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I think you fell into the trap of believing the Muslim World fairytale. What a Muslim country population wants to do is entirely different than what their rulers want to do..

There is a reason why, pardon my language, the Muslim civilization is in such shambles nowadays. To expect them to magically unite would then also mean that they are not a weak civilization. you see the contradiction here?

But yeah, they are shambolic, and they should all be ashamed and embarrassed. They even have the gall to praise their past achievements and claim them as their own; absolutely pathetic and disgusting behaviour. Past is past, and present is present
They talk tough but don't walk when it counts. It really is a far cry from the older days.

Then again I read up that many of their solders responsible for their success in the past were mercs from the Russian caucuases like the Mamluks. You can even see it today when Bahrain has an Olympic gold medalist in wrestling who's literally a Russian from Dagestan and was the previous Olympic Gold Medalist student.


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What an echo chamber here.

They still imperialist, and self-serving at their core, those bastard Western politicians. They must push that line to get re-elected.

They believe freedom and democracy absolves all sins.

That is why Western society is kind of unstable and changes constantly with various moments.

Not everyone buys this bullshit.


Registered Member
This is embarrassing. Iranians should kill him out of shame. Seeing Iran's struggle towards nuclear weapons, seeing them create their own jet fighters and missiles, noting that Iranians are massively invested in STEM, are all aspects that made me hold Iran in the highest regard in the Muslim world. It dampened by hopes for them that they suffered from such corruption and weakness when confronting Israel and also that they could not clearly see how important China is, but I can let those slide because rising countries can have serious teething issues (as China did) and tough-guy countries look up to no one, but this does it. Backbone was Iran's most outstanding asset, and now, to insult Russia while suggesting reconciliation with the West, they don't have that left either. Unless Iranians take this guy out for his cowardice in bending the knee to the enemy while betraying an ally, Iran is in my bin of low quality garbage nations now.
you are carried away by statements. Iran has potential to contribute positively to Arabic system and Russia is doing utmost to make it successful thats why so many meetings.
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It is worth mentioning that in the past 2 weeks, after the bilateral meeting of the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran with the President of Russia in St. Petersburg, the head of Gazprom Company is the third Russian official who has traveled to Tehran to follow up on agreements between Iran and Russia

Muslims, despite being at one of their weakest points in history, are still, combined, stronger than Israel, even at its height. If they united, amongst Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia (if all their shit doesn't get shut off by the US with kill switches), Pakistan and Egypt, can crush Israel. If they acted fast enough and with enough coordination, even the US is unlikely to be able to stop them. But they are all just so impotent.

Muslims who matter are at the strongest. It is just that there vision not coincide with permanent failed states like Turkey, Pakistan, etc.


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I thought the real power and decision making in Iran is held by ayatollah Khomeini not the president
Why do people believe the western source as though it is a God given fact. Has it occurred to anyone that Iran doesn’t want to act before the BRICs summit in October in a manner that will cause a problem. All this is, is Iran simply buying what precious time it could have to arm up because sooner or later, Iran will be drawn into the fight. Better to be as ready as possible instead of ‘lol we ball right now and risk the US and Israel getting together’. Better to have Israel waste its precious resources since its arms and weapons are not infinite. Besides, as long as Iran keeps on arming its proxies and does what it can to draw things out, things will not improve for Israel and the U.S. anytime soon.


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This is embarrassing. Iranians should kill him out of shame. Seeing Iran's struggle towards nuclear weapons, seeing them create their own jet fighters and missiles, noting that Iranians are massively invested in STEM, are all aspects that made me hold Iran in the highest regard in the Muslim world. It dampened by hopes for them that they suffered from such corruption and weakness when confronting Israel and also that they could not clearly see how important China is, but I can let those slide because rising countries can have serious teething issues (as China did) and tough-guy countries look up to no one, but this does it. Backbone was Iran's most outstanding asset, and now, to insult Russia while suggesting reconciliation with the West, they don't have that left either. Unless Iranians take this guy out for his cowardice in bending the knee to the enemy while betraying an ally, Iran is in my bin of low quality garbage nations now.

Muslims, despite being at one of their weakest points in history, are still, combined, stronger than Israel, even at its height. If they united, amongst Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia (if all their shit doesn't get shut off by the US with kill switches), Pakistan and Egypt, can crush Israel. If they acted fast enough and with enough coordination, even the US is unlikely to be able to stop them. But they are all just so impotent.
The president is just a figurehead. He doesn't wield any real power. The real authority is with the Ayatollahs; currently, Ali Khamenei.

Moreover, words without action are useless. He could be hoping to work with the West, criticizing Russia while actively supporting it. Pakistan did the same with NATO during the Afghan War - lip service to receive Western aid and benefits while clandestinely supporting Taliban. Or like how Spain and Turkey do it today - criticizing Israel openly while aiding NATO logistics to serve Israel.

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Actually, the biggest loser of reconciliation or even talks of it between the West and Iran is Israel. So, it is as @jiajia99 put it: wasting Israeli time. [Edit] Because Israel has been aching for a US-led war on Iran for more than 20 years, this move by Iran, even if they don't intend to honor it, is directly countering Israel.

Did that guy die?
Khomeini died long ago. Current leader is Khameini.
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lmao. there is a reason after all that Iran is such a basket case haha
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"Russian aggression" is keyword for being accepted by the West lol
Worms are still worms after all
Iran's proxies have since the last few days struck a large number of Israeli military targets, including air defenses. Unless Israel intends to take it and the impending bombardment exploiting the air defense gaps on the chin, war will happen.

Russia's access to Iranian ammunition hasn't diminished either.

Can you jog my memory a bit, back when Turkey said they condemn Israeli genocidal aggression, what did you think about that statement? What about when Philippines vowed to remove all offensive capable rocket launchers?

Maybe I'm seeing things but I'm noticing a little pattern about you, @Overbom. You seem quite naive... But only when news concern some directions and not others. It's fascinating and strange to me how some human minds are like that.