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Arij Javaid

Junior Member
Registered Member
Iran probably could build a bomb today, but they don't dare to do so. China is much, much bigger than Iran and in a much more strategically secure position even in the 1960s, not sure why I have to point this out.

If you want to talk about land wars, I'd say Iran has proven it's willing to sacrifice for its own lands. But Arabs are not Iranians.
If that's the case. Then it's a very stupid decisions not to get a Nuke considering that Iran doesn't have any deterrence.


Registered Member
Compared to these examples what proof do we see from Iran that shows hey have the moxie to be a pole in the multipolar world?
All the proof is in the other direction. The Iranian clerical establishment's Shiite imperial project is deeply resented by most of the population, its only support is among religious conservatives and the IRGC. Every indication we have is that the Iranian population's fondest wish is to go back to the pre-1979 days when Iran was Israel 2.
I'd say Iran has proven it's willing to sacrifice for its own lands. But Arabs are not Iranians.
You're making our point. No one questions that Iranians would fight to defend their homeland, but Iran would and is folding when its Arab allies and co-religionists are put under pressure.

As far as an Iranian nuclear weapon goes, I'll use an American idiom I really like: shit or get off the pot. Either Iran fully embraces the North Korea life and tests a nuclear weapon, or it waves a white flag and abandons its foreign ambitions. The Iranian president, as weak as I consider him, has at least picked a side.


Registered Member
Iran probably could build a bomb today, but they don't dare to do so. China is much, much bigger than Iran and in a much more strategically secure position even in the 1960s, not sure why I have to point this out.

If you want to talk about land wars, I'd say Iran has proven it's willing to sacrifice for its own lands. But Arabs are not Iranians.
The point is when you see Israel start taking out your allies one by one you are supposed to do something about it. Iran is not powerless in this matter they have the ballistic missiles and drones to carry out attacks. Instead all they do fly colourful flags. US is never going to accept Iran back in the folder no matter what Iran does, the fact that US is willing to support Israel to this degree should have made it clear. Iran's inaction is costing them political capital both within their axis of resistance friends as well as make China and Russia doubt if Iran would make a reliable ally.


Registered Member
Why feel sad about the weak? There is no sadness in global politics. If Hezbollah and Iran are getting picked off, is due to their incompetence, stupidity, and their corruption.

What people should feel sad about is just the non-involved civilians.

When you become a person of power, you get all sorts of privileges but you also get all sorts of responsibilities. That person doing a good job, is not something to celebrate, is simply something that is part of the job that is expected to happen every day as routine. Maybe something that should celebrated is if exceptionally good job happens

Similarly, if you are doing a bad job, you are eventually going to be punished. Either by "good" way of being stripped off your position of power, or, as he has now found out, by getting blown up by Israeli missiles.

Let's be clear, he is now dead because of his weakness and incompetence. He has allowed Mossad to infiltrate every single part of Hezbollah. He has taken high level strategic political and military decisions that have put Hezbollah at this position. He had always worked with his hands shacked by domestic political reasons in Lebanon which he hasn't worked to resolve. His deterrence and response policies to Israeli attacks have directly lead to this outcome

And this is all for Hezbollah, don't even get me started on that joke of a "3rd pole" Iran.


Registered Member
The lesson here is actually something that Chinese knew for centuries: political legitimacy is power.

If you have political legitimacy the chance for infiltration is low and people will fight for you for free.

If you don't have political legitimacy your power is divided between watching the enemy and your own side. You need to spend to placate the wavering people and root out saboteurs.
Hence the reason the USG tries so ardently to attack its enemy’s political legitimacy be it trying to foment civil unrest in Russia and China and enacting colour revolutions.
Even amongst western nations, the U.S. wants to be the pope that confers legitimacy and if you go against the Washington consensus, then you are excommunicated and even overthrown eg former Australian prime minister Gough Whitlam .


Registered Member
China is a superpower. Iran is not. China has nuclear weapons and is safe from conventional attacks. Iran doesn't have the same luxuries. If you hit back, you'll lose. So it's better to give the terrorists some other targets to hit, like Hezbollah

Iran should focus on building nukes for deterrence
Do you know the degree of sacrifice that Chinese scientists and soldiers contributed to get to where China is now?

You know who thought the same though? That it's better to be a doormat? Chiang Kai Shek.

He was so terrified of Japan that after Japan invaded China he kept wanting to fight the CPC. He had to be kidnapped by warlords just force him to fight back, see Xi'an incident. Even then, he did not dare declare war on Japan for 5 years after the Nanjing massacre! Only when US declared war, he declared war. He was ao complacent he got caught off guard by Operation Ichi-go.


Registered Member
China is a superpower. Iran is not. China has nuclear weapons and is safe from conventional attacks. Iran doesn't have the same luxuries. If you hit back, you'll lose. So it's better to give the terrorists some other targets to hit, like Hezbollah

Iran should focus on building nukes for deterrence
It’s not about that and I’m prepared to call modern Iran for what it is. A coward, filled with compromised spiritually broken people who would rather become Jewish slaves than heirs to Persia. They are effectively like the Tiananmen Chinese people of 1989, river elegy and all. Totally compromised and spiritually western. They are basically no different to Indians in this respect but are not nearly as annoyingly kanging as Indians thankfully. And they do utilise deodorant which is a major plus.


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Super Moderator
The point is when you see Israel start taking out your allies one by one you are supposed to do something about it. Iran is not powerless in this matter they have the ballistic missiles and drones to carry out attacks. Instead all they do fly colourful flags. US is never going to accept Iran back in the folder no matter what Iran does, the fact that US is willing to support Israel to this degree should have made it clear. Iran's inaction is costing them political capital both within their axis of resistance friends as well as make China and Russia doubt if Iran would make a reliable ally.

Iran reminds me of this.



New Member
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Well it depends, Iran might not be as monolithic as KJU, Iran's leadership might be a lot be factionalized and might not have the degree of political social control over Iran as KJU, and Iran's population might be a lot more split as well, also Hezbollah is just one faction among many in Lebanon, also Iran is a nuclear threshold state right?

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
Registered Member
Poverty rates in Argentina have exceeded 50%. Millei experiment isn't going so well. Who would've thought.

But he has done his job. Convert to Judaism so that he gets access to the Jewish elite funding Argentina and sell the country to the CIA including Elon musk for lithium while destroying Argentina.

Zionism is a disease and when you mix it with unchecked capitalism. It becomes a volcano waiting to burst