Then the inflation chart will look like the earlier interest payment on debt chart.They will lower the rates that will have some effect.
The panic comes if China sells it off, the US won't have the money to back everyone hence why panic would ensure for everyone is racing to not be the one that loses their money. When that happens, the US will do things to prevent people from getting their money hence adds to the panic
That’s not exactly true. The US will always have USD because the Fed can always print(and they will). Thats a pretty massive double edged sword with inflation and weakening of the dollar, but no one’s going lose their money or not get paid back
No. China’s holdings of treasuries are equivalent of just one day of treasury trading. It would be 72 hours of heightened volatility before everything goes back to normal. Treasuries as being THE risk-free instrument is tautological among US investors.
Trading volume has little bearing in the scope of this conversation on the overall U.S. debt situation. Its a weak argument that only sounds good to people with who don’t have a fair understanding of financial markets, trading lingo and banking fundamentals.
China has traditionally been a buyer of last resort of US Treasuries. They would buy as a natural condition of the USD they accumulate from their trade surplus which helps keep interest rates down without causing inflation. If/when this stops, it severely limits the U.S. governments ability to print and add liquidity during a major crisis.
The U.S. has managed print money(lower interest rates) for the last 40 years during all major crisis periods(1990 banking crisis, 2000 tech bubble, 2007 financial collapse, et al.) without spiking up inflation up until now… when inflation peaked at 8% shortly after Covid. So certainly what has worked before is no longer working, something fundamental has shifted in the markets that absorb the printed money without causing inflation.
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