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If irony can be measured using weight, then the weight coming out this amount of irony coming out this White House reply would be greater than Mount Everest.

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Prone to interference? Sounds like a flaw in political system. Ever thought of reforming? No? Then stfu about their so called "superior system".

*Insert joke about Putin's freedom of speech.


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in order for Chinese men to be respected and treated normally, Anglo American media and anglophone media must be diminished if not outright destroyed Along with the Anglo grip on the discourse of the west.

so besides sending assassins to murder Indian dissidents in Canada, the Indian government also sends state sanctioned hackers to silence critics of Indian culture (of coprophilia snd rape) with nothing more than squeaking from official U.S. channels. Man, the fear of China and Chinese has really allowed the Indians to get away with shit simply because they claim they will send their forces to soak up Chinese bullets before they slam into Anglo white bodies, if they do manage to find enough recruits for that war against China they so ardently seek.
In fact, this whole relationship reminds me of corporate office politics in the anglosphere: Anglo board members are so fearful of Asian workers outcompeting them and their white children that they will enlist an Indian to fill a position just to deny it to a worthy Asian applicant. And once that Indian gets into HR roles…you can bet the entire department will be Indian within a decade.
We got the same deal back when Soviet Union exists. It dont last forever, but we made good use of it. Will India do the same?


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The U.S. military, especially the U.S. Army is gearing to fight a potential Russia and China conflict.

Doesnt look like they're simulating fighting China or Russia, looks more like they're simulating fighting as China and Russia. I mean everything in their simulation are current Chinese tech that Russia's using.

“What I saw in Louisiana was impressive,” he tells me. But he says there’s a mismatch between fast-moving technology and the glacial process used to acquire it."

Well its only slow because unlike Ukraine they arent allowed to buy those drones and robot dogs from Alibaba, what he wants is reform aquisition so US military is alowed to places Alibaba orders while at war with China


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TFW you join NATO because you want your military industry to profit from NATO wars, only to end up having your entire AWACs wing at your premier arms company killed. Pity, guess we won’t even get to see a future Gripen either because incompetent Anglo Americans need a return on their F35 investment.
I think most of parts and weopons of Gripen will be made outside Sweden and Gripen is practically useless fighter.
you can already see how dumb Swedes are for donating a Turbo prop AWACS which is like a enlarged TB2. and Nato cannot benefit Sweden as EU will make Sweden deindustrialize faster for what ever is left of it. and why is Anglo American incompetent if you are comparing them North Europeans?. American can integrate tech far better than Europeans and they have much deeper understanding of extremely important Arabic Soft Power and this is the path Russia is going.

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