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Strangle with what? What exactly can they do that they haven’t done yet? China isn’t going to stop trading with Russia and it is doubtful India will either. Then on the military side. How are they going to strangle the military when their industrial military capabilities are almost entirely domestic. If you are talking about military goals then how. No amount of weapons is going to magically allow Ukraine to start winning again when manpower is heavily depleted.
Extra and secondary sanctions against China and any company trading with Russia. In addition to sending tomahawks and drones against Russian factories and depotss. Unfortunately they can still escalate further.

If the Westerners see no deterrence, they will only move forward until they reach a deal favorable to them,. Even more so with Trump, who built an image by promising deals through force.

If China was as passive as people keep insisting then China military wouldn’t be growing or modernizing. People are too accustomed to the western style of blunt public geopolitics which is causing severe tunnel vision. Instead of looking at what kind of actions they are doing behind the doors. Just like what the Russians were complaining about leading to the events in 2022. You would have been completely blind sided if you only read their public diplomatic speak.
They ignored Russia's military buildup and all of Russia's demands and red lines and continue to ignore them even after Russia intervenes in Ukraine.

We need to be realistic, they will ignore China's demands too.

China still does not use its military power to decisively help any ally. So, without deterrence, once Russia is neutralized or bought, the West will move against a militarily isolated China that they plan to manufacture in the global theater. The West has become arrogant and passionate, like a child that knows no limits, but this is because it still has at its disposal the intact strength of past centuries, without suffering any casualties even after so many wars like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine...

That's why I don't think that China's strategy of ignoring all global conflicts will be sustainable. At some point, either China will start to intervene and defend its interests or it will have to capitulate.

Having a good economy is necessary to win a war but not sufficient. A great economy alone does not win a war.


Registered Member
Why is it so bad for Turkey to run the place? Besides Turkey not being friendly to China. For Syrians Turkish rule would be better than jihadists.
Maybe you don't know what Sultan Erdogan is about. But if you think that Erdogan his legions of Takfiris (including thousands of Uighur terrorists) are just gonna stop at Syria, then you're not looking at the bigger picture.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Why is it so bad for Turkey to run the place? Besides Turkey not being friendly to China. For Syrians Turkish rule would be better than jihadists.
For China, this could be an opportunity, like everything else before.

If you think Sultan Erdogan his legions of Takfiris (including thousands of Uighur terrorists) are just gonna stop at Syria, then you're not looking at the bigger picture.
Yeah, still that alone takes time to develop and whether he can accomplish his dreams depends on how well the Turkish economy does in the long run. If Turkey can build that pipe line in one piece from Qatar to the EU in a day, he would definitely secure a major win but if the pipeline takes too long to build to save Europe for energy shortage, well in all seriousness, he screwed up.

Problem with Erdogan is that, well he assumes he can play the whole world forever, but Turkey isn’t powerful enough right now to do an Ottoman Empire without incurring serious difficulties and further exposing his hand. China should simply plan ahead instead of panicking. Even now his attempt to wipe out the Kurds isn’t going to improve his image nor making him more trustworthy to the west anytime soon.
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Registered Member
People are too accustomed to the western style of blunt public geopolitics which is causing severe tunnel vision.

Thing is, doing it that way is also a tool. The error of the West is resorting to that tool as default go-to, but its also an error to renounce to it.

While the "do nothing, win" meme is fun, there will be a point where there won't be the "do nothing" option and it will be forced to act one way or the other, specially now that this will embolden NATO and now you suddenly have a bunch of ETIM types free to roam.


Registered Member
Extra and secondary sanctions against China and any company trading with Russia.

You mean they are going to do the exact same thing that they were doing for the last several years? I am sure sanction package 4859272 will work this time.

In addition to sending tomahawks and drones against Russian factories and depotss. Unfortunately they can still escalate further.

If the Westerners see no deterrence, they will only move forward until they reach a deal favorable to them,. Even more so with Trump, who built an image by promising deals through force.

If the Russians haven’t backed down for 2 years of escalation then I don’t know why you think threatening world war 3 is going to suddenly make them agree to an unconditional surrender.

They ignored Russia's military buildup and all of Russia's demands and red lines and continue to ignore them even after Russia intervenes in Ukraine.

We need to be realistic, they will ignore China's demands too.

Everyone knows that. China and Russia isn’t expecting anything. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be investing in their militaries. As for the Russian redlines, the vast majority of those supposed redlines were their own self imposed western red lines. They say it is a redline, proceed to cross their own redline, and then say they crossed Russian redlines. As far as I remember, the long range missile one was a red line and they fired an hypersonic missile back and now west has gone quiet again. There is still zero words about the “Ukrainian” F16s being launched from NATO bases, which is an actual redline.

China still does not use its military power to decisively help any ally. So, without deterrence, once Russia is neutralized or bought, the West will move against a militarily isolated China that they plan to manufacture in the global theater.

That criticism only works if Russia was losing the war. Except they aren’t. China continues to provide the economic factor.


Junior Member
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I was seeing on telegram channels about some Russia/Brics supporters complaining that China should have done something.

Firstly why didn't they ask during the 10 extra years when Assad was there? Why only now? Did they not have faith in China back then?

Secondly why should China intervene when we can see that the country's people themselves don't want to fight hard for it? In fact why should China be obligated to use force? Maybe there is some other way out? After all they keep saying China are pussies and not manly like Russia who shows its might so why should China change its methods just for them?

Now I see why Nato and those other organizations the west have only let in western Europeans and maybe vassal states like Japan. Because they don't want to risk having to bail out others and don't want troublemakers. Thats why they can pretend they always help coz they frankly never needed to help much in the first place. Afghanistan and Vietnam were bad enough to the US. Imagine two or three more of those countries in Nato.

Btw when the US does help, they do it the same way they issue a loan. Not only do you need to pay back that loan, but you also need to pay interest on it.
The terminally online types who watched too much RT and constantly hyped up Assad as an enlightened leader just had their entire worldviews shattered. They didn't feel strongly enough about the so called "anti-West revolution" to abandon their comfortable Western lifestyles and go fight for Assad and Russia, why should their condemnations of China not doing enough to be a part of this global struggle be taken with any seriousness?

Time heals all wounds, whether one acknowledges the wound and is proactive in applying the necessary treatments, or if one chooses to ignore it out of pride, lets it fester, and are thus forced to treat their wounds in the ER. Whichever one these guys choose to be, is none of China's business.


Registered Member
Extra and secondary sanctions against China and any company trading with Russia.
While China and Russia has UN veto, that's a pipe dream. The "world" can't even make unified sanctions on Israel, there's 0 chance Russia can be called out economically.
In addition to sending tomahawks and drones against Russian factories and depotss. Unfortunately they can still escalate further.
They have already sent their most potent weapons aside from their prototype hypersonic missiles. If NATO fires directly on Russia, there will be immediate ww3. On the other hand if they fire from Ukraine, Russia will simply destroy their ammo stores as the weapons are heading into Ukraine.

Ukraine has little/no air cover, so you're talking about prime NATO hardware like Taurus getting destroyed in a train or in a warehouse, when in the intended NATO role, those weapons are supposed to be adequately defended with CAP and GBAD.
If the Westerners see no deterrence, they will only move forward until they reach a deal favorable to them,. Even more so with Trump, who built an image by promising deals through force.

They ignored Russia's military buildup and all of Russia's demands and red lines and continue to ignore them even after Russia intervenes in Ukraine.

We need to be realistic, they will ignore China's demands too.
China is tech rushing energy autarky, higher than US 5th gen production rate and 6th gen. Not to mention the whole low altitude economy thing.

I don't think China will make any demands from the west aside from at gunpoint.

The strategy now is to wait until the west isn't profitable anymore, then use the military.
China still does not use its military power to decisively help any ally.
Random Middle Easterners are not China's allies... If Hezbollah is Chinese ally, they would have been using Chinese ISR architecture.

Russia is an actual ally and it interfaces heavily into China, hence their strong battlefield performance even in large conflicts. Assad isn't.
So, without deterrence, once Russia is neutralized or bought,
You are not familiar with Chinese geopolitical strategy then. Russia is as much of a red line as Manchuria is. They're China's energy battery and reserve breadbasket.
the West will move against a militarily isolated China that they plan to manufacture in the global theater. The West has become arrogant and passionate, like a child that knows no limits, but this is because it still has at its disposal the intact strength of past centuries, without suffering any casualties even after so many wars like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine...

That's why I don't think that China's strategy of ignoring all global conflicts will be sustainable. At some point, either China will start to intervene and defend its interests or it will have to capitulate.
But China isn't ignoring global conflicts. It played cards to ensure Russian loyalty, began moves to destabilise US in the middle east, and sniped out the EU economy, which I should remind you is 50% of NATO's economic power, on paper at least.

Even right now, China is hard at work on crippling the India problem. It's not like they're sitting around doing nothing just because they're not actively bombing anyone. If we take war is an extension of politics as a truth, then the reverse also applies in that politics is an acceptable way to fight without every action requiring open war.


Registered Member
Thing is, doing it that way is also a tool. The error of the West is resorting to that tool as default go-to, but its also an error to renounce to it.

While the "do nothing, win" meme is fun, there will be a point where there won't be the "do nothing" option and it will be forced to act one way or the other, specially now that this will embolden NATO and now you suddenly have a bunch of ETIM types free to roam.

Sure but the point was that people keep trying to read the traditional diplomatic speak other countries through the lenses of the western WWE diplomatic speak. It fundamentally doesn’t work.


Registered Member
The terminally online types who watched too much RT and constantly hyped up Assad as an enlightened leader just had their entire worldviews shattered. They didn't feel strongly enough about the so called "anti-West revolution" to abandon their comfortable Western lifestyles and go fight for Assad and Russia, why should their condemnations of China not doing enough to be a part of this global struggle be taken with any seriousness?

Time heals all wounds, whether one acknowledges the wound and is proactive in applying the necessary treatments, or if one chooses to ignore it out of pride, lets it fester, and are thus forced to treat their wounds in the ER. Whichever one these guys choose to be, is none of China's business.
yes, the truly smart ones who are never, ever on the internet fight for more 'enlightened' causes. it ends up very well for them.

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