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What do you think about Chinese statements of restricting drone sales to Russia?
This is what I think about it:
If China is willing to let its Russian allies suffer a little in order to keep more business with the west, why are you surprised that other countries think the same? Iran can criticise the Russians in public to get sanctions relief from the west and sell them weapons in secret to get russian money. Sounds like a win win to me
I have no faith that Iran is as sophisticated as China and I have no trust in Iran's new president. And also, China never characterized Russia's actions as aggression in front of the UN.

Two things I can accept that would mean I jumped the gun in criticism:
1. Actions speak louder than words. If this is later seen as a trick in step with Russia, and it yielded some fruit, I would be impressed.
2. So far, we are listening to Western media's rendition of what was said, and not in its entirety. Being that Western media is known for lying whenever their mouths open not to eat, there is room for much to be misunderstood.
You have to think about this from the interests of the Iranian people. Iran doesn't want to sacrifice itself just to kill Israel. Iran has proxies that threaten Israel in order to protect itself from an American attack. Hezbollah is doing exactly what Iran requires from it: wasting western resources and attention far away in Lebanon, rather than harming Iran directly. If there is a ground invasion, Israel might occupy south Lebanon as they've done before, again keeping them busy elsewhere. Meanwhile Iran is quietly increasing the amount of enriched uranium it has, launching more satellites than the EU and integrating into regional trade with the Arabs and Russians and nobody is paying attention. Aggressive rhetoric and some expensive missile strikes into Israel would be stupid
Right now, Iran would be lucky to be able to sacrifice itself to kill Israel. The bank account seems insufficient for the purchase at this point.
Muslim countries combined have been more powerful than Israel in all of its history. But Israel with American backing is a different story. China is the only power that can free the world of American domination
Iran would be wise to recognize that. So far, from their attitude towards China, I doubt they do.