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I think there is too much importance put on the death of a political leader. Organisations like Hezbollah do not collapse merely because their political leader died. It's not like Nasrallah was some military genius general.

We see this with the Taliban. The USA assassinated their leaders again and again and again. The Taliban only grew stronger. It's not about an individual, it's about an organization and an idea.

Ironically, we also see this with the USA. It's obvious that Biden's totally out-of-it. This has had basically zero impact on America's military strength.

Finally, Hezbollah's all-out retaliation is not happening right now because they're preparing for the Israeli invasion. When that happens, they will fight with all that they have. Let's hope they do well.
Hezbollah never intended an invasion. Their entire goal is of self-defence and dealing whatever damage they can from inside their borders. All of these assassinations and "infiltrations" are meaningless for Israel unless they can change the reality on the ground that the north of their country has been depopulated with daily attacks reaching deeper inside Israeli territory. We've been hearing of this "ground invasion" for months now without any effect.


Registered Member
lmao China plays it's own game. In any case it's not China that just had its entire upper echelon killed and publicaly humiliated in front of the entire world.
Doesnt really matter, it just shows China isn't all that different than the west, and maybe the Global South should start seeing that way seeing that the CPC is incapable of excercising any of it's alleged moral and ethical superiority over the west.

Thinking that You deserve support by virtue of not being the west is like Obama winning the Nobel for not being Bush.

And the Pelosi thing sounds like cope, since they keep doing it and also now the Philippines are at it too.

At the end of the day, China could have stopped a genocide and didnt, or maybe it couldnt. Just like it seems unable to protect it's own citizens in the US.

But hey, 6D chess games, right?


Registered Member
I don't see why common Iranians are being blamed. Yes they are brainwashed BUT have the conservatives done anything to improve their lives? Nope!!
For selling the soul of their nation for Pizza Hut and iPhones? Off course they deserved to be blamed! Clearly they need some history lessons about what happened to Russia.

Instead they introduced their hijab police lol
I am sure well educated Iranians feel confident on their nation when priority things like what to wear are in conservatives' minds. Mundane stuff like economic improvement better left on the sidelines...
The conservatives are not innocent with the current mess in Iran. They have made the same mistakes as the old Soviets before the fall. Spending too much on militarism than building a vibrant economy. Still, Iran needed to find a way to pivot to a proper civilian economy without losing their soul. The best way forward is to embrace BRI. But recent events have been disappointing, and the average Iranians are choosing the easy way out, which is embracing the West. If Iran fully embraces the West, they are gonna get their very own "shock therapy".

So love or hate the Ayatollah and his conservative faction. They are actually the only ones who are saving Iran from sliding into a disastrous embrace with the West.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
I don't see why common Iranians are being blamed. Yes they are brainwashed BUT have the conservatives done anything to improve their lives? Nope!!

Instead they introduced their hijab police lol
I am sure well educated Iranians feel confident on their nation when priority things like what to wear are in conservatives' minds. Mundane stuff like economic improvement better left on the sidelines...
Actually, yes, they have. The social and economic development indicators are quite high, especially compared to it's neighbors, despite decades of sanctions. Their industrial and scientific output is better than most neighbors. You got overexcited by the assassination and looking to contemn Iran in every way possible including with nonsense.


Registered Member
Oversees Iranians are a joke though. They legitimately think Israel is their ally and call for Israel to bomb Iran not realizing that a war with Iran is going to kill so many civilians.

Diaspora like this who colludes with enemies are the worst of the kind. Their are many Iranians who are against the ayatollah's but also don't simp for their enemies

And unfortunately, Chinese diaspora isn't immune from this virus either. Alot of the most stringent anti-china voices in the west are oversees Chinese themselves
Yes. Chinese history is long and are full of traitors in it. These traitors are called hanjians, and this forum knows them all too well. These idiots not only reside overseas, but also on Chinese soil like HK, Taiwan, and Shanghai. The places that are most prone to exposure to corruption by Western ideology. Fortunately, mainland China is led by the CPC today. So they could keep the Western spiritual corruption within mainland China in check.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
The point is when you see Israel start taking out your allies one by one you are supposed to do something about it. Iran is not powerless in this matter they have the ballistic missiles and drones to carry out attacks. Instead all they do fly colourful flags. US is never going to accept Iran back in the folder no matter what Iran does, the fact that US is willing to support Israel to this degree should have made it clear. Iran's inaction is costing them political capital both within their axis of resistance friends as well as make China and Russia doubt if Iran would make a reliable ally.

You're making our point. No one questions that Iranians would fight to defend their homeland, but Iran would and is folding when its Arab allies and co-religionists are put under pressure.

Your condemnation of Iran fails to take into account the Iranian perspective. Sure, they'll lose credibility since they like to talk big (a disease the whole region shares). But what's the alternative? War with the west is worse. If some Arabs die and Iran is safe but unpopular, that's better than if Iran gets bombed. It's not like the Arabs themselves are doing anything either. You might want them to send all their missiles and special forces to fight in Palestine. But what would Iran get out of that?

Iran will lose some protection from losing its proxies. But that just means it can't be as aggressive as it has been up to now

China was also humiliated in the third Taiwan strait crisis. But it didn't start a war then but weakly sent missiles into the ocean. But today, the situation is different