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They've completely evactuated from Syria.

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Their ability to continuing to influence Africa is thus coming with a giant question mark since Tartus port and the airbases in Syria were their main logistics hub to supply Wagner fighters.
In this day and age, why do you need a base in Syria to support bases in Africa? You have cargo planes and ships to send supplies. The hyperbole that I am seeing about the loss of Russian influence is a bit sad. No its not going to be that bad. Plenty of countries in the middle east that might agree to host the Russians if they wanted it to badly.


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In this day and age, why do you need a base in Syria to support bases in Africa? You have cargo planes and ships to send supplies. The hyperbole that I am seeing about the loss of Russian influence is a bit sad. No its not going to be that bad. Plenty of countries in the middle east that might agree to host the Russians if they wanted it to badly.
What other warm water port in Africa are they going to use? Flying direct to Africa will be much more expensive for the Russians and is African influence really worth the additional costs considering how much they've already sunk into Ukraine?


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Putting all the blame on Assad is just easy.

In fact the US, Israel and Erdogan never stopped arming, training and financing terrorists, while Russia and Iran reached their limits and China did not risk falling into sanctions to help Syria.

In recent years Assad has made numerous trips to different countries to try to normalize Syria's economic situation, apparently in vain. None were able to help him enough.

The truth is that the US and Israel won without contest in the Middle East.

There is no real resistance, Muslims are not a threat to the West, they are just the scapegoat and useful idiots. Without suffering anything more in the Middle East, the West's focus will now be on reaffirming its power in Eastern Europe and then in Asia.
Exactly 10 years ago it was believed Russia lost Ukraine, 10 years later Ukraine lost most of its male population and likely soon its statehood. History never ends.

Turkey backed HTS isn't friendly with US backed Kurish SDF, to put it mildly, and SDF control oilfields. The civil war is just getting started, both Russia and Iran had no issue helping SDF in the past and Trump has no desire to help SDF. Most of geopolitics happen under the surface.

Also are people just going to ignore Russia now have much closer alliance with China and Iran? Through Iran there is Iraq, and through China there is economic security. Compare to that what did NATO get out of Ukraine and Syria so far?


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Yes, this is the bitter truth that "Global South" promoters have to contend with. Syria was in effect bankrupt because of the sanctions imposed by the US and there is no world alternative to the US dollar. For all the talk about an alternative BRICS-led system, there has been nothing but empty words and slogans.

When a weak country like Syria comes under crushing sanctions, there is no alternative. Only very strong and self-sufficient countries like Russia or China can withstand them. But weaker ones like Syria collapse under the weight. Had there been a genuine alternative to the Western financial domination, Assad might still have ruled Syria. The country is so broke that lots of SAA soldiers simply switched sides or stood down for a simple bribe. Many were not paid regular salaries for months or even years but had to resort to exortion from civilians to make ends meet prior to the recent events. If you can't even pay your soldiers, why would they fight? And of course, Assad had to demobilise many of the best units as he could no longer afford them either. This explains why the collapse happened so quick. The army was a hollow paper tiger, withered from the inside over years.

Hezbollah is now bereft of its most crucial supply link through Syria. I'm already seeing images of Israeli settlers trying to settle Southern Lebanon. Israeli army units have begun occupying more Syrian land through a so-called "buffer zone" east of the Golan Heights. Iran's influence has been fatally weakened. For Russia, it's less clear. If they get to keep their base, it might not be the end of the world for them. I don't see China being affected much since they've wisely stayed out of these stupid sectarian fights.
Maybe the west should use that financial power to solve their own cost of living, debt and budget crisis that turning themselves into the Syria right now. Real economic power comes from wealth creation, not finance, real economic dominance is precisely what Russia and China is winning with right now, Trump is in power because the west is suffering from sanctions, Trump abandoning allies is the result of Chinese and Russian sanctions working. Sanctions don't have to be announced for it to have an effect.


Registered Member
Maybe the west should use that financial power to solve their own cost of living, debt and budget crisis that turning themselves into the Syria right now. Real economic power comes from wealth creation, not finance, real economic dominance is precisely what Russia and China is winning with right now, Trump is in power because the west is suffering from sanctions, Trump abandoning allies is the result of Chinese and Russian sanctions working. Sanctions don't have to be announced for it to have an effect.
Assad's regime was under no sanctions.
Unless you count them militarily losing their most productive regions as sanctions.

Until the very end, Syria had normal-ish trade and gdp per capita for a country that's been like 12 years at war.

The problem was that Assad didn't motivate the people correctly. It turns out in a society where you can find 1000s upon 1000s of neck chopping enthusiasts, moderate baathism flies over the heads of the majority. And when you couple incompetent charisma with poor administration efficiency, then you have neither foundations nor fluff. If Assad had either administration skills or religious fervor, it is likely the country would at least be united, through how prosperous it is would be another question.

I too was blinded by the memes and believed that Assad was the best solution, the one that needed to be imposed on Syria by any means.

Many thought Afghanistan retreat could only happen to a rotten and evil empire, not the forces of good. But it turns out everywhere is the same if you don't carefully stake out the wishes of the locals. Syria, like Afghanistan and the Shah even longer ago, was not lost in battle, but through political manuevering. The patience of Turkey has given them the largest slice in the ongoing negotiation.

Luckily, China has not directly involved itself, and hence the approach to the new situation will not necessarily be difficult. The advantage of the two force structure between Russia and China is that there is a capability to act as good and bad cop.

obj 705A

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US main show is in the western pacific, Ukraine is a side show and middle east is side show of a side show.
America's 1st priority is Israel. it's 2nd priority is Israel. it's 3rd priority is Israel. it's 4th priority is Israel & it's 5th priority is Israel and so on.. Europe and western pacific come after that but only as long as it doesn't affect their commitment to God's chosen people.
the entire world & not just China in the western pacific can pose all sorts of geopoltical challenges to the US & the US would still never lose focus on making Israel it's top priority.

so unfortunately no. the middle east is by far the biggest priority for America and that is because Israel exists in the middle east. that is why the US keeps on talking about how they need to pivot to Asia yet whenever Israel is in trouble the US just forgets that the world even exists and they just start pouring all their resources in Israel. and that is why China was given such a long time of peace to build itself up because Israel exists in the middle east not in the western pacific.


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They ignored Russia's military buildup and all of Russia's demands and red lines and continue to ignore them even after Russia intervenes in Ukraine.

We need to be realistic, they will ignore China's demands too.

China still does not use its military power to decisively help any ally. So, without deterrence, once Russia is neutralized or bought, the West will move against a militarily isolated China that they plan to manufacture in the global theater. The West has become arrogant and passionate, like a child that knows no limits, but this is because it still has at its disposal the intact strength of past centuries, without suffering any casualties even after so many wars like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine...

That's why I don't think that China's strategy of ignoring all global conflicts will be sustainable. At some point, either China will start to intervene and defend its interests or it will have to capitulate.

Having a good economy is necessary to win a war but not sufficient. A great economy alone does not win a war.
This is complete nonsense.

My friend, China is not the world's policeman and I don't think it will even do the job that the US has accepted, because they are essentially a bunch of arrogant people who think they can do this forever, when the inherent problems clearly demonstrate that they cannot and do not have the capacity to do so.

Just to give you an idea of the absurdity of what we are currently witnessing, Lloyd Austin said today: 'American leadership is what holds the world together'

The US Secretary of Defense made the controversial statement when announcing Washington's 22nd military aid package for Ukraine, worth almost $1 billion. Austin added that the total value of US security assistance committed to Ukraine since February 2022 has already exceeded $62 billion.

"The world built by American leadership can only be held together by American leadership," he said, without showing any sign of irony.

There is a reason the PLA focuses primarily on MOOTW, with the Chinese military describing MOOTW as non-war military activities – peacekeeping missions, disaster relief, anti-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden, counter-terrorism, regional military medical support, and domestic security for major events – all of which are about building
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While China is already creating enemies even with this stance, the PLA’s intervention to defend allies in order to expand its military sphere of influence will give even more ammunition to anti-China agitators to spew their criticisms against the PRC.

If China were to become more assertive militarily in the world, such as by intervening in Myanmar, supporting the Maoist militias in Shan Province against the PDF and the military junta, sending PLAAF squadrons to bomb strategic points and military bases, and using the PLAGF to train rebel troops while providing logistical support through Yunnan, or by playing a more active role in Central Asia, using the PLAGF to support the regimes in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan, and involving the PAP in multilateral or bilateral counterterrorism exercises targeting Islamist groups such as ISIS-K and the TIP, it would not only upset its enemies, but could even go so far as to upset Tehran and Moscow. This would clearly have repercussions in China's strategic environment, even if the PLA were to intervene in Syria or Venezuela.


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Assad's regime was under no sanctions.
Unless you count them militarily losing their most productive regions as sanctions.

Until the very end, Syria had normal-ish trade and gdp per capita for a country that's been like 12 years at war.

The problem was that Assad didn't motivate the people correctly. It turns out in a society where you can find 1000s upon 1000s of neck chopping enthusiasts, moderate baathism flies over the heads of the majority. And when you couple incompetent charisma with poor administration efficiency, then you have neither foundations nor fluff. If Assad had either administration skills or religious fervor, it is likely the country would at least be united, through how prosperous it is would be another question.

I too was blinded by the memes and believed that Assad was the best solution, the one that needed to be imposed on Syria by any means.

Many thought Afghanistan retreat could only happen to a rotten and evil empire, not the forces of good. But it turns out everywhere is the same if you don't carefully stake out the wishes of the locals. Syria, like Afghanistan and the Shah even longer ago, was not lost in battle, but through political manuevering. The patience of Turkey has given them the largest slice in the ongoing negotiation.

Luckily, China has not directly involved itself, and hence the approach to the new situation will not necessarily be difficult. The advantage of the two force structure between Russia and China is that there is a capability to act as good and bad cop.
Yeah unless you count losing their most productive and oil producing region to foreign occupation, just a minor detail.
There is no such thing as willing wealth into existing, it takes stability then time, especially without oil to smooth things.

Assad's mistake is to not finish the job and freeze the war. There are no stability with a frozen war, without stability there won't be any investment, and without oil you need investment in other industries or there's just no income. Maybe he thought he can pull a PRC and ROC move, but ROC is far smaller than PRC, and even then it took winning the Korean War to establish stability.