the beginning of the next one. A war that will reset the international order.


Registered Member
What other warm water port in Africa are they going to use? Flying direct to Africa will be much more expensive for the Russians and is African influence really worth the additional costs considering how much they've already sunk into Ukraine?
It's worth it to deny France and UK access to cheap resources. It will strain their economy even more.


Registered Member
They're not trash talking Israel openly or attacking them for the obvious reason that they don't have the power for it yet. Condemning them for not marching to Tel Aviv now is like condemning a prospective Chinese warlord in 1930 for not marching on the Japanese home islands.
Wounded ISIS jihadist were getting treatment in Israeli hospitals. Not even palestinians working in Israel are afforded that.

There is a reason why no gulf or turkish tied groups havent really touched Israel of it's interests for decades