Or we could just block users from posting under trolling/bad faith categories to save time and resources. I don't know why this forum needs to claim to be some freedom of speech defender when China itself doesn't do so knowing how disingenuous users act. There are already a lot of other users blocked so Im not sure what makes this guy so special unless he secretly has blackmail material.Personally, I disagree. Why is the burden on the rest of the users to ignore blatant misinformation, misrepresentation, and out right lying. This isn’t like Reddit where downvoted comments is automatically collapsed or YouTube where it gets buried under 50 tons of generic comments. Every single post accounts for 10% of a page and that adds up quickly with the amount of stuff that is posted.
If the forum ignored the “China start ups total collapsed” and didn’t post rebuttals. Especially on posts that are completely fictional. Then the visitors who are less active, less informed, or don’t care as much will eventually start believing that as the truth. Because if no one is refuting or rebutting then why should they believe otherwise.
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