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Pertaining to this. There were two interesting investigative story written by GT about the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) not too long ago.
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BCI is an 'NGO' and certification body to certify cotton producers for best practices. Kinda like what Rainforest Alliance does for tea and coffee. These best practices include quality, safety, environmental sustainability, and 'decent work'. Certification from BCI is important, because the biggest apparel brands would source only BCI-certified cotton products. This is where the BS happens.

The BCI branch in Shanghai was responsible for certifying cotton producers in China. They had been certifying Chinese cotton producers for years with no issues. Even till today, they have found no problems of 'forced labour' with Xinjiang cotton producers. The problem is the BCI HQ in Switzerland. They were the ones who pushed this 'forced labour' BS and overuled BCI Shanghai.

The Global Times reporters also learned that to cooperate with anti-China forces, the headquarters of the BCI overruled, for no reason at all, the conclusion made by BCI's office in Shanghai of "there is no forced labor in Xinjiang" after several field reviews.

BCI HQ decided out of the blue to suspend the certification of the Xinjiang cotton producers. Citing "current complicated international environment" as the reason. I call it sabotage and BS!

On March 12, 2020, Zhang Biao, chief manager of a company named Zhongwang in Yuli county of the Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture received an email from the BCI.

It said that given the "current complicated international environment", the BCI decided to suspend giving licenses or certificates from 2020 to 2021 in China's Xinjiang region. The organization will update its standards during the suspension period to better deal with the environment.

Why is this BCI certification important? Because without it, you cannot sell to BCI retailers and brand members. Which happens to be some of the biggest international brands.

"The value of BCI's certificate depends on who are your target customers. If your customers are all BCI retailers and brand members, then its certificate and licenses are very important because with no certificate, you cannot sell your products to these companies," Zhang told the Global Times.

Zhang's company joined BCI's program in 2015. "A yarn company in Jiangsu Province is the supplier for IKEA. According to IKEA's standard, only materials that meet BCI's standards can be used for its suppliers. We are helping the Jiangsu company to plant, collect and produce cotton under the BCI standards."

Basically, BCI in Switzerland participated in a conspiracy to sabotage and defame Xinjiang's cotton business.

The sudden suspension of cooperation from the BCI has caught many companies in Xinjiang which have joined in its programs off guard and caused losses. A company named Haoxing, which runs cotton-buying businesses in Xinjiang, has cooperated with BCI for a long time.

Gao Ruinan, a manager of Haoxing, told the Global Times that BCI's suspending cooperation has caused losses amounting to 14 million yuan (2.14 million) for the company. "The major blow is on the sales channels. Many companies in other places in China have recognized the BCI standards in recent years and the suspension has put great pressure on the company's sales."

Without BCI's certification, big international companies like H&M and Nike naturally would not source from Xinjiang cotton producers. But that still does not excuse H&M and Nike for loudly proclaiming: "We do not source cotton from XUAR because of our concerns for forced-labour". Well, did you dumbasses had the concern to fact-check on that 'force labour' allegation? Let me help you. You could have just said: "We do not source non-BCI certified cotton". Or just STFU, because no one was complaining at the time. But no, those dumb execs on these companies wanna be human-rights justice warriors. They wanna punish Chinese cotton producers and protest to China over BS. They will say that this is their freedom of speech. We can say that they too the have the freedom to go f**k themselves.

But you know what? BCI also practices double standards. Why then Indian cotton producers who notoriously employ child labour could still be elligible for BCI certification? No certification suspensions for these guys. But BCI is helping them to "conduct research on the challenges these cotton producers faced". Why not the same for Xinjiang cotton producers?

BCI was also found to have treated member enterprises with double standards, deliberately ignoring the labor problems in some countries and regions. India, for instance, has around 10 million child laborers, according to statistics from the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, Indian media and nongovernmental organizations. Some of the children were forced to work 12 hours a day with little time to study, Times of India reported in August 2020.

Nonetheless, the public has seldom seen the BCI calling for a "boycott" against cotton products of its questionable Indian members. Instead, according to reports on its website, the BCI conducted "research on the challenges the cotton producers faced" in places including India, observers found.

BCI should be held accountable for this Xinjiang cotton fiasco. It is quite clear that this Western-headquartered NGO and certification body had abused its power to further anti-China agendas. Perhaps China should look closer into BCI and punish them severely. Sue and sanction them for defamation and for intervening in China's internal affairs. BCI Shanghai who is relatively innocent could be spun-off into a separate certification entity. China should rain hell on BCI and make them an example, lest there could be another Western-headquartered NGO/certification body who could do the same thing. Like the Rainforest Alliance, and ISO.
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U.S. President Joe Biden said he suggested to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a phone call on Friday that democratic countries should have an infrastructure plan to rival China’s Belt and Road initiative.
Another potentially historic day?

Biden is going full throttle on steep competition with China. Lets see how he is going to finance this initiative (printers brbr..).

And guess where will the production capacity come from. Probably a lot of dollars will flow to Chinese exporters (soon to be worthless if he prints these dollars to do this initiative)

Lets see how China will react when they demand from it physical goods and paying it with newly printed money..


Registered Member
Pertaining to this. There were two interesting investigative story written by GT about the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) not too long ago.
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BCI is an 'NGO' and certification body to certify cotton producers for best practices. Kinda like what Rainforest Alliance does for tea and coffee. These best practices include quality, safety, environmental sustainability, and 'decent work'. Certification from BCI is important, because the biggest apparel brands would source only BCI-certified cotton products. This is where the BS happens.

The BCI branch in Shanghai was responsible for certifying cotton producers in China. They had been certifying Chinese cotton producers for years with no issues. Even till today, they have found no problems of 'forced labour' with Xinjiang cotton producers. The problem is the BCI HQ in Switzerland. They were the ones who pushed this 'forced labour' BS and overuled BCI Shanghai.

BCI HQ decided out of the blue to suspend the certification of the Xinjiang cotton producers. Citing "current complicated international environment" as the reason. I call it sabotage and BS!

Why is this BCI certification important? Because without it, you cannot sell to BCI retailers and brand members. Which happens to be some of the biggest international brands.

Basically, BCI in Switzerland participated in a conspiracy to sabotage and defame Xinjiang's cotton business.

Without BCI's certification, big international companies like H&M and Nike naturally would not source from Xinjiang cotton producers. But that still does not excuse H&M and Nike for loudly proclaiming: "We do not source cotton from XUAR because of our concerns for forced-labour". Well, did you dumbasses had the concern to fact-check on that 'force labour' allegation? Let me help you. You could have just said: "We do not source non-BCI certified cotton". Or just STFU, because no one was complaining at the time. But no, those dumb execs on these companies wanna be human-rights justice warriors. They wanna punish Chinese cotton producers and protest to China over BS. They will say that this is their freedom of speech. We can say that they too the have the freedom to go f**k themselves.

But you know what? BCI also practices double standards. Why then Indian cotton producers who notoriously employ child labour could still be elligible for BCI certification? No certification suspensions for these guys. But BCI is helping them to "conduct research on the challenges these cotton producers faced". Why not the same for Xinjiang cotton producers?

BCI should be held accountable for this Xinjiang cotton fiasco. It is quite clear that this Western-headquartered NGO and certification body had abused its power to further anti-China agendas. Perhaps China should look closer into BCI and punish them severely. Sue and sanction them for defamation and for intervening in China's internal affairs. BCI Shanghai who is relatively innocent could be spun-off into a separate certification entity. China should rain hell on BCI and make them an example, lest there could be another Western-headquartered NGO/certification body who could do the same thing. Like the Rainforest Alliance, and ISO.
China should create the Better Cobalt Initiative (BCI) as a retaliation.

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A human rights firm on behalf of Congolese children and families sued Western companies like Apple, Google, Dell for exploitation of child labor (forced labor) in regards to cobalt mining in the Congo. As part of the Better Cobalt Initiative, China should sanction these companies, and prevent them from sourcing from China.

China fighting for Africans' human rights as part of BRI.


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Another potentially historic day?

Biden is going full throttle on steep competition with China. Lets see how he is going to finance this initiative (printers brbr..).

And guess where will the production capacity come from. Probably a lot of dollars will flow to Chinese exporters (soon to be worthless if he prints these dollars to do this initiative)

Lets see how China will react when they demand from it physical goods and paying it with newly printed money..

How about rebuilding infrastructure at home first?


Registered Member
How about rebuilding infrastructure at home first?
That guy is a retard. US buildings, bridges and dams can all fall down and tornadoes will destroy cities and this idiot still thinks he can offer the world the moon while he only has toilet paper in return. Come on, the world would benefit more in not sending any goods to the USA since there own people can use them instead of well making a bunch of ungrateful pigs happier with their stimulus money


Registered Member
How about rebuilding infrastructure at home first?
He probably wants other countries to "share" the costs lol.

China should really accelerate their Digital Yuan plans, the rest of the world wants to steal from it by paying it toilet paper money.

Whats the basic reason why China trades in dollars. It is because it wants to obtain high-tech from the West. So now that the US is placing all these restrictions the dollar is losing its value month by month, year by year.

Digital Yuan now plsss


Registered Member
He probably wants other countries to "share" the costs lol.

China should really accelerate their Digital Yuan plans, the rest of the world wants to steal from it by paying it toilet paper money.

Whats the basic reason why China trades in dollars. It is because it wants to obtain high-tech from the West. So now that the US is placing all these restrictions the dollar is losing its value month by month, year by year.

Digital Yuan now plsss
Biden is screwing up quite nicely for the last few months so I guess it is probably for the best that we let this craziness continue. I mean he is sanctioning Russia while buying record amounts of oil from them. I wonder what is going to happen if Russia finally turns the tap off


On the surface, it's the US and its vassals these days are taking the offensives against China, which is quite obvious from the daily rhetoric and verbal attacks against China from these people and governments.

On the other hand, looking deeper, it's clear that they're on the defensive, scrambling to react to China's Belt and Road Initiative, 5G and infrastructure development, vaccine diplomacy, etc. China's initiatives are built upon cooperative development and partnership. They're non-threatening, non-intervention, win-win and inclusive. The US and its vassals do not have any effective alternatives and can not provide much of a competition in these areas. Instead, they resort to empty and meaningless rhetoric such as democracy, freedom, human rights, rule-based international order (Rubio - they even coined a word for the sh*t) or, even worse, to lies and disinformation such as genocide or simply to just stirring-up troubles. All these are apparently not working and indeed starting to backfire. To add insults to the injuries, China is not Iraq or Libya or Syria or Iran or even Russia, not only they can not launch military attack against China, but they get counter-punches and sanctions back.

It's so frustrating for these guys!


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Another potentially historic day?

Biden is going full throttle on steep competition with China. Lets see how he is going to finance this initiative (printers brbr..).

And guess where will the production capacity come from. Probably a lot of dollars will flow to Chinese exporters (soon to be worthless if he prints these dollars to do this initiative)

Lets see how China will react when they demand from it physical goods and paying it with newly printed money..

If you think about it, the USA funding global infrastructure in developing countries would be good for the world and also China.

China is already the world's largest trading nation and geographically closer to most of these developing countries, so China would benefit most from that better connectivity.

Faster growth in the developing world will also benefit Chinese companies who tend to make products which are value-for-money.