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Playing catch-up is not shameful or unexpected. 20 years ago, China was not really leading in anything, and 30 years ago was definitely without-doubt behind.

If we look at a simple consumer product, the robovac, iRobot was peerless 20 years ago. Today they are a horribly indebted company that was counting on Amazon's lifeline before being quashed by regulators.
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In the face of mounting debt and diminishing revenue, the survival of the company is in question.

Why is the revenue diminishing? Basically the low end is dominated by white label Chinese goods on Amazon or whatever platform, they lost this market a long time ago. Their bread and butter, the high end, has basically been absolutely destroyed by new Chinese competition such as Roborock and Ecovacs.

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Roborock's pace of innovation has allowed it to raise prices on the newest models and now command a hefty premium over a comparable iRobot model which has cut prices to try to compete. Customers' have spoken and prefer LIDAR based navigation over Visual. 20 years going and bumping into furniture is still a major complaint of iRobot's Roombas.

Leading to the next point. LIDAR technology is simply maturing in China much faster than in the West. 10 years ago, Velodyne was the unquestionable market leader. Today, Hesai is simply better and cheaper. In the Automotive market alone it commands a 47% market share.

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Velodyne was acquired by Ouster and recently lost a patent infringement case against Hesai in US Court.

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Meanwhile US Congress-critters are relying on jingoistic reports with outdated information in their decision making process that have a national impact.

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- Note they already lost by August 2023 and this report was updated in May 2024.

Particularly head in the rear-ended quote. The reality is that the LIDAR market has grown with the EV market in China and Chinese automakers are increasingly looking at domestic suppliers in the face of US government interference.
I still remember back in the mid 80s while growing up in HK, one year when visiting relatives in China I brought with me a top model Toshiba portable cassette player (aka Walkman), very small and light. I showed it to my uncle who was an educated man but due to my grandfather being a high ranking naval officer in the KMT during WW2 and fled to HK after the war, my relatives in China didn't have the best opportunities as you can imagine.

My uncle examined the player very closely, marvelled at the precision engineering and high tech sophistication of Japan, wondered and saddened by how far behind China was, contemplating if we could ever catch up...

He was an intellect and philosophical about the cards he was dealt and wasn't bitter. He taught me physics and engineering stuff including how a nuclear power reactor works. He passed away many years ago, before China becoming a leader in many tech fields. I often wish he could have lived longer to witness how China has advanced against all odds, he would be proud of the great nation.

Thank you for taking a walk down the memory lane with me.
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I think you fell into the trap of believing the Muslim World fairytale. What a Muslim country population wants to do is entirely different than what their rulers want to do..

There is a reason why, pardon my language, the Muslim civilization is in such shambles nowadays. To expect them to magically unite would then also mean that they are not a weak civilization. you see the contradiction here?

But yeah, they are shambolic, and they should all be ashamed and embarrassed. They even have the gall to praise their past achievements and claim them as their own; absolutely pathetic and disgusting behaviour. Past is past, and present is present
Genghis Khan already proved this 800 years ago.... Only United in brand, never in people.


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This is embarrassing. Iranians should kill him out of shame. Seeing Iran's struggle towards nuclear weapons, seeing them create their own jet fighters and missiles, noting that Iranians are massively invested in STEM, are all aspects that made me hold Iran in the highest regard in the Muslim world. It dampened by hopes for them that they suffered from such corruption and weakness when confronting Israel and also that they could not clearly see how important China is, but I can let those slide because rising countries can have serious teething issues (as China did) and tough-guy countries look up to no one, but this does it. Backbone was Iran's most outstanding asset, and now, to insult Russia while suggesting reconciliation with the West, they don't have that left either. Unless Iranians take this guy out for his cowardice in bending the knee to the enemy while betraying an ally, Iran is in my bin of low quality garbage nations now.

Muslims, despite being at one of their weakest points in history, are still, combined, stronger than Israel, even at its height. If they united, amongst Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia (if all their shit doesn't get shut off by the US with kill switches), Pakistan and Egypt, can crush Israel. If they acted fast enough and with enough coordination, even the US is unlikely to be able to stop them. But they are all just so impotent.
What do you think about Chinese statements of restricting drone sales to Russia? If China is willing to let its Russian allies suffer a little in order to keep more business with the west, why are you surprised that other countries think the same? Iran can criticise the Russians in public to get sanctions relief from the west and sell them weapons in secret to get russian money. Sounds like a win win to me

You have to think about this from the interests of the Iranian people. Iran doesn't want to sacrifice itself just to kill Israel. Iran has proxies that threaten Israel in order to protect itself from an American attack. Hezbollah is doing exactly what Iran requires from it: wasting western resources and attention far away in Lebanon, rather than harming Iran directly. If there is a ground invasion, Israel might occupy south Lebanon as they've done before, again keeping them busy elsewhere. Meanwhile Iran is quietly increasing the amount of enriched uranium it has, launching more satellites than the EU and integrating into regional trade with the Arabs and Russians and nobody is paying attention. Aggressive rhetoric and some expensive missile strikes into Israel would be stupid

Muslim countries combined have been more powerful than Israel in all of its history. But Israel with American backing is a different story. China is the only power that can free the world of American domination


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If working security cameras were implemented and enforced in India then the unfortunate situation that happened to this couple would have been prevented. You'd think that after going through such shitty ordeal that they'd be able to have some common sense. But alas, the notion of western freedom and stupidity do come together, hence India is the perfect for these type of folks.
Stupid Euro trash deceived by the movies"Ghandi " or worse "Eat ,Pray ,Love" more like "Run ,Hide,Survive"-Stupid is as stupid does"They should have watch more realistic movies on India like "Phoolan Devi:Bandit Queen"the horrific treatment of women are graphically shown-India is such a monstrous,degenerate shithole.


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So rotten,fucking true-Toronto cannot even do the simplest construction without endless,costly delays and shitpoor work.Chengdu,Guangzhou,Suzhou etc-modern,safe,efficient I can go on-Don't get me started on our Toronto Pearson Airport-what an embarrassment of concrete slabs,very bad traffic control -truly third world.
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Junior Member
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I still remember back in the mid 80s while growing up in HK, one year when visiting relatives in China I brought with me a top model Toshiba portable cassette player (aka Walkman), very small and light. I showed it to my uncle who was an educated man but due to my grandfather being a high ranking naval officer in the KMT during WW2 and fled to HK after the war, my relatives in China didn't have the best opportunities as you can imagine.

My uncle examined the player very closely, marvelled at the precision engineering and high tech sophistication of Japan, wondered and saddened by how far behind China was, contemplating if we could ever catch up...

He was an intellect and philosophical about the cards he was dealt and wasn't bitter. He taught me physics and engineering stuff including how a nuclear power reactor works. He passed away many years ago, before China becoming a leader in many tech fields. I often wish he could have lived longer to witness how China has advanced against all odds, he would be proud of the great nation.

Thank you for taking a walk down the memory lane with me.
Reminds me of that brave Chinese athlete who competed for China in the 1932 LA Olympic games and was mocked,ridiculed and ill-supported by China(of that time)-JJapanese were especially cruel in their remarks/attitude-IIRC he did not live long enough to be an honoured guest at Beijing's magnificent summer olympics-but his nephew was(?) there to receive the honour.recognition of a nation.