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in order for Chinese men to be respected and treated normally, Anglo American media and anglophone media must be diminished if not outright destroyed Along with the Anglo grip on the discourse of the west.

so besides sending assassins to murder Indian dissidents in Canada, the Indian government also sends state sanctioned hackers to silence critics of Indian culture (of coprophilia snd rape) with nothing more than squeaking from official U.S. channels. Man, the fear of China and Chinese has really allowed the Indians to get away with shit simply because they claim they will send their forces to soak up Chinese bullets before they slam into Anglo white bodies, if they do manage to find enough recruits for that war against China they so ardently seek.
In fact, this whole relationship reminds me of corporate office politics in the anglosphere: Anglo board members are so fearful of Asian workers outcompeting them and their white children that they will enlist an Indian to fill a position just to deny it to a worthy Asian applicant. And once that Indian gets into HR roles…you can bet the entire department will be Indian within a decade.
Given the damage done to western institutions, its almost as if India is secretly working with China. Maybe it will be revealed in the future.


Lieutenant General

This guy's conspiracy theory on MH370 goes all over the place and is so out there involving secret superconducting technology and Chinese espionage trying to steal it from a US military lab that employed Chinese scientists to create this technology in Malaysia and not the US that somehow ended up with the US using this secret technology in vehicles that intercepted MH370 and made it disappear...

It's like the US bombing the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia. There are Americans that would rather believe the US intentionally bombed that embassy than believe they made a mistake. Just as long as it portrays the US as in control, they'll believe it. If MH370 incident was due to a simple malfunction, guess who's going to be sued? The US because it was a Boeing aircraft and the British who made the engines.

I have my own conspiracy theory because why would an accident need to be covered up? Why the elaborate ruse? I have no proof this happened but by Occam's Razor is the simplest conspiracy theory based on real geopolitics. That area where the plane disappeared was already under intense scrutiny over territory disputes between countries in that area and not just with China. In that type of situation, planes can accidentally be shot down by militaries for illegal encroachment. MH370 was heading towards to fly over Vietnam when it disappeared. I recall it being said that communications with the aircraft was about to be switched over from Malaysian air flight control to Vietnam before the fight disappeared. What if it was Vietnam that shot down the plane not knowing it was a routine commercial flight? Since it was full of Chinese passengers and because of testy territorial claims between China and Vietnam, Vietnam called the US for help because they thought China could use this as an excuse for military action against Vietnam. So the aircraft crashes in a remote area of Vietnam where all the parts of the aircraft and bodies could be retrieved and destroyed while the US and Great Britain sent everyone on a wild goose chase because of a suicidal pilot theory. And who is in control of all this GPS information saying where the plane could've went and crashed...? The US and Great Britain who would be responsible if the aircraft went down due to a malfunction which they couldn't claim for their own interests. And to make it more believable save some pieces of the aircraft and drop them somewhere in the India Ocean off of Africa to help confirm the theory that it intentionally veered off towards the Indian Ocean.


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This guy's conspiracy theory on MH370 goes all over the place and is so out there involving secret superconducting technology and Chinese espionage trying to steal it from a US military lab that employed Chinese scientists to create this technology in Malaysia and not the US that somehow ended up with the US using this secret technology in vehicles that intercepted MH370 and made it disappear...

It's like the US bombing the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia. There are Americans that would rather believe the US intentionally bombed that embassy than believe they made a mistake. Just as long as it portrays the US as in control, they'll believe it. If MH370 incident was due to a simple malfunction, guess who's going to be sued? The US because it was a Boeing aircraft and the British who made the engines.

I have my own conspiracy theory because why would an accident need to be covered up? Why the elaborate ruse? I have no proof this happened but by Occam's Razor is the simplest conspiracy theory based on real geopolitics. That area where the plane disappeared was already under intense scrutiny over territory disputes between countries in that area and not just with China. In that type of situation, planes can accidentally be shot down by militaries for illegal encroachment. MH370 was heading towards to fly over Vietnam when it disappeared. I recall it being said that communications with the aircraft was about to be switched over from Malaysian air flight control to Vietnam before the fight disappeared. What if it was Vietnam that shot down the plane not knowing it was a routine commercial flight? Since it was full of Chinese passengers and because of testy territorial claims between China and Vietnam, Vietnam called the US for help because they thought China could use this as an excuse for military action against Vietnam. So the aircraft crashes in a remote area of Vietnam where all the parts of the aircraft and bodies could be retrieved and destroyed while the US and Great Britain sent everyone on a wild goose chase because of a suicidal pilot theory. And who is in control of all this GPS information saying where the plane could've went and crashed...? The US and Great Britain who would be responsible if the aircraft went down due to a malfunction which they couldn't claim for their own interests. And to make it more believable save some pieces of the aircraft and drop them somewhere in the India Ocean off of Africa to help confirm the theory that it intentionally veered off towards the Indian Ocean.

No, the Embassy bombing was very much intentional.

It was also sole and only bombing were the CIA got involved.


Registered Member

This guy's conspiracy theory on MH370 goes all over the place and is so out there involving secret superconducting technology and Chinese espionage trying to steal it from a US military lab that employed Chinese scientists to create this technology in Malaysia and not the US that somehow ended up with the US using this secret technology in vehicles that intercepted MH370 and made it disappear...

It's like the US bombing the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia. There are Americans that would rather believe the US intentionally bombed that embassy than believe they made a mistake. Just as long as it portrays the US as in control, they'll believe it. If MH370 incident was due to a simple malfunction, guess who's going to be sued? The US because it was a Boeing aircraft and the British who made the engines.

I have my own conspiracy theory because why would an accident need to be covered up? Why the elaborate ruse? I have no proof this happened but by Occam's Razor is the simplest conspiracy theory based on real geopolitics. That area where the plane disappeared was already under intense scrutiny over territory disputes between countries in that area and not just with China. In that type of situation, planes can accidentally be shot down by militaries for illegal encroachment. MH370 was heading towards to fly over Vietnam when it disappeared. I recall it being said that communications with the aircraft was about to be switched over from Malaysian air flight control to Vietnam before the fight disappeared. What if it was Vietnam that shot down the plane not knowing it was a routine commercial flight? Since it was full of Chinese passengers and because of testy territorial claims between China and Vietnam, Vietnam called the US for help because they thought China could use this as an excuse for military action against Vietnam. So the aircraft crashes in a remote area of Vietnam where all the parts of the aircraft and bodies could be retrieved and destroyed while the US and Great Britain sent everyone on a wild goose chase because of a suicidal pilot theory. And who is in control of all this GPS information saying where the plane could've went and crashed...? The US and Great Britain who would be responsible if the aircraft went down due to a malfunction which they couldn't claim for their own interests. And to make it more believable save some pieces of the aircraft and drop them somewhere in the India Ocean off of Africa to help confirm the theory that it intentionally veered off towards the Indian Ocean.
MH370 is still a mystery today. My Occam's razor is that it could be similar to Helios Airways Flight 522. Where the plane suffered from insufficient pressurerisation, whether due to human error or malfunction. Then everyone onboard pass out from hypoxia and the plane cruised as a ghost plane and finally crashes somewhere in the Indian Ocean. I don't rule out the US shoot down theory. But for Occam's razor, an accident is the simpler explanation.


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You'd think the Japanese would have learned from the 80's and the smackdown they got through the Plaza Accords to not even bother.
Or it’s because most M&A deals involving Japan go through without incident and are approved easily by CFIUS. And ultimately, the U.S. is by far, the most valuable market, and foreigners will indeed pay substantial risk premia to sell in the U.S.


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Well, it's the Russian connection to some of the "right wing" podcasters like the often wrong and never right, Tim Pool and Dave Rubin, himself a former card carrying member of the far-left group and was a then co-host of the Young Turks show with Cenk Uyghur. They have just also been indicted on criminal charges for conspiring to propagate and spread Russian "disinfo and misinformation" in America.

They have made the silliest mistake and assumptions that America will tolerate dissenting views on matters of National Security. The job of misinformation and disinformation are the sole propriety of the U.S.A. and no one else's.

Yes, it’s absolutely wonderful. By prosecuting a NYS official for acting as a foreign agent (a facially ridiculous claim, after all, states have no foreign affairs authority, see United States v. Pink, 315 U.S. 203 (1942); American Insurance Association v. Garamendi, 539 U.S. 396 (2003)) - everyone will get the message that no subnational cooperation with China is allowed - no meetings, no trade and investment talks, nothing. Even travel and consular meetings are not allowed.

And with a FARA prosecution the next day on media cooperation, everyone similarly gets the message that pro-Russia messaging will be prosecuted.

the sum of this is simply that improving US-China or U.S.-Russia relations are simply not allowed in any way, foreclosing any mechanism to improve them whatsoever (trade and investment, subnational cooperation, media) and it gives the U.S. endless trump cards in managing relations with those 2 countries - and kicks it all to Ms. Karen, a JD graduate of Georgia State University (a 5th tier law school) who for some reason (nepotism) is now the Chief of Staff to Anthony Blinken to be wholly responsible for managing U.S.-China/Russia relations (she gets to schedule meetings with reporters, governors, businesspeople, etc about what they are allowed to do without being prosecuted) and Ms. Karen acting alone gets to decide where US-China/Russia relations shall go before heading out at 3PM for her hair stylist and to pick up her children from Fairfax County Public Schools
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Junior Member
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No, the Embassy bombing was very much intentional.

It was also sole and only bombing were the CIA got involved.
Also something China will never forget and will find a time to get even with one day, just like how Iran Will eventually get even with Israel for those assassinations and that terrorist incident in Moscow. All of which has the backing of the U.S. and all of which demands some very severe pay back


Junior Member
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Also something China will never forget and will find a time to get even with one day, just like how Iran Will eventually get even with Israel for those assassinations and that terrorist incident in Moscow. All of which has the backing of the U.S. and all of which demands some very severe pay back
We are already in the process of giving it to them by extracting American blood, in particular in Ukraine. But it will not be sufficient until America has been exiled and contained back to poverty on the north American continent only. A most severe reckoning is needed for the audacity of US to challenge China, such that in the cultural memory of America, they will forever remember not to raise arms against China again.


Registered Member

To highlight how insecure the Anglo American regime is, they’re looking to imprison a Chinese shitposter.

The Dutch have chosen death by white supremacy. European Atlanticist superiority complexes will have to go the way of Roman chauvinism and the only way Roman chauvinism was extinguished was with massive plagues, deaths and gothic wars that changed the ethnic makeup of formerly Roman territory.