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See picture of stockpile sizes in 1950. You're also overlooking the fact that the Tu-4s would have to transit high alert airspace over both Canada and northern US after the US initiates preemptive strike. How many Tu-4s carrying the Soviet's grand total of 5 nukes would survive the trip to drop on their designated target?
Those are modern estimates of past stockpiles. If you're the US president at the time with imperfect information, you might not want to take the risk that the Soviet Union might have a few more bombs than expected. They Soviets could also have overrun western Europe conventionally


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Imagine being shocked to find out that America really LOVE THEIR DRUGS AND DRUG LORDS all around the world, especially when it had control of Afghanistan. The annual tonnage supply of heroin from that country was in the thousands at its peak; which was supposedly 2x the world's demand.

Within the year of the Taliban getting back to power the OPIUM production in the country DROPPED 99% while in countries like Colombia, Mexico, and elsewhere the so-called drug war seems to be going on for ages with no end in sight. We wonder why? Hmm...

Another drug that Americans are getting hooked on and will probably and likely blame the Asians for their stupid addiction.



Registered Member
The comparison with Russia taking Ukrainian lands at the same time makes it look even worse in the west. Sure, they might take some more land, but that won't make them any more powerful. And they're becoming more and more of a pariah.
read this one. do you see Ukraine any where among the longest Whitehouse read out. thats how a true financial power look like not the dumb ranking. the more this conflict in Ukraine continue the more Iran will feel that it has to do some thing for Arabs.

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Power grids of Russia, UAE and Saudi Arabia proposed to be connected via Iran​



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it is good to remind Japanese about their proper place in Asia, especially as they ape white wanna imperialists in sailing ships through the Taiwan strait. Either they accept their fate as a future Chinese province or their lands become a part of China and their people join the ranks of the tocharians and khitans into extinction.


You can count Ukrainian kills of Russians as western victories without counting Ukrainian losses as western losses. Since the Ukrainians are willing to sacrifice themselves for the west for free. The only cost to the west is the supply of weapons and money. Same logic for Iran supporting Arab groups against Israel
No I don't think so. It is in the same vein as the fact that free money given to you is equally as valuable as money you earned because it's all just your money. I already explained this; the value of Ukrainian soldiers, men ready to fight and die for NATO against Russia, is much higher to the West than some random unproductive Westerner who could die in the streets and have no effect on anyone. To think that the loss of people brave enough to take up arms and put thier lives in the type of danger that your own citizens would shudder at, for the same cause as yours, is just free stuff getting thrown out, is a total strategic mistake.
I'd argue that if Hamas and Hezbollah didn't fight, Israel would have become even more powerful. There'd be normalisation with more Arab countries, investments from the west, mass migration of Jewish Europeans to Israel and the slow annexation of the west bank.
Yes, exactly, which is why their deaths have gravity far beyond, "They're not Iranian so it doesn't matter." If you cannot separate these peoples by their contribution to the war, then you cannot separate their losses sustained in the war either.
With the actions they've taken, Israel is seen as an apartheid state and an aggressor that's illegally stealing land.
The comparison with Russia taking Ukrainian lands at the same time makes it look even worse in the west. Sure, they might take some more land, but that won't make them any more powerful. And they're becoming more and more of a pariah.
Unfortunately, it means nothing. All Western nations must throw down to support Israel even if they can lightly chastise it to pretend that they are morally superior. And Israel will absolutely become more powerful with more land, expecially with land cleansed of hostile forces because it releives pressure on them from a military perspective. The effort that needed to be reserved to fight against X can now be reallocated to other evils if X is defeated or greatly diminished.
If Hamas and Hezbollah did nothing today, Israel might survive the end of the American led order. But because of their sacrifices today, and their likely loss of the war, Israel will not be allowed to become a normal country. And once America loses a Pacific war, Israel will be exposed.
That's why I think their losses are so horrible, no less at all than the loss of Iranians, and certainly not a bunch of dead freebies. You are agreeing with my perspective against the perspective that kills by proxies count for the host but losses suffered by proxies are divorced from the host.

To summarize, I don't believe in proxies as expendable forces costless to the host. These are dedicated forces armed (and often trained) by the host willing to fight and die for the host's cause; they are valubale assets to the host so when they are killed, the host has lost valuable assets, sometimes with greater value than citizens of the host nation itself. That is true when Russia kills Ukrainians and true when Israel kills Hamas/Hezbollah fighters.
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