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"Wuhan lab samples hold no close relatives to virus behind COVID
Shi Zhengli, the virologist at centre of COVID lab-leak theory, reveals coronavirus sequences from Wuhan institute."

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Wasnt it Burden of proof is in the accuser?
Did the "pro palesntine" / qsr4el l0bby issue of "tiktok problem" affected it?
chrome_screenshot_Dec 9, 2024 11_44_17 AM GMT+08_00.png
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Junior Member
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Meh, I didn't take that much stock into supposedly pro Israel statements from them. A jihadist regime will always be in conflict with someone who threatens Al Aqsa.

They're not trash talking Israel openly or attacking them for the obvious reason that they don't have the power for it yet. Condemning them for not marching to Tel Aviv now is like condemning a prospective Chinese warlord in 1930 for not marching on the Japanese home islands. First, Syria's freedom fighters must liberate Israel's version of Manchuko: the Kurd/SDF regions.

It's this battle that will show their mettle, if Syria has a future or not.
I feel like the west letting rebels take over might be a plan for total intervention and control of Syria, Israel is already rock bottom in international relations, they probably want to win over the middle east once and for all. HTS being literal terrorists gives the America an excuse to intervene and to domestically suppress pro Palestinians since a lot of them support the new rebel government, also might use this as an opportunity to revitalize their military supply chain for competition with China, right now they are losing bad. It might also be why Assad gave up so quickly because he knew what the west was doing and wanted to give them a harder enemy.

That or they are just western controlled puppets that won't do anything to Israel.


Senior Member
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I feel like the west letting rebels take over might be a plan for total intervention and control of Syria, Israel is already rock bottom in international relations, they probably want to win over the middle east once and for all. HTS being literal terrorists gives the America an excuse to intervene and to domestically suppress pro Palestinians since a lot of them support the new rebel government, also might use this as an opportunity to revitalize their military supply chain for competition with China, right now they are losing bad. It might also be why Assad gave up so quickly because he knew what the west was doing and wanted to give them a harder enemy.

That or they are just western controlled puppets that won't do anything to Israel.
Well there's always the case they start up as initial puppets but later on they start having "disagreements" with their original benefactors and then become an enemy. Then the West creates another set of terrorists to do the same thing etc.

You think after Bin Laden they would figure out this cycle is just gonna waste more money in the long run.


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China's economy had seen better times. The global economy is not doing great. And things are definitely not well in America. Black Friday isn't what it used to be anymore.
Black Friday queues have shifted to food banks.
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What happens when AI starts to outperform humans in low-end IT services? That's India's bread and butter. They have no other major sector that can help them.
I suspect their biggest fear is AI taking over their scamming industry. That'll be the nails on the coffin.
I actually have a Doctorate of Genetics and I don't understand these people at all.
You haven't studied the Arabic soft power gene. It's mere presence masks all other genes. The two alleles are made of oil and dates.

Imho some in Hamas (I can't say correctly or not) believe removing Assad and replacing with radicals will improve their position.
This seems like a strategic blunder, looking at it from the surface. Although, I can totally see the "rebel" label switched to "terrorist" once they've completely dismantled Assad's government which will allow more US occupation and Israel annexing easy territories (like they just did today with the Golan Heights).

If this is Hamas' conception of a more beneficial Syria, instead of Assad's Syria where arms were moving into Lebanon safely, then you have to really question the cognitive faculty of Hamas' leadership.

I think they should focus on issues directly related to them instead of opining on foreign events with potential consequences against themself, considering they probably lack the resources to fully study foreign geopolitics. For example, the Palestinian Authority (West Bank), which has more resources and freedom than Hamas in Gaza, made the mindboggling decision once to decorate Modi with it's highest national award. Did they not know that Modi is extremely anti-Muslim, butcher of Gujrat, staunch ally of Israel, and occupying Kashmiri Muslim lands much the same way as Israel does to Palestine? This type of decision can only be made under sheer ignorance.

A jihadist regime will always be in conflict with someone who threatens Al Aqsa.
Except ISIS. They never threatened Israel. Even when questioned explicitly on the subject, they simply said they aren't interested in Israel. And ISIS was the most brutal of jihadists; for reference, an al-Qaeda cleric said to them "you are too extreme".


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double standards of media w regards to Syria and SKorea..?

View attachment 140629

VISEGRAD is recommending who to follow?
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for more."

Wasnt he the anti China guy in HK before? Was he/ his orgs funded by NED?
Going off on the DPP initially endorsing the coup, I think this is the Trump effect where increasingly most of the world's liberal democracies and its advocates are willing to curtail more of their freedoms and civil liberties as the so called, "price to pay" to resist China.

But as history has shown us, after you curtail one civil liberty, you have nowhere to go but down from that point. Thus creating more chaos, destroying Western soft power, and creating a domino effect of the world's democracies falling from grace.


Senior Member
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Syrians do not deserve a country if they cannot bother put up a minimal fight.
It's actually kinda unfair they have a country despite being unwilling to fight for it. Meanwhile you have loads of stateless people like Kurds who are actually fighters.
Black Friday queues have shifted to food banks.
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I suspect their biggest fear is AI taking over their scamming industry. That'll be the nails on the coffin.

You haven't studied the Arabic soft power gene. It's mere presence masks all other genes. The two alleles are made of oil and dates.

This seems like a strategic blunder, looking at it from the surface. Although, I can totally see the "rebel" label switched to "terrorist" once they've completely dismantled Assad's government which will allow more US occupation and Israel annexing easy territories (like they just did today with the Golan Heights).

If this is Hamas' conception of a more beneficial Syria, instead of Assad's Syria where arms were moving into Lebanon safely, then you have to really question the cognitive faculty of Hamas' leadership.

I think they should focus on issues directly related to them instead of opining on foreign events with potential consequences against themself, considering they probably lack the resources to fully study foreign geopolitics. For example, the Palestinian Authority (West Bank), which has more resources and freedom than Hamas in Gaza, made the mindboggling decision once to decorate Modi with it's highest national award. Did they not know that Modi is extremely anti-Muslim, butcher of Gujrat, staunch ally of Israel, and occupying Kashmiri Muslim lands much the same way as Israel does to Palestine? This type of decision can only be made under sheer ignorance.

Except ISIS. They never threatened Israel. Even when questioned explicitly on the subject, they simply said they aren't interested in Israel. And ISIS was the most brutal of jihadists; for reference, an al-Qaeda cleric said to them "you are too extreme".
This sounds harsh but one of the reasons a lot of these middle east guys are at the mercy of evil Israel is coz frankly they don't use their brains much. Time and time again they constantly keep getting played and fooled by Israel, the west and hell even other senior Islamic religious leaders who have ulterior motives. With the rise of the internet that gives them access to more information than ever, you would think they would start learning. But it seems the only thing it has helped them on is figuring out how to recruit more ignorant people to join their organization instead of stoping to see the bigger picture.

Oh well. History doesn't care and is a rather cruel figure. It doesnt have any emotion for those who remain ignorant. Those who cannot adapt to the current world will just get left behind in the dustbin of history to be forgotten.


Registered Member
It's actually kinda unfair they have a country despite being unwilling to fight for it. Meanwhile you have loads of stateless people like Kurds who are actually fighters.
I think inviolable sovereignty needs to be seriously looked at a UN-level in the long term. Currently there is no mechanism to legitimately apply Darwinism in state relationships. If a country has repeatedly demonstrated an inability to govern itself, does it really need to remain and continue in the future? Whereas for people who are willing to fight and demonstrate capability and competence, there should be a mechanism to allow them to form a state and to see if they can develop further.

It's easily abusable due to foreign interference, but there is also POV that if you cannot even defend from foreign interference, you don't deserve to be a state.

Anyway, that's complicated stuff and would need serious discussions but something to keep in mind. Past state relations have always advanced on the concept of the strong moving forward and the weak getting eliminated. The current situation has exposed various weaknesses of the current UN-system


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Whereas for people who are willing to fight and demonstrate capability and competence, there should be a mechanism to allow them to form a state and to see if they can develop further.
This is impossible. With the capabilities of the CIA, they have plenty of ways to create such people. The only superpower would be happy to use this low-cost solution if it obtained the legitimate means to destroy other countries.


Registered Member
Almost half way through this decade and things feel much more hectic than the last decade.

We are in a decade of chaos and strife. It will possible be topped off by a major global war; either at the end of this decade or the beginning of the next one. A war that will reset the international order.

No. That would be my answer.

That war in Europe is the most important event on-going.

Whatever happens in West Asia, is just a sideshow.

The sideshow is not the main show.