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Switch "Iran" to US here and "Israel" to Russia and the same relation holds true. Does that now mean US is helpless to reply directly to Russia? No, it just means US/Iran benefits the most from using up willing proxies first to weaken the enemy.
Your whole premise is incorrect by putting similarity of US/Iran proxy approaches. Iran will never develop its potential with its current government system and proxies (they bring negative things to its society) and with demographic trends that will happen in favor of Afghan, Baluch and others it would become very difficult for it to sustain itself as by that time Gulf Arabs would have united majority of the world behind them and with unparallel technology/wealth/Soft power that only Arabs will call the shots.
Russia want to bring this North -South to Iran to make it a partner of Arabs to save it.
Russia has that experience to celebrate its Muslim heros far and above than any one else decades later and clean up things.
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Fighting a land invasion is simple even for less developed countries. Iran fought when it was invaded by Iraq in 1980. But fighting against Israel is much more complicated because of the distance. It's much more comparable to the Taiwan issue. China fought for some of the small islands, but could never touch Taiwan itself. That's how poor or middle income countries fight against rich countries.
in a 1v1, Taiwan would've fallen like Hainan in the 1960's or 70's. This was proven by how Taiwan lost naval battles in the 1960's and has never won against the PLAN:

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in 1970 PLAN already had 30+ Type 033 SSKs while Taiwan didn't even buy their WW2 subs yet (Tench class was transferred in 1973) and had no ASW capabilities whatsoever. SSKs aren't good in open ocean, but Taiwan Strait isn't open ocean.

Unrestricted submarine warfare would've collapsed Taiwan's economy in the 1v1 and allowed for the taking of Penghu, which was out of the range of Taiwanese MIM-23 Hawk SAMs that they had in 1970.

It was never, ever about Taiwan alone. Without foreign intervention, Mao himself would've solved it.


Registered Member
China in 1930 and 1950 was still a lot more powerful relative to the US than Iran today. China had more than 500 million people in 1950 and superpower support from the Soviet Union. The US didn't use nukes against China because they were worried about soviet retaliation. Nobody is going to attack Israel in response to a nuclear attack against Iran

Fighting a land invasion is simple even for less developed countries. Iran fought when it was invaded by Iraq in 1980. But fighting against Israel is much more complicated because of the distance. It's much more comparable to the Taiwan issue. China fought for some of the small islands, but could never touch Taiwan itself. That's how poor or middle income countries fight against rich countries.

I think the problem with China's generous deal with Iran is that not much has materialised and China is hesitating to invest in Iran. It's an understandable logic, western markets are too valuable to lose just to assert your sovereignty and trade with Iran. But the disappointment that engagement with China didn't lead to much economic development is exactly why the new president was elected to negotiate with the west. China won't implement the deal unless America approves, apparently
In terms of realpolitik, competence and strength matter more than moral righteousness; Iran getting its own leaders and scientists killed by a foreign enemy does not convey confidence. China is correct to hold back its "Phul Sapport".

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The Boeing-isation of OpenAI commences

This also illustrates the scam nature of US capital. Start off as a non profit to get tax breaks then once you get enough exposure, convert to for profit business and give yourself infinity billion dollars.


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US Hails China’s Advanced Notice of ICBM Test as ‘Good Thing’​

The Pentagon praised China for its transparency before a
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of an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean, a sign that military communications between the superpowers is improving.
“We did receive some advanced notification of this ICBM test and we believe that that was a good thing,” Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said on Wednesday. “It’s a step in the right direction and it does lead to preventing any misperception or miscalculation.”
She added that the US has pressed China for more regular notifications of ballistic missile and space launches.

China’s move “represents a common sense, confidence-building measure,” Singh said. “So we want to see these types of notifications continue.”


Registered Member
The topic dujour is of course about the Russian invasion of Ukraine; its present relationship of "no limits" friendship with China; the ongoing material support of the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK) to the Russian war. What I find incredible and unappealing when it comes to these talks, is that as of late, as an avid follower or consumer of contemporary geopolitics, military, and geoeconomics their discussion would leave one more stupid and out right retarded.

This type of gathering, is nothing but a political rally.

The real strategy, they actually do not have one.


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Anybody wondering the source of Zionist's psycopathy, here is a proper documentary on the Talmud and Jewish Encyclopedia (too much for Youtube),
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But if it's a Jew himself doing the documenting on the topic, it is "antisemitism" and YouTube would not dare! Jewish Rabbis explain: "Hitler did not want to kill Jews. He wanted to kill secular Jews", particularly the ones who turned 1930s Berlin into tranny-town,

How Zionism infiltrated America via corruption of the Bible by Masonic Jews