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TFW you join NATO because you want your military industry to profit from NATO wars, only to end up having your entire AWACs wing at your premier arms company killed. Pity, guess we won’t even get to see a future Gripen either because incompetent Anglo Americans need a return on their F35 investment.


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TFW you join NATO because you want your military industry to profit from NATO wars, only to end up having your entire AWACs wing at your premier arms company killed. Pity, guess we won’t even get to see a future Gripen either because incompetent Anglo Americans need a return on their F35 investment.
What arms company? I was told only pregnant women, children and innocent animals are ever struck by Russian missiles. They have a filter that specifically disregards military targets.

Look it up. It's science.


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Grok "what is happening in China?"

Based on the information available up to September 7, 2024, several notable events and conditions are occurring in China:

  • Economic Challenges: There's a growing narrative around economic difficulties, including a housing market crisis, high unemployment rates among the youth, and an overall slowdown in economic growth. Reports suggest that China might be facing a "lost decade" with investors pulling out billions and economic growth falling below expectations.
  • Social Credit System: The social credit system continues to impact individuals, where a low social credit score can lead to severe restrictions like job bans and financial account locks, pushing people towards low-paying, manual labor jobs.
  • Public Unrest and Looting: Instances of public unrest have been noted, particularly in response to economic hardships. For example, a grocery store was looted in Henan Province, which hasn't been able to pay salaries for several months, indicating significant financial stress among public institutions.
  • Natural Disasters: Southern China, particularly the Pearl River Delta, experienced severe flooding due to heavy rains, affecting millions and highlighting ongoing issues with climate change impacts in the region.
  • Foreign Relations and Policies: There's mention of China imposing selective embargoes on components to Europe, affecting manufacturing supply chains. Additionally, discussions around China's nuclear capabilities and U.S. strategic responses indicate ongoing geopolitical tensions.
  • Internal Policies and Public Sentiment: There's a sentiment of dissatisfaction with current policies, especially those related to economic management and social freedoms, as reflected in various social media posts and public reactions.
  • Technological and Trade Restrictions: The U.S. has tightened export controls affecting China, which could further complicate China's technological advancements and trade relations.

These points paint a picture of China dealing with a confluence of economic, social, and environmental challenges, alongside geopolitical maneuvers, which together contribute to a complex internal and external situation for the country. Public sentiment, as reflected through social media like X, shows a mix of frustration over economic conditions, governance, and the impacts of policy decisions on everyday life.

I got bored and wanted a weekend laugh. So I did an AI search above. In the last few months, I regularly used Grok, ChatGPT-4o, Claude and Gemini. On balance, I like Grok over others. Yet in a simple inquiry like above, the answer is so brainwashed or censored. Nonetheless, it gave a good laugh anyway.

On "Economic Challenges" due to the housing market struggle, every grownup Chinese knows that the housing and the local land-oriented fiscal model have been a time bomb for more than 10 years. It was Chinese central government that is proactively diffusing that time bomb in the past few years. Almost all other major economic challengers China has been facing in the last few years are direct results or collateral damages of this housing market struggle. The good news is that this housing time bomb is no longer an active bomb. In this context, talking of China "lost decade" is yet another western "joke", particularly when China is exporting millions of cars on a global scale.

On "Social Credit System", it has already been debunked by many in X as a western MSM made-up.

On "Public Unrest and Looting", I cannot help but thinking of San Francisco etc. Social acrimony shall be compared on apple-to-apple basis in time dimension as well as spacial dimension. Isolated incidents in major countries like China or US are just that, isolated and local.

On "Natural Disasters", I know there are so many "Natural Disasters" occurrences in China every year. What else can I say?

On "Foreign Relations and Policies", last US-related event was Sullivan's visit.

On "Internal Policies and Public Sentiment", LOL, really, is this what US LLM wonder transformers could come up in top 10?

On "Technological and Trade Restrictions", this should be at the top with serious analysis and projection, for its consequences will have direct impact for decades to come. And Grok still thinks "US is winning while China is losing"?

Last but not the least, I am using new AI tools like Grok quite often nowadays. Yet for as much as X is claimed to be uncensored, this Grok answer is really LLLOL


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The Iranian media report in mid August is accurate. Still doubtful they would fully leave but it looks like a big chuck will be departing. Unless the next admin decides otherwise.
Agreement is always reflection of the raw reality. Iraq would not have demanded an US withdraw if the situation on the ground not permitting. The US would not even bother to enter a negotiation let alone a time plan to withdraw if not being pressed hard on the ground. Refusal or renegade from the deal would only bring humiliation. This is the only way for US to save face instead of being beaten out. The following administration actually would prefer to stick to the deal because they can blame the previous administration for anything goes wrong while enjoying the benifit of pulling out of hell.

I think it is full pullout. Iraq is Afghanistan 2.0, pulling out under pressure from a place that does not serve any purpose. Also the reuters report said "remainder pulling out in 2026".


Registered Member
No, loyalty does matter, even if its motivated purely by money. The US doesn't operate like in your spy novels. They don't just want to buy info, they want to buy control. Control allows them to do things, like Ukraine.

Again, you over-simplify. "New Mercedes" is only for the a few people in high places. You can't be handing out "new Mercedes" to everyone to buy their loyalty. Why is ideology relevant? Because that's how you organize the masses to do what you want. That's how you make things happen. How do you get the average idiot to hate the Chinese? Through indoctrination via the media, education system, and religion. Do it long enough, and the ideology far outlasts any money you've spent on bribing.

Why does someone in Malaysia care about helping China? Why alot of the Malaysian Chinese do care! What motivates them? Money? Yeah. Chinese identity ideology? Even better! Because of ideology, affluent Malaysian Chinese made donations to China when it was poor. They even make donations to their ancestral villages in China today. Because of ideology, many Malaysian Chinese organized medical donations to China when Covid-19 first broke out in Wuhan. What "new Mercedes's" were needed for that? Concluding that every explanation is all about money is ignorant, and quite frankly, disrespectful.
It’s not every explanation. Referring back to the OP, regarding some leaked documents, I don’t think most of this applies.


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China needs to call for human rights investigation into dystopian authoritarian nations that arrest and censor dissidents on a mass scale, driven by unpopular undemocratic leaders that fear losing elections.
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"Suicide rate highest in UK.."-not so tough afterall unlike us Chinese with a century of war,famine,world against-and now look at the difference!I do hope the Brit-loving HK'ers look at the rundown,miserable existence in UK and rethink their stupidity.And be careful lest some skinhead or mongrel gang trash decide to rob/attack them for some beer/drug money.Fools.


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Have begun seeing more "Innumeracy is as intolerable as illiteracy" being expressing in US media. Are they perhaps finally realizing that maybe a large population of mathematically literate individuals is helpful for the kind of technological race that the US is trying to engage in with China?


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Grok "what is happening in China?"

I got bored and wanted a weekend laugh. So I did an AI search above. In the last few months, I regularly used Grok, ChatGPT-4o, Claude and Gemini. On balance, I like Grok over others. Yet in a simple inquiry like above, the answer is so brainwashed or censored. Nonetheless, it gave a good laugh anyway.

On "Economic Challenges" due to the housing market struggle, every grownup Chinese knows that the housing and the local land-oriented fiscal model have been a time bomb for more than 10 years. It was Chinese central government that is proactively diffusing that time bomb in the past few years. Almost all other major economic challengers China has been facing in the last few years are direct results or collateral damages of this housing market struggle. The good news is that this housing time bomb is no longer an active bomb. In this context, talking of China "lost decade" is yet another western "joke", particularly when China is exporting millions of cars on a global scale.

On "Social Credit System", it has already been debunked by many in X as a western MSM made-up.

On "Public Unrest and Looting", I cannot help but thinking of San Francisco etc. Social acrimony shall be compared on apple-to-apple basis in time dimension as well as spacial dimension. Isolated incidents in major countries like China or US are just that, isolated and local.

On "Natural Disasters", I know there are so many "Natural Disasters" occurrences in China every year. What else can I say?

On "Foreign Relations and Policies", last US-related event was Sullivan's visit.

On "Internal Policies and Public Sentiment", LOL, really, is this what US LLM wonder transformers could come up in top 10?

On "Technological and Trade Restrictions", this should be at the top with serious analysis and projection, for its consequences will have direct impact for decades to come. And Grok still thinks "US is winning while China is losing"?

Last but not the least, I am using new AI tools like Grok quite often nowadays. Yet for as much as X is claimed to be uncensored, this Grok answer is really LLLOL

Looks like they’ve been training the bot on the complete works of Gordon Chang.