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I think there is too much importance put on the death of a political leader. Organisations like Hezbollah do not collapse merely because their political leader died. It's not like Nasrallah was some military genius general.

We see this with the Taliban. The USA assassinated their leaders again and again and again. The Taliban only grew stronger. It's not about an individual, it's about an organization and an idea.

Ironically, we also see this with the USA. It's obvious that Biden's totally out-of-it. This has had basically zero impact on America's military strength.

Finally, Hezbollah's all-out retaliation is not happening right now because they're preparing to defend against the coming Israeli invasion of Lebanon. When that happens, they will fight with all that they have. Let's hope they do well. (Edit: Clarified wording.)
Fighting symetrically when you're not symetrical is how Ukraine is losing everything, even then Russia could have killed the entire Ukrainian leadership and NATO will just replace Z with someone else. In the same way, Hezbollah's real leadership isnt in Leabanon, they're in Iran.

Right now Israel is under effectively back breaking economic sanctions, a third of their land is unlivable and they have no path to restoring that. Iran meanwhile is siting back with practically no damage on their own land and joining BRICS while signing economic and military deals with China and Russia.

Iran is doing what NATO wanted to do in Ukraine before people too sensitive to face thought Ukraine should fight a frontal war instead of distributed rebellion. In the long run only victory matters, and victory isnt based on your kill count


Lieutenant General

Do the Chinese have their version of a court jester? I imagine not since Chinese value ceremony and ritual. That's why Chinese probably don't get it including this "Jeff" guy. He thinks he's one of "them" but he's the butt of the joke. I notice this with Asians where they will intentionally play and help perpetuate Asian stereotypes because that's the only way Americans will accept them confirming what they want to believe. It's likes they'll accept Asians as smart but when it comes to athletics when you beat them, they'll get angry like you see in the Olympics. They'll accept blacks as physically superior but they don't like anything that suggest them to be smart. And course whites are both things hence why they're the superior race.


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Do the Chinese have their version of a court jester? I imagine not since Chinese value ceremony and ritual. That's why Chinese probably don't get it including this "Jeff" guy. He thinks he's one of "them" but he's the butt of the joke. I notice this with Asians where they will intentionally play and help perpetuate Asian stereotypes because that's the only way Americans will accept them confirming what they want to believe. It's likes they'll accept Asians as smart but when it comes to athletics when you beat them, they'll get angry like you see in the Olympics. They'll accept blacks as physically superior but they don't like anything that suggest them to be smart. And course whites are both things hence why they're the superior race.

There is a really buff Chinese goes to high school in the U.S. (he is a football player) who does fun stuff like this with his classmates.

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Arij Javaid

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It seems like netanyahu narrowly escaped a possible assassination. You have to give credit to the Houthis. Not only they have made US Navy look like fools but also they're the only ones who have hit Israel directly.
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Or if we don't go that far. Two years ago in the aftermath of Kharkov Counter attack it looked like Russia was on track to lose the war. And you had Prigozhin and his 80,000 Wagners stepping forward and laying down their lives in the Bakhmut meatgrinder singlehandedly absorbing NATO's firepower and shatter countless Ukrainian brigades, just so they can prove Russians deserve to live in this world and buy time for Surovikin to fix all the fuck ups.
Prigozhin and many others disposed off and he was way overselling his importance. When Arabs put there Green Flag on African continent with there huge investments and Aviation connectivity i am sure Arabs knows every thing in that continent.
They were not fixing what you see in Ukraine. they were fixing things inside Russia. when Russia gets fixed than you see this Tokayev warning. It was Yeltsin with Tatar/Kazan backing that finish off Soviet Union and they are keeping that legacy even during Covid and that mindset is now looking down all the way to Arabian Gulf. i am sure they have found other allies. who knows what real size of Russia military just the area of drone testing is now 1 million sq km. Soviet Union could never pull off this scale of mobilization for such duration and still create extreme wealth.
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Russia Is 'Invincible', Kazakh Leader Tells Germany's Scholz​

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"I am proud that Tatarstan can host tournaments in difficult times": Yeltsin Cup ends in Kazan​



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3 days ago,
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The Torah provides clear guidelines regarding the areas we were commanded to conquer when taking possession of the land.

So, you see, it is not really about Hezbollah or Iran. It is about what the Torah says, and here is the newest casus belli in development for the conquest of Lebanon.