Miscellaneous News


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Using existing industrial technology in consumer products isn't innovation, it's just product development and marketing. My observation is the less people are able to innovate, the more they obsess over protecting their IP.
Innovation is not the same as invention, though the lines are sometimes blurred. Innovation is actually about using existing inventions with new methods, new processes, new products, etc. For example, nitroglycerin was invented by Italian chemist, Ascanio Sobrero. But Alfred Nobel innovated nitroglycerin as dynamite. In the engineering world, they say that invention is done by scientists, while innovation is done by engineers.

IP can be used to protect both inventions and innovations. In the past, IP was used more to protect actual inventions and innovative products, but these days it is used to protect anything, concrete or abstract, that a company or individual wants to claim. Yes, the more people obsess over IP, the less they are able to innovate. That is becoming more rampant in the West these days.
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Junior Member
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Innovation is not the same as invention, though the lines are sometimes blurred. Innovation is actually about using existing inventions with new methods, new processes, new products, etc. For example, nitroglycerin was invented by Italian chemist, Ascanio Sobrero. But Alfred Nobel innovated nitroglycerin as dynamite. In the engineering world, they say that invention is done by scientists, while innovation is done by engineers.

IP can be used to protect both inventions and innovations. In the past, IP was used more to protect actual inventions and innovative products, but these days it is used to protect anything, concrete or abstract, that a company or individual wants to claim. Yes, the more people obsess over IP, the less they are able to innovate. That is becoming more rampant in the West these days.
Sure, but Dyson didn't came up with new way to use existing machines, Dyson repackaged existing machines for consumers but the machines do the same things using the same principles. Specifically Dyson has design patents, not utility patents, it's a design house, not a technology company.

Nothing wrong with design houses, but they have no place pretending to have technology.


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Sadly this has been happening a lot in China for the past few years. A country as big as China is going to have its fair share of crazies and with the current economic troubles the fact of the matter is, one person down on their luck will lash out at society through violence and create a chain reaction where others who are left behind will do the same.

I do think its a point of concern that these incidents used to mostly happen in second tier cities, but recently there's been incidents in Beijing and Shanghai, and I guess this one in Zhuhai which is usually always ranked in China's top five cities for quality of life. These incidents are always going to be hard to prevent, since you can't keep track of every person with known mental illnesses and many people hide their mental struggles until they explode.

Take solace in the fact that these incidents are still statistically rare considering China's population size, guns are banned in China so the death count will be low compared to mass shootings in USA, and the government is taking proactive steps to improve mental health care. But swallow the bitter pill that there may be more of these until the economic rebalancing is complete and prosperity can be spread equally amongst all Chinese citizens. It will take time, but I'm confident it will be achieved.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Sadly this has been happening a lot in China for the past few years. A country as big as China is going to have its fair share of crazies and with the current economic troubles the fact of the matter is, one person down on their luck will lash out at society through violence and create a chain reaction where others who are left behind will do the same.

I do think its a point of concern that these incidents used to mostly happen in second tier cities, but recently there's been incidents in Beijing and Shanghai, and I guess this one in Zhuhai which is usually always ranked in China's top five cities for quality of life. These incidents are always going to be hard to prevent, since you can't keep track of every person with known mental illnesses and many people hide their mental struggles until they explode.

Take solace in the fact that these incidents are still statistically rare considering China's population size, guns are banned in China so the death count will be low compared to mass shootings in USA, and the government is taking proactive steps to improve mental health care. But swallow the bitter pill that there may be more of these until the economic rebalancing is complete and prosperity can be spread equally amongst all Chinese citizens. It will take time, but I'm confident it will be achieved.
You know, I've been hearing "economic troubles" being blamed for these things since the early 2000s. Considering a handful of violent incidents a year in a country with 1.4 billion people is already unimaginably low, I guess the only way to achieve absolute zero crazy is universal communism. So, clearly still a lot more work to do.