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And Iran commonly fires on Israeli targets in a daily basis.
Where and what were those targets? Can you cite them?
To invoke my analogy again, if Ukraine was on a daily basis through RDK hitting Russian settlements and killing Russian soldiers, would you be OK with Russia just "commonly" (i.e. 1 time a year?) assassinates Ukrainians inside and outside Ukraine?

That wasn't what I asked you, I just used the example of Ukraine = Iran and Russia = Israel as 2 random countries. My point is that a country that can't beat proxy armies and has only carried out some dubious terror attacks on the core territory of their enemy is simply in an awful position when their enemy is hitting their cities, creating refugees and killing 10 000s of soldiers.
Proxies are not the official army. Iranian proxies inflict damage on Israel, then Israel deals an overmatch in damage back to them, and assassinates official Iranian government personel and scientists, sometimes in Iran. Iran attacks Israel through third parties while Israel attacks Iran directly and Iran cannot answer directly.
You mean Israel doesn't have such history? Or maybe that Israel does? Because that was the whole analogy. Anyways I can give you that point, but I don't think the idea that Israel starts off sluggish and then become indomitable
No, that is Russia, NOT Israel.
compensates enough for the fact they have essentially inflicted maybe a dozen casualties on IRGC (let alone Iran regular military and civilians), while they've lost 10 000s and are evacuating cities.
Proxies are not official entities while attacking the IRGC is attacking an Iranian official entity, and getting little to no official answer.
I used this analogy to show you that if not for people reading very propagandized sources, how absurd the assertion is when applied to any other conflict.

If you want an example closer to home: let me ask you, would you be satisfied with a crackdown on Taiwan where we lose 10 000 PLA for 30 000 partisans on Matsu and Kinmen, bomb the shit out of these 2 areas continously but leave the Formosa island untouched, blow up a few pagers in Kinmen, and plant a few bombs on the main island to kill some partisan liasons? Not even daring to use the PLAAF to directly airstrike Formosa. Not satisfied right? That's why Israel is also not satisfied and want US bailout at any cost.
Well, if the ROC started assassinating PLA generals and Chinese scientists, especially in China, I'd be crestfallen by anything other than a declaration of war with the PLA directly attacking the ROC, not the PLA staying home while some proxies go and do the fighting, suffer massive casualties and ultimately result in the ROC gaining territory and committing genocide on our allies.


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Where and what were those targets? Can you cite them?
The entirety of northern Israel? Iron dome batteries, settler concentrations, troops columns etc.
Proxies are not the official army. Iranian proxies inflict damage on Israel, then Israel deals an overmatch in damage back to them, and assassinates official Iranian government personel and scientists, sometimes in Iran. Iran attacks Israel through third parties while Israel attacks Iran directly and Iran cannot answer directly.
But Israel doesn't attack Iran directly. How many Iranian soldiers have been killed by Israel? Israel won't even fire a missile directly at Iran, they have to plant a bomb and avoid inflicting civilian losses, hitting only the representative of Hamas, who technically isn't even Iranian. While Iran's fighters will literally just direct strike Israel's houses, cars, buses etc.

I don't know why you'd assume Iran using proxies first means that Iran "cannot answer directly".
Proxies are not the official army. Iranian proxies inflict damage on Israel, then Israel deals an overmatch in damage back to them,
Switch "Iran" to US here and "Israel" to Russia and the same relation holds true. Does that now mean US is helpless to reply directly to Russia? No, it just means US/Iran benefits the most from using up willing proxies first to weaken the enemy.
Proxies are not official entities while attacking the IRGC is attacking an Iranian official entity, and getting little to no official answer.
But Israel is not attacking the IRGC. Iran's forces are blowing up Israeli vehicles every day, where is Israel defeating IRGC vehicles or hitting Iranian cities?
Well, if the ROC started assassinating PLA generals and Chinese scientists, especially in China, I'd be crestfallen by anything other than a declaration of war with the PLA directly attacking the ROC, not the PLA staying home while some proxies go and do the fighting, suffer massive casualties and ultimately result in the ROC gaining territory and committing genocide on our allies.
You've entirely missed the point.

What you're saying is Israel should be satisfied with it's performance of 10-20k to 30k K/D ratio against partisans while not even having started to touch Iran's main forces. And so I am asking you, would you feel satisfied if China put up the same performance as Israel?

You might be reading unbiased sources about China, but it's clear you've somehow accidentally consumed a toxic quantity of Zionist cope, because no power in the world would be satisfied with stalemating partisans while your enemy remains untouched and keeps sending missiles into your cities. Even the Zionists themselves don't believe it, hence why they are trying everything to bring US in and reset the whole battlefield.
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This is what I think about it:

I have no faith that Iran is as sophisticated as China and I have no trust in Iran's new president. And also, China never characterized Russia's actions as aggression in front of the UN.

Two things I can accept that would mean I jumped the gun in criticism:
1. Actions speak louder than words. If this is later seen as a trick in step with Russia, and it yielded some fruit, I would be impressed.
2. So far, we are listening to Western media's rendition of what was said, and not in its entirety. Being that Western media is known for lying whenever their mouths open not to eat, there is room for much to be misunderstood.

Right now, Iran would be lucky to be able to sacrifice itself to kill Israel. The bank account seems insufficient for the purchase at this point.

Iran would be wise to recognize that. So far, from their attitude towards China, I doubt they do.
No, Iran isn't as sophisticated as China in its foreign policy. But the same dynamics apply. Iran keeps denying selling drones to Russia even though we all know that this isn't true. Whether it's very effective to lie about something when everyone knows you're lying I don't know. But I believe the intention is to do business with Europe and Russia at the same time.
The new Iranian president was only speaking to journalists anyway, not at the UN general assembly.

China is following the same strategy and I agree with you, I wish the government didn't obey any western demands for boycotting Russia. But it's still better to deindustrialise the west with exports and not supply Russia with as much as they might want

3. The very fact that Iran doesn't dare fight Israel despite all its provovations while Russia has invaded Ukraine for much less and captured huge chunks of it, never to be returned, shows a different power dynamic
Sadly, these are the power dynamics between global south and western countries in all conflicts. If you fight back, the US will come and kill you. Iran could bravely fight and they'd lose. What's the point of that? Better to build your strength quietly and take the humiliation.