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There is also another court jester: Uncle Roger. He mocks the Chinese Cantonese accent, and he is also anti-China. Anglos love him to bits. So fuck him.

He has the freedom of speech to perpetuate Chinese racial stereotype, so China has the freedom to censor his ass.
To think I used to like his channel, sigh. I really do wonder when these people are going to learn the hard way the cost of screwing around. I mean I used to like the Best food review channel until they started going on about Taiwan being a sovereign nation and don’t get me started on Mike Chen and that FLG stuff. Going to get a lot of pleasure when Taiwan is taken back for real and either these punks accept reality or have their careers ruined. I will never forgive the USA for their FLG crap and I cannot wait until the chaos that is the 2024 elections unfold to see if they like wearing the shoe on the other foot. Really gets my blood boiling when they spent billions to spread lies instead of what really matters


Registered Member
There is also another court jester: Uncle Roger. He mocks the Chinese Cantonese accent, and he is also anti-China. Anglos love him to bits. So fuck him.

He has the freedom of speech to perpetuate Chinese racial stereotype, so China has the freedom to censor his ass.
Yup, it's disgusting how many westernised Chinese actually watch him and don't think his self-hatred is wrong


Registered Member
I would argue the same could have been said about China in the past. It's only now it's commonly accepted travelling to China is easy mode.

But there is probably a key difference. Even in its lowest days where people there were ignorant as hell, the average Chinese person still wanted to make his place better. Even the lowest criminal probably thought at some point wouldn't it be better if this place wasn't such a dump?

The same cannot be said of Indians. When things are tough they just deny it and run away to other countries. One of the reasons theres so much garbage everywhere is they think, it's not my responsibility to handle it.

In that case you're visiting a place where people don't even want to help themselves. What kind of faith are you putting there?
It’s one thing to run away from a crappy place to escape a crappy situation; quite another thing to perpetuate crappy behaviour in the new place. Indians abusing food banks is a classic example, Chinese emigres never stooped so low because face matters in Chinese society. Indians are as shameless as Zionists.
There is also another court jester: Uncle Roger. He mocks the Chinese Cantonese accent, and he is also anti-China. Anglos love him to bits. So fuck him.

He has the freedom of speech to perpetuate Chinese racial stereotype, so China has the freedom to censor his ass.
im glad that China is holding comprador Asians to account. Even Ken jeong must be held to account.


Registered Member
Oh my god, what kind of mental gymnastics are you 2 doing here trying to pretend that Iran is in charge in Israel is getting beaten? It's really not that complicated to see if you don't force yourself to see what you want to see.

How many Iraelis died? How many anti-Israelis died? How much land did Israel control before 10/7? How much land does it control today/is it expected to control at the end of this?

Answers: Way more anti-Israelis died than Israelis. Israel controls more land today that it did at the beginning of the conflict and before it's over, they will seize more land than they have now. That is the most unbiased way to see who is coming out on top of this conflict and I am definitely NOT saying this because it pleases me.
You cannot measure 1 to 1 loss. Israel have more money, less people.

1 to 1 financial loss is a win for Israel
1 to 1 manpower loss is a lose for Israel

Israel when it comes to available combatants, Israel really has to do a 10 to 1 casualty ratio minimum to consider it a win.

Conversely Israel lost much more money than their opponents, but I won't call it a win for the resistence group either.


Junior Member
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I never even heard of this Uncle Roger until China banned him. I assumed he did it on purpose for the notoriety.
Yeah, like his main schtick is simply having other people’s friend rice when to be very honest, he cannot make a proper one himself or at least one that his children will eat. Always relies on MSG, seriously, admittedly funny the first time, not so when you repeat the joke hundreds of times


New Member
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There is also another court jester: Uncle Roger. He mocks the Chinese Cantonese accent, and he is also anti-China. Anglos love him to bits. So fuck him.

He has the freedom of speech to perpetuate Chinese racial stereotype, so China has the freedom to censor his ass.
yeah, F him! And he has opened a restaurant in KL. I'm sure it will be a success as there are lots of white worshippers among the english educated who will go there to eat.

Another one I can't stand is that Michelle old lady. The way they praise her acting ....!!!


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I think there is too much importance put on the death of a political leader. Organisations like Hezbollah do not collapse merely because their political leader died. It's not like Nasrallah was some military genius general.

We see this with the Taliban. The USA assassinated their leaders again and again and again. The Taliban only grew stronger. It's not about an individual, it's about an organization and an idea.

Ironically, we also see this with the USA. It's obvious that Biden's totally out-of-it. This has had basically zero impact on America's military strength.
It's the Zelensky paradox where if you try to get rid of the retard in charge it just causes more people to sign up for the war.

Historically at least, if you want to take and incorporate new ground, it seems to make sense to allow the enemy themselves to depose/collapse their political leadership by realizing the hopelessness of fighting on. Hitler, Ngo Dinh Diem, Hirohito and now Zelensky etc. As opposed to, like what you said, Afghanistan.
China was also humiliated in the third Taiwan strait crisis. But it didn't start a war then but weakly sent missiles into the ocean. But today, the situation is different
US just wants to paint it as a humiliation to make themselves look stronger. US didn't fire a single shot, they sailed under PLA surface and undersea escort, at gunpoint.

Around the same time as the 3rd straits crisis, US was strongarmed by China to retreat from Taiwan all official military presence, including what's speculated to be nukes.

It was political theater. Washington got what it wanted, to paint a narrative of Beijing shitting themselves when they sailed carriers down the straits. China's military threats also got what they wanted, to remove the US presence on Chinese land. (and intensely track US signatures, especially if US was dumb enough to sail the CBG's SSNs inside the straits)

Prior to 1970s, US had basically transformed Taiwan into its own Crimea. Rounds of pressure and negotiations from China turned it from something like Crimea more to something like Gaza or the west bank, where there is no official foreign occupiers, only local fighters.
That could make the situation a bit worse for Israel and more for the US, you see, organizations like Hezbollah do not disappear, that is why Israel will never ever defeat Hamas unless genocide 2 millons+ palestinians, killing the main head will pass the power to people who probably has less restrain and are less willing to negotiate, complicating the situation with the US, who doesn't want Israel to be in state of perpetual war and become a never ending money pit.
It's important to separate genocidal intent with actual genocide. Unless Israel occupies the battlefield areas to the same degree say Germans occupied Eastern Europe, it is impossible to carry out the genocidal intent to completion.