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If you think about it, the USA funding global infrastructure in developing countries would be good for the world and also China.

China is already the world's largest trading nation and geographically closer to most of these developing countries, so China would benefit most from that better connectivity.

Faster growth in the developing world will also benefit Chinese companies who tend to make products which are value-for-money.
Look man I think thats too pure for the US and that you think too highly of them.

This will most likely result in "ban companies participating from countries where there are human rights concerns" (Ban Chinese suppliers)

They will also say something like "use technology which is developed and produced in a sustainable matter to promote an open and free world" (ban for Chinese tech)

They will also probably include conditions like supporting a free world, under a "rules-based international order" (force countries to pick sides)

There is no way US will not use this to block China from entering these countries markets comprehensively.

If he manages to do this then expect all kinds of tricks to trip China.

This is where the US will exploit the BRI core weaknesses (weak institutions, weak overall organisations, weak regional and international forums, weak on transparency).Big problems ahead for China if Biden achieves what he wants to do
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Registered Member
Look man I think thats too pure for the US and that you think too highly of them.

This will most likely result in "ban companies participating from countries where there are human rights concerns" (Ban Chinese suppliers)

They will also say something like "use technology which is developed and produced in a sustainable matter to promote an open and free world" (ban for Chinese tech)

They will probably include conditions like supporting a free world, under a "rules-based international order" (force countries tobpick sides)

There is no way US will not use this to block China from entering these countries markets comprehensively.

If he manages to do this then expect all kinds of tricks to trip China.
It is going to be difficult for someone with dementia or the Democratic Party that isn’t know for infrastructure deals that don’t pump in trillions into the own pocket to even try to put the pen down for signing the papers for even the first stage proposal for such a project. Biden just doesn’t have what it takes


Registered Member
It is going to be difficult for someone with dementia or the Democratic Party that isn’t know for infrastructure deals that don’t pump in trillions into the own pocket to even try to put the pen down for signing the papers for even the first stage proposal for such a project. Biden just doesn’t have what it takes
Meh, its its not Biden that he thinks these kinds of things. Its the think-tanks, foreign policy establisment (What the Trump called the "Deep state").

I will say it again, if Biden( i.e the people behind him) manages to achieve this plan then China will be in a big trouble. Some people often underestimate the influence the US has on the world by various means.

This plan would turbocharge all these kinds of influences (on the open, and on the dark) the US can exhert to countries around the world in order to block Chinese exports (hi-tech) from entering their markets. And to influence them to come to the US' side


Registered Member
Meh, its its not Biden that he thinks these kinds of things. Its the think-tanks, foreign policy establisment (What the Trump called the "Deep state").

I will say it again, if Biden( i.e the people behind him) manages to achieve this plan then China will be in a big trouble. Some people often underestimate the influence the US has on the world by various means.

This plan would turbocharge all these kinds of influences (on the open, and on the dark) the US can exhert to countries around the world in order to block Chinese exports (hi-tech) from entering their markets. And to influence them to come to the US' side
This plan for China took years to develop and ultimately is done for everyone’s benefit (not only China) and has much to offer in terms of jobs and resources and has no threats of war attached to it while the USA it only doing this to ultimately look good while sucking up resources from other nations while threatening violence if you don’t comply as shown so many times before. Also to note is that they can say they have a plan but they don’t have anything in remote development plus there is a lot of bad blood from all the wars and sanctions they have conducted while the USA has been spending the last 4 years throwing its weight around and just because Biden is there doesn’t mean he has the capability to unite the world (I mean he has threatened both Russia and China when he really shouldn’t) given the amount of hypocrisy’s that I’m has just been exposed recently. Actions have consequences and baring a few like minded nations, the majority of the world is going to demand the moon just for them to accept whatever proposal that the USA has (an not just toilet paper payment) and really, the actions that China has taken in regards to Africa, Middle East and Latin America will come to help China in the long term while the USA’s evil deeds in all those nations will doom whatever proposal the USA has to replace the belt and road to complete failure from the onset. Also if an economic and society collapse in the USA (quite likely given Biden’s screwing up the ordinary citizens ability to work) which would strip them of the world reserve status, well the USA can simply just sink to the bottom of the pacific because they have so much debt to pay that no one is going to even entertain such a bullshit fantasy of competing against China ever again because really, the USA is looking at the money while never delivering anything in infrastructure, I mean they had the chance with South America and Africa well before China did anything-so really who are we kidding, they cannot do anything right now. They more likely are looking to have a succession crisis with Harris rather then plan the next big event in the next couple of months given how sickly Biden looks right now and how much of a mess the USA is currently in.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Good luck convincing Americans that the US should spend 100s of billions overseas while there are tons of issues still unresolved.
Right, if the US or the West in general cannot even build decent infrastructures at reasonable price, on time and within budget for the masses at home nowadays, what hope they have in doing it far flung places.

They probably can get the Koreans to be involved, but even that is still more expensive and of limited capabilities when compared to Chinese builders. The skills and knowhow of Chinese builders have expanded by leaps and bounds in recent years, leaving the rest of the world far behind.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Meh, its its not Biden that he thinks these kinds of things. Its the think-tanks, foreign policy establisment (What the Trump called the "Deep state").

I will say it again, if Biden( i.e the people behind him) manages to achieve this plan then China will be in a big trouble. Some people often underestimate the influence the US has on the world by various means.

This plan would turbocharge all these kinds of influences (on the open, and on the dark) the US can exhert to countries around the world in order to block Chinese exports (hi-tech) from entering their markets. And to influence them to come to the US' side

This plan for China took years to develop and ultimately is done for everyone’s benefit (not only China) and has much to offer in terms of jobs and resources and has no threats of war attached to it while the USA it only doing this to ultimately look good while sucking up resources from other nations while threatening violence if you don’t comply as shown so many times before. Also to note is that they can say they have a plan but they don’t have anything in remote development plus there is a lot of bad blood from all the wars and sanctions they have conducted while the USA has been spending the last 4 years throwing its weight around and just because Biden is there doesn’t mean he has the capability to unite the world (I mean he has threatened both Russia and China when he really shouldn’t) given the amount of hypocrisy’s that I’m has just been exposed recently. Actions have consequences and baring a few like minded nations, the majority of the world is going to demand the moon just for them to accept whatever proposal that the USA has (an not just toilet paper payment) and really, the actions that China has taken in regards to Africa, Middle East and Latin America will come to help China in the long term while the USA’s evil deeds in all those nations will doom whatever proposal the USA has to replace the belt and road to complete failure from the onset. Also if an economic and society collapse in the USA (quite likely given Biden’s screwing up the ordinary citizens ability to work) which would strip them of the world reserve status, well the USA can simply just sink to the bottom of the pacific because they have so much debt to pay that no one is going to even entertain such a bullshit fantasy of competing against China ever again because really, the USA is looking at the money while never delivering anything in infrastructure, I mean they had the chance with South America and Africa well before China did anything-so really who are we kidding, they cannot do anything right now. They more likely are looking to have a succession crisis with Harris rather then plan the next big event in the next couple of months given how sickly Biden looks right now and how much of a mess the USA is currently in.
Anglo America has tried to compete with BRI and failed; Hilary clinton (really, kurt campbell)'s plan of "New Silk Road" failed back when BRI was in its initial stages.
Biden's team is really trying to dust off "New Silk Road" and repackage it as a new thing, the same way they steal ideas from other nations and claim it as their own.

Why else have they doubled down on the "yoghurt genocide"? Smearing and threatening others is their own card to play, only this time, China has the will and ability to punch back, with interest.


Someone tells this guy that foreign tourists are not that important for China. Most of the tourists are from Hong Kong, Macau, and overseas Chinese. And mainland tourists probably outspend foreign tourists many times over.
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It is just a pointless conference. But Biden desperately needs to show himself as a world leader.
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Pertaining to this. There were two interesting investigative story written by GT about the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) not too long ago.
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BCI is an 'NGO' and certification body to certify cotton producers for best practices. Kinda like what Rainforest Alliance does for tea and coffee. These best practices include quality, safety, environmental sustainability, and 'decent work'. Certification from BCI is important, because the biggest apparel brands would source only BCI-certified cotton products. This is where the BS happens.

The BCI branch in Shanghai was responsible for certifying cotton producers in China. They had been certifying Chinese cotton producers for years with no issues. Even till today, they have found no problems of 'forced labour' with Xinjiang cotton producers. The problem is the BCI HQ in Switzerland. They were the ones who pushed this 'forced labour' BS and overuled BCI Shanghai.

BCI HQ decided out of the blue to suspend the certification of the Xinjiang cotton producers. Citing "current complicated international environment" as the reason. I call it sabotage and BS!

Why is this BCI certification important? Because without it, you cannot sell to BCI retailers and brand members. Which happens to be some of the biggest international brands.

Basically, BCI in Switzerland participated in a conspiracy to sabotage and defame Xinjiang's cotton business.

Without BCI's certification, big international companies like H&M and Nike naturally would not source from Xinjiang cotton producers. But that still does not excuse H&M and Nike for loudly proclaiming: "We do not source cotton from XUAR because of our concerns for forced-labour". Well, did you dumbasses had the concern to fact-check on that 'force labour' allegation? Let me help you. You could have just said: "We do not source non-BCI certified cotton". Or just STFU, because no one was complaining at the time. But no, those dumb execs on these companies wanna be human-rights justice warriors. They wanna punish Chinese cotton producers and protest to China over BS. They will say that this is their freedom of speech. We can say that they too the have the freedom to go f**k themselves.

But you know what? BCI also practices double standards. Why then Indian cotton producers who notoriously employ child labour could still be elligible for BCI certification? No certification suspensions for these guys. But BCI is helping them to "conduct research on the challenges these cotton producers faced". Why not the same for Xinjiang cotton producers?

BCI should be held accountable for this Xinjiang cotton fiasco. It is quite clear that this Western-headquartered NGO and certification body had abused its power to further anti-China agendas. Perhaps China should look closer into BCI and punish them severely. Sue and sanction them for defamation and for intervening in China's internal affairs. BCI Shanghai who is relatively innocent could be spun-off into a separate certification entity. China should rain hell on BCI and make them an example, lest there could be another Western-headquartered NGO/certification body who could do the same thing. Like the Rainforest Alliance, and ISO.
Very enlightening and great summary. This is one of the reasons why the WEST cannot be trusted to have control over certification ad standards. These type of western NGO have and will continue to abuse the system to serve their corrupt agenda.

A better model with be a UN type organization when individual countries can be better represented on a rotational basis. But of course the US and the West hates the UN assembly as they do not serve the hegemonic order the west desire.