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All China has to do is sell off all its US Treasuries and bonds it owns and that will start off a panic with everyone one else selling theirs for fear they might not get their money back.
No. China’s holdings of treasuries are equivalent of just one day of treasury trading. It would be 72 hours of heightened volatility before everything goes back to normal. Treasuries as being THE risk-free instrument is tautological among US investors.


New Member
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China’s fiscal trajectory is far more unsustainable than the U.S.’ fiscal trajectory

the interest payments especially are a soon to be moot point since rate cuts are coming and the main drivers of debt - social security and Medicare, are of limited macroeconomic importance (it will just require a headline grabbing event to make Congress move)
Just spend some time read the replies in the X post, you will see how false this data is. Stop posting fake data.


Junior Member
Registered Member
There is an economical/financial/technical war between US and China right now, so both side is suffering. I just don't think US is going to do well in the long run, because the US DEI stuff, is killing the US in the technical war, since R&D results is not going to care about DEI at all. The US is eroding its own scientists and engineers foundation with DEI.
No. DEI is largely pro forma compliance to defeat Title VII (employment discrimination) lawsuits under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Further, DEI done well enhances the ability of firms to attract all talent, including scientists and engineers. No system can be fair if people aren’t given equal chances and some hiring practices, intentionally or not, exclude people for non-meritious reasons. For example, hiring based on referrals will end up being a racial proxy due to decades of racial attitudes and residential segregation. An active attempt to attract other people will improve, not diminish labor market sorting and efficiency.

Another example: many students do not attend state flagships, not due to a lack of academic ability, but due to them being poor. If a corporate makes a conscious effort to hire from state flagships and high performing regional university students, that will improve the talent available to a corporate.


Registered Member
Or we could just block users from posting under trolling/bad faith categories to save time and resources. I don't know why this forum needs to claim to be some freedom of speech defender when China itself doesn't do so knowing how disingenuous users act. There are already a lot of other users blocked so Im not sure what makes this guy so special unless he secretly has blackmail material.
Because we ignored him, your reply keeps showing up forcing us to read it. Ideally mod can ban him so newcomer dont see his nonesense, but oh well.

Where did people say we are the defenders of freedom of speech? That is some crappy excuse to use against users for wanting to post a rebuttal. So why is it a problem when users want to post a rebuttal against misinformation? If people want to response then I say we let them. No one is forcing you to read anything. You are more than capable of using your eyes and brain to instantly determine if you want to continue reading it. All you need to do is scroll past it.


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Just spend some time read the replies in the X post, you will see how false this data is. Stop posting fake data.

Beyond the stats being a contrived apples to oranges comparison, this debt hawkery also doesn't make any sense since a lot of Chinese debt is backed by productive assets (which have not been sold off to private interests like Chicago's parking meters).

Developing economies SHOULD absolutely be more indebted than developed ones because they need to borrow in order to develop, so comparing the debt burden of a developed US with a developing China doesn't make sense on the face of it.


Junior Member
No. DEI is largely pro forma compliance to defeat Title VII (employment discrimination) lawsuits under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Further, DEI done well enhances the ability of firms to attract all talent, including scientists and engineers. No system can be fair if people aren’t given equal chances and some hiring practices, intentionally or not, exclude people for non-meritious reasons. For example, hiring based on referrals will end up being a racial proxy due to decades of racial attitudes and residential segregation. An active attempt to attract other people will improve, not diminish labor market sorting and efficiency.

Another example: many students do not attend state flagships, not due to a lack of academic ability, but due to them being poor. If a corporate makes a conscious effort to hire from state flagships and high performing regional university students, that will improve the talent available to a corporate.

If there is any post that proves this dude either doesn't live in the US or work a job getting paid above minimum wage. This is it.



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This now multi-weeks long continued back and forth of expecting server side results for easily remediable client side solutions is now rather tedious. If you don't like an individual and don't want them sticking around on the site, just bait them into posting NATO-critical rebuttals on the Ukraine War thread or into disrupting the infosec collection process on the flagship threads and they'll get permanently bounced. Otherwise, install the Tampermonkey extension, or a variant like Greasemonkey/Violentmonkey, on your browser of choice and add the following script, or for opsec, get ChatGPT to rewrite the script:
// ==UserScript==

// @name blockQuotedXenforo

// @namespace sinodefenceforum

// @match https://www.sinodefenceforum.com/*

// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';

// Function to hide messages quoting a specific user
function hideQuotedMessages(userToBlock) {
// Convert userToBlock to lower case for case-insensitive comparison
var userToBlockLower = userToBlock.toLowerCase();

// Get all message content elements
var messages = document.querySelectorAll('.message-body');

messages.forEach(function(message) {
// Check if the message contains a quote block
var quoteBlocks = message.querySelectorAll('.bbCodeBlock--quote');

quoteBlocks.forEach(function(quoteBlock) {
// Find the quoted user's name in the quote block
var quoteSource = quoteBlock.querySelector('.bbCodeBlock-title a');
if (quoteSource) {
var quotedUser = quoteSource.textContent.trim().toLowerCase();
if (quotedUser.includes(userToBlockLower)) {
// Hide the entire message if it contains a quote from the blocked user
message.closest('.message-cell').style.display = 'none';

// Run the function with the username you want to block
hideQuotedMessages('User'); // Replace 'User' with the username you want to block
Here is another script to block posts from users that can't be blocked with normal server side Xenforo provided functionality or for signed-out browsing:
// ==UserScript==

// @name ignoreUserXenforo

// @namespace sinodefenceforum

// @match https://www.sinodefenceforum.com/*

// ==/UserScript==

// Define the username of the user whose posts you want to hide
var userToHide = 'User'; //Replace 'User' with the username you want to block

// Get all the posts on the page
var posts = document.querySelectorAll('.message-inner .bbWrapper, .message-inner blockquote');

// Loop through each post
posts.forEach(function(post) {
// Check if it's a regular post or a blockquote
if (post.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'blockquote') {
// Handle blockquotes
var authorElement = post.querySelector('.bbCodeBlock-title a');
if (authorElement && authorElement.textContent.trim() === (userToHide + " said:")) {
// Hide the content of the blockquote
var blockquoteContent = post.querySelector('.bbCodeBlock-content');
blockquoteContent.style.display = 'none';

// Add a message indicating the content is hidden
var messageNode = document.createElement('div');
messageNode.classList.add('messageNotice', 'messageNotice--nested', 'messageNotice--ignored');
messageNode.innerHTML = 'You are ignoring content by this member. <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="showIgnoredLink js-showIgnored" data-xf-init="tooltip" data-original-title="Show hidden content">Show ignored content</a>';

// Append the message after the hidden content
blockquoteContent.parentNode.insertBefore(messageNode, blockquoteContent.nextSibling);

// For blockquotes, create the "Show hidden content" link
var showContentLink = messageNode.querySelector('.showIgnoredLink');

// Add click event listener to reveal the hidden content
showContentLink.addEventListener('click', function() {
blockquoteContent.style.display = ''; // Show the hidden content
messageNode.style.display = 'none'; // Hide the message
} else {
// Handle regular posts
var authorElement = post.closest('.message').querySelector('.username');
if (authorElement && authorElement.textContent.trim() === userToHide) {
// Hide the content of the post
post.style.display = 'none';

// Add a message indicating the content is hidden
var messageNode = document.createElement('div');
messageNode.classList.add('messageNotice', 'messageNotice--nested', 'messageNotice--ignored');
messageNode.innerHTML = 'You are ignoring content by this member. <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="showIgnoredLink js-showIgnored" data-xf-init="tooltip" data-original-title="Show hidden content">Show ignored content</a>';

// Create the "Show hidden content" link
var showContentLink = messageNode.querySelector('.showIgnoredLink');

// Add click event listener to reveal the hidden content
showContentLink.addEventListener('click', function() {
post.style.display = ''; // Show the hidden content
showContentLink.style.display = 'none'; // Hide the "Show hidden content" link

// Append the link after the hidden content
post.parentNode.insertBefore(messageNode, post.nextSibling);

I would add this word of reminder: don't assume that just because this forum has the word "Sino" in its title that it means it's that long-sought "pro-Chinese" oasis - if any members are here for that reason. SDF is akin to the Qing, so to speak, or be more accurate, the Raj, and the fact that, historically, a user had to make this sort of appeal and contend with this sort of push-back at all in a supposed place like this should make that metaphor quite clear. Those members would have a more comfortable time here if they drop that misconception, which is why I still cringe when recalling that a member once notoriously doxxed themselves because they got too comfortable here and thought they were finally amongst friends and "compatriots;" doubly a daft move when this is a public no-registration Google Search-indexed forum. Simply put, there are no public communities of that sort on the English internet, besides places that will be inevitably banned like Reddit's r/sino, that is.


Junior Member
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“This is an unethical business practice that takes advantage of women who are vulnerable and anxious about their lives,” one Weibo user said.

“These middle-aged women cannot discern right from wrong. We can improve our attractiveness healthily by reading and continuing our education,” another commented.

Why are people angry at a business getting people to spend money and possibly having more baby-making sex with their husbands?


Also, reading and education improve attractiveness? These must be 剩女.
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~2/3rds of the “debt held by the public” is owned by US investors but it’s even higher when you consider the “intergovernmental transfers” part of the debt where it’s owned by agencies like social security and medicare

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Yeah, that's why China's in a much better position. China has an external debt to GDP ratio of 13.7% while America's is 95%.
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
No: there are two measures of the national debt: “total debt held by the public” and “total debt held by the public combined with intergovernmental holdings”. The latter includes debt owners by social security, Medicare, and federal employee retirement pensions

Combined US state and local debt is ~$3.3 trillion, nearly entirely asset backed (think of something like a sewer system paid for entirely with water bills from users)
If you know this, then what's up with this stupid post below pretending that China has the debt problem rather than the US?
China’s fiscal trajectory is far more unsustainable than the U.S.’ fiscal trajectory

the interest payments especially are a soon to be moot point since rate cuts are coming and the main drivers of debt - social security and Medicare, are of limited macroeconomic importance (it will just require a headline grabbing event to make Congress move)
Oh a $1 trillion problem is gonna become moot, right? LOL What an imagination, just like all the bogus charts you bring up from Twitter without checking fact-checking as long as they seem to say what you want to hear.
No. China’s holdings of treasuries are equivalent of just one day of treasury trading. It would be 72 hours of heightened volatility before everything goes back to normal. Treasuries as being THE risk-free instrument is tautological among US investors.
For China to dump all US treasuries would have for wider reaching consequences for the global economy and its stability than just 1 day's worth of business. It signals the conflict that no market knows how to deal with or what to expect.

And tell Janet Yellen to not come over here on any more begging tours for China to buy US treasuries/debt. Aint' nobody got time to watch her lickin' her fat chops over some mushroom soup then drone for hours about how China should help the US harm Russia so the US can get on to harming China. We are a growing nation; our politicians are very busy doing good for the public and developing national power. Nobody has time for Yellen's bullshit.
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