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Registered Member
China needs to learn that man does not live by bread and bridges alone. Westerners understand this very well.

This is a big victory for the US and Israel and a big defeat for Russia and Iran who lose important positions in the Middle East and weaken further in the diplomacy and military sphere.

Not being able to make strong allies or not being able to influence and strengthen allies is also a failure, and yes, a worrying responsibility for the future.

Everything has a price and this omission of China in the world's conflicts means that the BRICS are seen more as a losers' club than a real alternative to Western hegemony and bullying policies.

After guaranteeing control of the Middle East without difficulties, the US will now try to contain Russia. Trump will probably try to reach an agreement with Putin, which, if it doesn't work, will try to further strangle Russia's economy and military arm to its limits. Iran is just an irrelevant satellite.

Afterwards, it will be a free path to isolate China if it does not give in to blackmail. I could be wrong, of course, but I don't see this passive Chinese approach as sustainable for long. The West will not tolerate competition.
I agree with Russia and Iran losing in this outcome in Syria and I also agree with Türkiye winning, but I don't agree with this being a big victory for US. US main show is in the western pacific, Ukraine is a side show and middle east is side show of a side show. They have devoted much resources to Israel in these past 12 month both in physical military assets as well as political capital at a time they can ill afford to spend further resources, all for gains in a non-consequential part of the world. Even the Ukraine sideshow is suffering as a result.

This middle east diversion is about as smart as forming German Afrika Korps.


Registered Member
I wouldn't equate the Russians with the Jai Hinds. While the Russians do have an over-inflated sense of their power,
do you think Russia power is overinflated?. Russia elites are large families and right wing Jews. This is the most destructive combo ever created post 1920s. Putin does not have that destructive mind set. Russia can decouple Asia from Europe/AFrica.
Once Israel problems are solved than it can become more useful for other countries in the region.
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'Israel is afraid of Putin,' Zelensky claims amid lack of support against Russia​

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NOVEMBER 20, 2024 20:24​

they actually did have have some power and achievements that are worthy to be feared or admired. What the Russians lacked is sufficient self-criticism. While they have the capability to learn and adapt on the tactical side of battles, they lack self-reflection when it comes to strategic planning.

The Jai Hinds are just hopeless clowns. They have no power and achievements of note compared to the true major powers, yet they indulge themselves in Supapowar fantasies. Their kind are almost certain to remain in below-mediocrity.

They are second to none in destructive power. Those 24 or so Tu-160 are not even used in this Ukraine conflict. largest cruise missile demonstration due to fast reload time and bigger warheads and now all those things are on tactical aircraft like Su-34. They have to prolong the conflict to demonstrate reliability of the people and systems. The constraint on them is always that Soft Power. Every thing is demonstrated for that Soft Power. behind this large family concept is early births to prevent the dumbing down of society and gender balance. it is to expel less bright people. Large family is the Elite of Society is Russian term. All these qualities need to be already present in the society to make large family in unlimited quantity and size. (imagine the wealth needed to implement it)
if someone is not part of large family they know how to get noticed. that Green and Blue in Kazan. this that so called strategic planning.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded a large family from the Pskov region the medal of the Order of Parental Glory. The corresponding decree
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on the official portal of legal information.


Junior Member
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China needs to learn that man does not live by bread and bridges alone. Westerners understand this very well.
If Russia and Iran actually pursued a policy of compelling Assad to build more bridges and give his people more bread, maybe his soldiers would've actually been willing to die for him.
which, if it doesn't work, will try to further strangle Russia's economy and military arm to its limits. Iran is just an irrelevant satellite.
All the better, they'll just continue to fall more and more under China's orbit. Its just up the CPC what levers of influence it'll pull to cement that influence, of which I'm not aware of and will wait and see how they handle it.


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So you think waiting until the last minute to sign deals so as not to lose Ukraine to the west is satisfactory enough? Reminds me of the last days of the Soviet Union when Gorbachev and crew were trying to figure out how to transition to multiparty democracy after years of ignoring the signs of trouble and seemingly oblivious to the disintegration around them. Russian leadership aren't serious, intelligent but don't possess strategic thinking. Outside of Peter the Great and Stalin they have a fold arm, do nothing wait-and-see attitude, Peter the Great had to go against the grain and use force of personality to get reforms done (many of which were undone after his death), and Stalin had to use purges as a means of meritocratic rotation and get rid of stupid people who were so bound by ideology they closed their eyes to reality.

I'm yet to understand what Russia is going to get out of conquering Ukraine. So far their actions have united the west against it, gained two new members in NATO (one of which is on their border), stretched themselves thin they couldn't help a key ally in the Mid East and made themselves almost completely dependent on China as an economic life line. It was a stupid adventure I'm willing to bet Putin regrets. If you want to confront the west you never play the game they want you to play.
What make you think the game the west wants Russia to play is the war? How has it turned out for NATO now that they lost entire armoured battalions and likely thousands if not tens of thousands of "volunteer" troops? They played all the economic sanction cards and how did that go?

Bread and circus is the foundation of victory, Russian economy is the best performing in Europe because of Chinese investment, while European economy is in the gutter from energy cost, war cost and now Chinese auto dominance pouring salt on the wound. French, German, UK, South Korean government all collapsed over cost of living, eastern Europe is openly electing anti-EU leaders now to the point EU has to end pretend elections. Americans re-elected Trump whos about to do something very funny and they're celebrating a ruling class billionaire getting shot in public.

You care so much about what the west think or want, you don't see how the war has united Russia internally, and just as important, cemented Russian relationship with the one country that anyone who want to win need to ally with.


Registered Member
China needs to learn that man does not live by bread and bridges alone. Westerners understand this very well.

This is a big victory for the US and Israel and a big defeat for Russia and Iran who lose important positions in the Middle East and weaken further in the diplomacy and military sphere.

Not being able to make strong allies or not being able to influence and strengthen allies is also a failure, and yes, a worrying responsibility for the future.

Everything has a price and this omission of China in the world's conflicts means that the BRICS are seen more as a losers' club than a real alternative to Western hegemony and bullying policies.

After guaranteeing control of the Middle East without difficulties, the US will now try to contain Russia. Trump will probably try to reach an agreement with Putin, which, if it doesn't work, will try to further strangle Russia's economy and military arm to its limits. Iran is just an irrelevant satellite.

Afterwards, it will be a free path to isolate China if it does not give in to blackmail. I could be wrong, of course, but I don't see this passive Chinese approach as sustainable for long. The West will not tolerate competition.

You are partially correct. Russia is not strong enough to hold Syria and Ukraine simultaneously. So it is prioritizing Ukraine. The Russian presence in Syria is a Soviet era holdover that could've been wound down in the 1990's just like Russia wound down its presence in Vietnam's Cam Ranh Bay in the 1990's. There was no point in maintaining a Mediterranean presence, just like there was no point in maintaining a South China Sea presence, if Russia was focused internally and on its near abroad.

But at the end of the day, Westpac and Europe are the main theaters. Ukraine is worth 100 Syrias, Taiwan is worth 100 Ukraines, Japan is worth 100 Taiwans. Spending resources and political capital on indirect damage to Russia, not even China, is unwise, when there's open conflict in Ukraine already, much less the stage being set in East Asia.


Junior Member
Registered Member
yes, the truly smart ones who are never, ever on the internet fight for more 'enlightened' causes. it ends up very well for them.

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Well I wasn't speaking broadly about internet fighters and I don't know what the counter example is trying to accomplish.

I'm just saying, the same people criticizing China today have no understanding of the CPC's foreign policy strategy and based on their own conduct have no right to criticize it.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Good luck Yoon.

If you have a lot of densely populated cities like China, then HSR is probably worth it. It's not that complicated.
This is such red-eyed,jealous sour grapes huffing and puffing at the accomplishments of the Chinese (who are total historically/and NOW masters at great engineering projects) and is unworthy of a <former>great people like Americans who are sounding like Indians more and more everyday.Moving large masses of people to work/play into large urban centers quickly,safely and efficiently is NO money pit and makes sense ecologically(gobal warming BS remember?)and people can reside outside urban areas an use their cars on weekends etc saving congestion/pollution etc(try driving in the hellish 1960's relic of Toronto highways) and China high speed rails/LRT etc are/will NOT be gang infested,graffiri-blighted ,criminal ridden hellholes unsafe for anyone especially women.If the situation were reversed and USA had such a systen-not even in their f*cking dreams!haha -the endless boasting/bragging and chest-beating against the Chinese would be unbearable.


Registered Member
If Russia and Iran actually pursued a policy of compelling Assad to build more bridges and give his people more bread, maybe his soldiers would've actually been willing to die for him.

They did try to arrange an meeting with Assad and Erdogan for years. Assad rejected dialogue every time even when Erdogan was willing to meet. Maybe normalization would have stabilized things but Assad never went for it due to his personal feelings.


Registered Member
Well I wasn't speaking broadly about internet fighters and I don't know what the counter example is trying to accomplish.

I'm just saying, the same people criticizing China today have no understanding of the CPC's foreign policy strategy and based on their own conduct have no right to criticize it.

No excuse needs to be made for dealing with the UN recognized government of a country. It is the default.