Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General

If the US has better quality corn and soybeans... so what! Most of it goes to feeding livestock. Are they hoping the livestock live long healthy lives living out to old age when they're going to the slaughterhouse before that? Is this like Australia claiming they have cleaner coal? They tell US farmers that so they stick with the politicians that are making them lose the Chinese market. Or US farmers have the rapist mentality counting on the day the US will force China to buy their products and that's why they stick to their guns.

The "doomsday" scenario talked about where there's two different technology standards is already here for China because of the US. The US is the one cutting China off. It also means China is already ahead in adjusting to the new reality. While the US and the West want to restrict the rest of the world's access to technology because they want control, China will be developing alternatives and not as restricting who gets them. The US's standard will fade away while China's grows. I don't see the negative to this divergence that's of the US and the West's own making. What's the US and the West going to do when their enemies can make their own weapons using the Chinese standard? Are they going to hold on to their beliefs they can't because they aren't white? Then why are they worried withholding their technology that they believe they can't do anything with? They made that stupid bet with China.

That's why the West's future is bleak. They can't do anything to make the West great again without violating human rights because that's how they got there in the first place. Nothing they have gives them a natural advantage in the world and that's why they had to colonize the world to give them an advantage. They don't talk about that hence why they not changing nor adjusting to the new reality.
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The butthurt from a population who are not heavy into STEM but big on kanging, reveals itself.
I never took serious the claims that the Apollo moon landings were fake but the behaviour of Americans and the culture of Americans has me thinking twice.
Its fake... never happened...

Apollo 1 was silenced when they wouldn't go along with it and started having doubts

Funny thing Nvidia did a demo showcase ray tracing to debunk the Apollo moon hoax conspiracy ... CIA basically told Huang to play ball... Yet soon Huang will be left out to hang...

Fake it until you make it, except at this rate , America is never gonna actually make it
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