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There is nothing to suggest that HTS terrorists will turn against those who brought them to power. HTS commander even gave an interview for Times of Israel where he stated he hopes they can be friends with Israel.
Among a sea of corruption, incompetency and idiocy, finally seeing someone, Israel, planning and executing a well thought plan brings a tear to my eye. Beautiful

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Another rebel figure from the Idlib area who spoke to the network thanked Jerusalem and said the opposition was “very satisfied” with Israel’s actions against Hezbollah and other Iran-backed players. Hezbollah is avowedly committed to destroying Israel.
“They accuse us of cooperating with you because we were quite happy when you attacked Hezbollah, really happy, and we’re glad that you won,” the source said.
Both said the rebels had no issue with Israel. “We love Israel and we were never its enemies,” the man from the Idlib area said. “[Israel] isn’t hostile to those who are not hostile toward it. We don’t hate you, we love you very much.”
Comprehensive victory


Registered Member
I must admit that I wasn't particularly aware of these diplomatic and economic activities Russia tried with Ukraine. Most, if not all the impressions I have on the whole Russia vs Ukraine debacle were shaped exclusively from western sources and figures I looked up to at some point.
Russia tried literally every single carrot in the book and Ukraine rejected it all. They couped their elected president for empty promises.

The EU deal never worked out either BTW, Ukrainian GDP plummeted 12% (!!) after 2015 as EU investors bought assets for pennies on the dollar, as expected, and as Donbass residents dependent on domestic industry warned.

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They got nothing except a permanently hostile Russia.

Why does @Africablack not mention this, huh? If it's not smart for Russia to "antagonize" Ukraine, how fucking smart is it of Ukraine to antagonize Russia and tank its own economy on the basis of nothing but words from EU?


Registered Member
So you think waiting until the last minute to sign deals so as not to lose Ukraine to the west is satisfactory enough? Reminds me of the last days of the Soviet Union when Gorbachev and crew were trying to figure out how to transition to multiparty democracy after years of ignoring the signs of trouble and seemingly oblivious to the disintegration around them. Russian leadership aren't serious, intelligent but don't possess strategic thinking. Outside of Peter the Great and Stalin they have a fold arm, do nothing wait-and-see attitude, Peter the Great had to go against the grain and use force of personality to get reforms done (many of which were undone after his death), and Stalin had to use purges as a means of meritocratic rotation and get rid of stupid people who were so bound by ideology they closed their eyes to reality.

I'm yet to understand what Russia is going to get out of conquering Ukraine. So far their actions have united the west against it,
That IS the whole point.

Grief relationships between Russia and the west, so Russia can better focus on its obligations to China. Beijing is a jealous wife and will not tolerate the Kremlin eyeing pan white-identity politics in Europe.
gained two new members in NATO (one of which is on their border), stretched themselves thin they couldn't help a key ally in the Mid East and made themselves almost completely dependent on China as an economic life line. It was a stupid adventure I'm willing to bet Putin regrets. If you want to confront the west you never play the game they want you to play.
What Putin gets out of this is that his country has already tried kowtowing to the west once. It ended with millions of Russians dead, prostituted and/or addicted to drugs. China is offering Russia a chance to build a new type of state, free from oligarchy and free from the west. The war is the shock therapy that frees Russia from EU/US colonization.


Registered Member
, the US will now try to contain Russia. Trump will probably try to reach an agreement with Putin, which, if it doesn't work, will try to further strangle Russia's economy and military arm to its limits.

Strangle with what? What exactly can they do that they haven’t done yet? China isn’t going to stop trading with Russia and it is doubtful India will either. Then on the military side. How are they going to strangle the military when their industrial military capabilities are almost entirely domestic. If you are talking about military goals then how. No amount of weapons is going to magically allow Ukraine to start winning again when manpower is heavily depleted.

Afterwards, it will be a free path to isolate China if it does not give in to blackmail. I could be wrong, of course, but I don't see this passive Chinese approach as sustainable for long. The West will not tolerate competition.

If China was as passive as people keep insisting then China military wouldn’t be growing or modernizing. People are too accustomed to the western style of blunt public geopolitics which is causing severe tunnel vision. Instead of looking at what kind of actions they are doing behind the doors. Just like what the Russians were complaining about leading to the events in 2022. You would have been completely blind sided if you only read their public diplomatic speak.


Registered Member
Strangle with what? What exactly can they do that they haven’t done yet? China isn’t going to stop trading with Russia and it is doubtful India will either. Then on the military side. How are they going to strangle the military when their industrial military capabilities are almost entirely domestic. If you are talking about military goals then how. No amount of weapons is going to magically allow Ukraine to start winning again when manpower is heavily depleted.
Europe is a spent and declining market don't think a Quatari pipeline will save them and their industry. By that time the gas will reach the European markets Europe's manufacturers will be dependent on Chinese component or are already transferred to China, kind of like Tesla. Russia will send its oil and grain to China and ASEAN a more fertile and expanding market.

Im more wondering what the talks in Tehran will be about now that the US/Nato has secured Syria and still have influence in Iraq. Thats one hell of a staging ground Biden gifted Trump.
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Registered Member
Im more wondering what the talks in Tehran will be about now that the US/Nato has secured Syria and still have influence in Iraq. Thats one hell of a staging ground Biden gifted Trump.
I fully expect that Israel will brazenly attack a high value target in Iran in broad daylight and then dare it to counter-attack with Trump threatening Iran that if it dares to attack Israel he will wipe them out.

That's when the real fun will begin


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Very big loss for Russia and especially for Iran. A very big win for the US.

That Russian invasion of Ukraine will be looked at by historians as a transitional moment in world history.
Big loss for Syria maybe, loss for Russia and Iran, probably only if Syria is completely under western control with that pipeline from Qatar to Europe, I would agree. But if that pipeline doesn’t get built and Syria is engulfed in civil war that ensures that the region becomes a money sink for the west to extract value from the place, might not be much of a loss at all, could even be a plus if we need to be cold about it. I don’t see how this could be a big win for the U.S. when this incident does nothing to solve its fundamental issues. Don’t over estimate Syrias value, the region was never going to be stable, I am surprised it took this long for the USA to take Syria and I don’t think it would do much to boost the reputation of the USA to boast about it now. Also Trump says a lot of things about attacking Iran but in all seriousness, considering the rather horrible situation the U.S. economy is in, he should seriously shut up unless he wants what remains of US economy to go down the toilet.

Why do these western pundits automatically assume a victory like this is a turning point, this could very easily like all other situations could easily backfire on them, didn’t some people here learn not to assume things only to find the opposite ended up being true.

The important question to ask if this so called victory automatic repairs all the economic damage done to the USA, Israel, France and Germany. If anyone says yes, then they pretty much has taken leave of their braincells. it’s like spending all the weapons in WW2 and then ultimately losing its super power status soon after due to being that weakened. Doesn’t this describe Europe (UK essentially) quite well
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Registered Member
China needs to learn that man does not live by bread and bridges alone. Westerners understand this very well.

This is a big victory for the US and Israel and a big defeat for Russia and Iran who lose important positions in the Middle East and weaken further in the diplomacy and military sphere.

Not being able to make strong allies or not being able to influence and strengthen allies is also a failure, and yes, a worrying responsibility for the future.

Everything has a price and this omission of China in the world's conflicts means that the BRICS are seen more as a losers' club than a real alternative to Western hegemony and bullying policies.

After guaranteeing control of the Middle East without difficulties, the US will now try to contain Russia. Trump will probably try to reach an agreement with Putin, which, if it doesn't work, will try to further strangle Russia's economy and military arm to its limits. Iran is just an irrelevant satellite.

Afterwards, it will be a free path to isolate China if it does not give in to blackmail. I could be wrong, of course, but I don't see this passive Chinese approach as sustainable for long. The West will not tolerate competition.
Let me say once again that any country looking to ally with China must meet the bare minimum standard of purchasing its walkie talkies and pagers from China. Thank you and have a nice day.


Registered Member
I fully expect that Israel will brazenly attack a high value target in Iran in broad daylight and then dare it to counter-attack with Trump threatening Iran that if it dares to attack Israel he will wipe them out.

That's when the real fun will begin
Israel still hasn't got an end in sight at it's own war, and things are about to get worse as Erdogan's thugs get ready to spread their reign of terror on Israel's kurds. Then after that what? Nation building? More like spreading Jihad into other sunni neighbors like Jordan and Lebanon.

Assad performing even worse doesn't fix Netanyahu's own poor performance.

Neither Israel nor Iran is in a position to make moves at this point. Israel was so pummeled by the Lebanon war that they couldn't even stay long enough in position to aid the Turkish Syria attack (and Israel with imho 90% confidence chance was told in advance by Erdogan). Iran is doing porcupine strats with import weapons since the chance of direct US invasion is high with Trump.


Registered Member
So you think waiting until the last minute to sign deals so as not to lose Ukraine to the west is satisfactory enough? Reminds me of the last days of the Soviet Union when Gorbachev and crew were trying to figure out how to transition to multiparty democracy after years of ignoring the signs of trouble and seemingly oblivious to the disintegration around them. Russian leadership aren't serious, intelligent but don't possess strategic thinking. Outside of Peter the Great and Stalin they have a fold arm, do nothing wait-and-see attitude, Peter the Great had to go against the grain and use force of personality to get reforms done (many of which were undone after his death), and Stalin had to use purges as a means of meritocratic rotation and get rid of stupid people who were so bound by ideology they closed their eyes to reality.

I'm yet to understand what Russia is going to get out of conquering Ukraine. So far their actions have united the west against it, gained two new members in NATO (one of which is on their border), stretched themselves thin they couldn't help a key ally in the Mid East and made themselves almost completely dependent on China as an economic life line. It was a stupid adventure I'm willing to bet Putin regrets. If you want to confront the west you never play the game they want you to play.

Russia was dealing with the UN recognized government of Ukraine.

In fact, it was offered in contrast to the actual last second 2013 IMF loan conditions, tied to the EU association agreement, which were extremely harsh and demanded a Ukrainian government budget cut along with a 40% increase in domestic gas prices while offering a much lower $4 billion USD loan.

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How did this turn out for Ukraine?

Your kind often demand the world from China and Russia, but are happy with western crumbs. And you go surprise Pikachu when you get rekt for it. Understand this first, then think about what you really want.