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If you are sitting behind Khameni's desk right now, what are your options on the tables, and what are the pros and cons of each?


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While not exactly the same situation as Iran, this shows why Xi is such a great great strategic leader. The degree of political legitimacy, social culture, and economic prosperity/distribution were abysmal before him. Xi's efforts at spiritually cleansing China from internal disease and Western infiltration, is what has really transformed China this past decade

Also special props to Jiang for decisively and bravely implementing strict patriotic education after the 1989 riots
Still playing second fiddle to the US in many geopolitical scenarios, and refusal to even comment in others reeks of cowardice, at this point.

Then again, Israel probably has the CPC infiltrated too since they were buddies in the 90's


Registered Member
Still playing second fiddle to the US in many geopolitical scenarios, and refusal to even comment in others reeks of cowardice, at this point.

Then again, Israel probably has the CPC infiltrated too since they were buddies in the 90's
lmao China plays it's own game. In any case it's not China that just had its entire upper echelon killed and publicaly humiliated in front of the entire world.

US tried something similar with that Pelosi stunt. You know what happened instead? US Military still regrets that fateful day. US politicians have suddenly shut up talking about that. US think tankers and foreign establishments rue the day this happened. US allies in Korea and Japan still tremble from what China showed to them as for their potential future

All the rest is just fart in the wind.

and why should China comment. This war serves China perfectly fine. In fact China is actually happy about it and probably secretly wishes Netanyahu fans the flame more and more lol. The game that China is playing is in another league to what you think is in play here


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Not sure how much I agree with this, but worth noting that Israel is extremely dependent on the West for its survival, so it would be very foolish to harbor these feelings. For my part, I think it's pretty obvious that Israel is a strategic albatross around the West's neck.

The fundamental flaw is that Israel has a very large messianic demographic which views the establishment of a "Greater Israel" as paramount and this worldview necessitates endless conflicts with their neighbours. That's why there will never be peace between Israel and its neighbours. How long will the West feel the need to subsidise this deranged fantasy? I suspect the appetite will wave over time.
If you want to understand the Messianic demographic, then you must look into the Messianic scripture in which the Western world is annihilated and Israel is the replacement. These feelings are very old, preceding the dark ages of the Western world.



Q. Why does antisemitism exclude Arabs which are the largest Semitic group?

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Poverty rates in Argentina have exceeded 50%. Millei experiment isn't going so well. Who would've thought.

But he has done his job. Convert to Judaism so that he gets access to the Jewish elite funding Argentina and sell the country to the CIA including Elon musk for lithium while destroying Argentina.

Zionism is a disease and when you mix it with unchecked capitalism. It becomes a volcano waiting to burst
The Argentinian people voted for this, so we shouldn't feel too sorry for them. They could have tried to endure the painful economic reforms by sticking with the previous government. But no, they wanted the shortcut, they wanted the chainsaw madman. They were so excited about crazy chainsaw man cutting up their painful economic problems. So all I can say to them is: congratulations, you've got what you wanted. Enjoy it.

The Iranian people had voted Masoud Pezeshkian. He is not one of those old-fashioned reformist, but a full-blown Western apologist. It seems like the Iranian middle and upper classes have fully capitulated to the West. They too, must have wanted to take the shortcut like the Argentinians. They probably thought highly of the era of the Shah and dreamt of going back to that. But is there is no going back. There is only worse shit waiting for them after they have sold their souls to the West. They should enjoy what they've voted for too.

That is why electoral democracies weakens nations. The average voters are not very smart, and will always vote for shortcuts and handouts. The vast majority of voters lack vision. They would always vote for the candidate that they like, not the candidate that they need.
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Registered Member
The Argentinian people voted for this, so we shouldn't feel bad for them. They could have tried to endure the painful economic reforms with the previous government. But no, they wanted the shortcut, they wanted the chainsaw madman, they were so excited about crazy chainsaw man cutting up their painful economic problems. So all I can say to them is: congratulations, you've got what you wanted, so enjoy it.

The Iranian people had voted Masoud Pezeshkian. He is not one of those old-fashioned reformist, but a full-blown Western apologist. It seems like the Iranian middle and upper classes have fully capitulated to the West. They too, must have wanted to take the shortcut like the Argentinians. They probably thought highly of the era of the Shah and dreamt of going back to that. But is there is no going back. There is only worse shit waiting for them after they have sold their souls to the West.

That is why electoral democracies weakens nations. The average voters are not very smart, and will always vote for shortcuts and handouts. The vast majority of voters lack vision. They would always vote for the candidate that they like, not the candidate that they need.
I don't see why common Iranians are being blamed. Yes they are brainwashed BUT have the conservatives done anything to improve their lives? Nope!!

Instead they introduced their hijab police lol
I am sure well educated Iranians feel confident on their nation when priority things like what to wear are in conservatives' minds. Mundane stuff like economic improvement better left on the sidelines...

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
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I don't see why common Iranians are being blamed. Yes they are brainwashed BUT have the conservatives done anything to improve their lives? Nope!!

Instead they introduced their hijab police lol
I am sure well educated Iranians feel confident on their nation when priority things like what to wear are in conservatives' minds. Mundane stuff like economic improvement better left on the sidelines...
Oversees Iranians are a joke though. They legitimately think Israel is their ally and call for Israel to bomb Iran not realizing that a war with Iran is going to kill so many civilians.

Diaspora like this who colludes with enemies are the worst of the kind. Their are many Iranians who are against the ayatollah's but also don't simp for their enemies

And unfortunately, Chinese diaspora isn't immune from this virus either. Alot of the most stringent anti-china voices in the west are oversees Chinese themselves


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I think there is too much importance put on the death of a political leader. Organisations like Hezbollah do not collapse merely because their political leader died. It's not like Nasrallah was some military genius general.

We see this with the Taliban. The USA assassinated their leaders again and again and again. The Taliban only grew stronger. It's not about an individual, it's about an organization and an idea.

Ironically, we also see this with the USA. It's obvious that Biden's totally out-of-it. This has had basically zero impact on America's military strength.

Finally, Hezbollah's all-out retaliation is not happening right now because they're preparing to defend against the coming Israeli invasion of Lebanon. When that happens, they will fight with all that they have. Let's hope they do well. (Edit: Clarified wording.)
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I don't see why common Iranians are being blamed. Yes they are brainwashed BUT have the conservatives done anything to improve their lives? Nope!!
Perhaps you should try reading about hydropower plant construction in Iran.
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Fairly important in a country which usually has drought and crop failures.

Or read about Iranian steel and automobile production.

Hezbollah's all-out retaliation is not happening right now because they're preparing for the Israeli invasion. When that happens, they will fight with all that they have. Let's hope they do well.
Hezbollah is a guerrilla army created to counter regular Israeli invasions of Lebanon. The idea they can act like a conventional army in a war against Israel is a fantasy. They are strong when fighting defensively in their own land.