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Just a note in bad old days of Chinese railway workers etc circa 1875-1940 Chinese food was despised along with the migrant coolie level workers-"rat eaters" etc-After Korean War-where a young nascent China fought a superpower&10 nation coalition to a bloody draw- the Chinese restaurants took off and now quite respected/loved-As your nation/people prosper/strengthen so does cuisine and everything else.
Pre-development American, Chinese and European peasants scavenging in bushes for random vermin meat:

Meanwhile brahmin with a million yuan net worth scavenging barn floors to find literal feces:


Junior Member
Registered Member
Pre-development American, Chinese and European peasants scavenging in bushes for random vermin meat:

Meanwhile brahmin with a million yuan net worth scavenging barn floors to find literal feces:
It is what it is with India, shit for commodities, shit for brains as well. Really, it’s why not many countries are taking them seriously and it’s also why lots of Indians are leaving if they could afford to leave because quite frankly, that place has no future in all honesty. It’s not nice but one can’t deny that it is true for the most part


Lieutenant General
All China has to do is sell off all its US Treasuries and bonds it owns and that will start off a panic with everyone one else selling theirs for fear they might not get their money back. When you have debt it means you don't have the money and have to borrow it. The panic comes if China sells it off, the US won't have the money to back everyone hence why panic would ensure for everyone is racing to not be the one that loses their money. When that happens, the US will do things to prevent people from getting their money hence adds to the panic. If you have Trump in office, it's a guarantee people will get less money than what is owed to them. Like Trump said he can declared that he can just say people who have will only get 75 cents for every dollar owed and what is anyone going to do about it. That's how he says he negotiates. It's those kinds of stunts is why people are not going trust the dollar. China doesn't own the majority of US debt. It's only a fraction in actuality but you hear Americans say things like China owns the US because of those Treasuries and bonds it holds. It's not true but they believe like how they US economy is doing great. The majority of Americans don't believe the US economy is doing well. The only reason why they're saying the economy is doing great is because all that matters regardless if it's true or not is to get Americans to buy things.


Registered Member
You just can't seem to comprehend the concept that money isn't wealth, it's only a measurement of wealth.

National debt is an opportunity cost, when the Feds borrow $100 and give it to someone to hire 10 guys to dig a hole, there exist something else that the 10 guys could have done but didn't, the damage is already done at the moment of borrowing, not at the moment of non-repayment.

When you repay the debt, you're repairing the damage already done, if you repay $110 on $100 of debt, it's not the $10 you created, it's the opportunity for 1 extra person to do something else he previous had to spend digging a hole. Conversely not paying the debt doesn't incur any direct harm, because the harm was already done when something else that needs the 10 people to do wasn't done, because they were digging your hole.

That's the nature of US debt, US can't afford infrastructure because the people and resources needs has already been used in something else, paid for by debt. US can't afford to build ships or weapons because the people and resources needed has already been used. When interest payment exceeds defence budget, that's not a statement says US has to find $1 trillion in dollar bills, it's a statement that says the amount of people willing and able to do things has been depleted sufficiently that more and more of society's resources now need to be allocated into repairing damage already done, as opposed to creating new value.

Its Chinese industry that creates value and it's China's acceptance of USD for trade that gives USD value, because China can still use that USD to exchange things of real value from someone else. It's this Chinese wealth creation that's repairing damage already done by American trade debt, but China can't and won't repair any damage already done by mis-allocation of wealth when it comes to American domestic debt.
As a corollary, look at the latest U.S. billion dollar funding for anti China propaganda. They’ve got money for propaganda but not money to build factories in the U.S. precisely because the USG and its NGOs now function as a make work jobs program for the scions of the political elite.

what I don’t quite understand about westerners is why they feel so threatened by China yet are so Happy to be cuckolded by Africans who are far less developed? Getting Blacked is apparently an in demand porn category in the west and yet the average white westerner will launch nuclear war just to prevent China from surpassing the U.S. and by extension the western world.

spicy meat ball

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Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Personally, I disagree. Why is the burden on the rest of the users to ignore blatant misinformation, misrepresentation, and out right lying. This isn’t like Reddit where downvoted comments is automatically collapsed or YouTube where it gets buried under 50 tons of generic comments. Every single post accounts for 10% of a page and that adds up quickly with the amount of stuff that is posted.

If the forum ignored the “China start ups total collapsed” and didn’t post rebuttals. Especially on posts that are completely fictional. Then the visitors who are less active, less informed, or don’t care as much will eventually start believing that as the truth. Because if no one is refuting or rebutting then why should they believe otherwise.
So you end up with 20 useless posts responding to one shot post. How does that help the forum being informative?


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some even more contention with the original source, IT Juzi (the VC data provider that's the source of the original number of companies founded per year) shows that fundraising amounts and number of transactions are slightly up YoY in H1 2024:

a conspiracy of mine is that due to the property downturn affecting relatively affluent Chinese, as well as the anti-corruption campaign and increased tax scrutiny by authorities that have taken shape in the past few years, these affluent Chinese are talking with Western financial press outlets (Economist, FT, Bloomberg, etc) to create a doom and gloom narrative about the Chinese economy to incentivize less government scrutiny/more stimulus direct towards them/leniency in the corruption investigations. Wealthy people living in the West basically do this all the time to manipulate public sentiment towards benefiting their investments.

That doesn't mean that China's economy is doing great right now, but a lot of the Chinese collapse narratives that have been constructed in the past few years have probably been magnified by these affluent Chinese people through these outlets. This FT article is just another example of that.
Well, I spend about half of my time in China and half of my time in the US for the past 3, 4 months.

Everyone I talked to in China talk about how bad the China economy is, and everything is bad. However, on the street, everyone is still spending, and all the stores that I go to, and the restaurants that I go to, is still there with enough customers.

In the US, no one is talking about how good or how bad the economy is, and on the news, seems there is a pretty rosy picture about the US economy. However, half of the stores and restaurants that I go to in 2020 is now gone, the stores and the restaurants that survived, do have a lot of customers.

There is an economical/financial/technical war between US and China right now, so both side is suffering. I just don't think US is going to do well in the long run, because the US DEI stuff, is killing the US in the technical war, since R&D results is not going to care about DEI at all. The US is eroding its own scientists and engineers foundation with DEI.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Well, I spend about half of my time in China and half of my time in the US for the past 3, 4 months.

Everyone I talked to in China talk about how bad the China economy is, and everything is bad. However, on the street, everyone is still spending, and all the stores that I go to, and the restaurants that I go to, is still there with enough customers.

In the US, no one is talking about how good or how bad the economy is, and on the news, seems there is a pretty rosy picture about the US economy. However, half of the stores and restaurants that I go to in 2020 is now gone, the stores and the restaurants that survived, do have a lot of customers.

There is an economical/financial/technical war between US and China right now, so both side is suffering. I just don't think US is going to do well in the long run, because the US DEI stuff, is killing the US in the technical war, since R&D results is not going to care about DEI at all. The US is eroding its own scientists and engineers foundation with DEI.
Dont forget all the crack heads in the streets of America


Registered Member

My observation is that Apple's golden years in China are coming to an end, even though it is going to be slow motion. Apple drew about USD 55 billions from China in 2023. That is significant however you cut it. From this replacement cycle in 2024, Apple is going to face unprecedented competition in every segment of its China sales.
If Apple lose wechat its safe will disintegrate. Like, gone. So it would not be golden year gone, more likely cease to exist.