Military story thread

petty officer1

Junior Member
Ok, that is great finn, let me try a new story.

Preview. In the year 2042, the world have changed... globalizaion have changed... war have changed... soldiers' mind have changed... after the fall of centralized government in the west. all of america and EU are now control by enterprises and war making companies. population from 8 bilion in 2020 have dropped to 3 bilion in 2042... earthquake, small war for resources, food shortage have destory the civilazation that is once... great. without a world police that is now chaos around the world. china and russia is now the only 2 two country around the world that is not control by private companies.....

2042 all of russia and northen part of china has fallen to companies like HK and Boeing...... the world's last resistance from america, germany, france, russia, china, and the rest of UN forces have gathered around south of Long River, Chang jiang...

12/2/2042 Shanghai strong hold.

Lt. Ma (Lt MA's son in the sino-Japnese sub-spy conflict) sit in the destoried build of once great SCO building.

"cold, the world is ... cold"

The 20 nukes dropped on EU by BHK (boeing and HK) have started a small nuclear winter around the globe.

"Cold, when i was 10, i used to like winter...the snow... war changed this....."

"Lt. Ma! BHK ass holes have just bombed the north east part of the city completely! Many people needs your attention." private James, 16, US group army.

"What! Pvt James, who gave you the permission to come in the command post?"

"sir.. the north east city.."

"Now I don't give a f*ck about that, who gave you the permission son?"

"no one sir, I just walked in..."

"next time request permission from a senior officer, when did BHK start the bombing and what is the death toll?"

"The bombing started 2 hours ago... death toll estmates 2000 KIA. the new sonic ground bomb BHK came up caused as many 12000 to go... hearing impared."

"those bastars, where is our air force?"

"sir, Our last jet is destoried 9 days ago... we... don't have a ... air force."

"call central command in the North sector."

"yes sir!"

Lt Ma then sit down, lit another cigar... in the half darkness building, and hearing other senior officers talking and shouting at each other for a counter offensive plan, Ma also noticed one of them is chinese, other is a america form texas, and two more german and russian.

"war have... changed, just like father said it will... change...."


Junior Member
Continuing Finn's story:

Kalimantan and Sumatra, two other Indonesian islands fell to the PLA forces in a short and effortless drive, since most of the militants were concentrated and killed on Java. Chinese civilians in Indonesia were virtually all but killed by the locals. In the taking of Palembang, however, there was considerable resistance from militants who were on their way to Java but did not make it in time. As time continued, and the battle went on, Chinese soldiers finally lost their last grasp on their discipline as they have seen so many crimes commited by the Indonesians (including the one Finn described). After battling around the city for a few hours without success, tube and rocket artillery was brought up. The city was razed to the ground, and then the PLA forces advanced under cover of a creeping barrage. After that, any resistance by Indonesians were met with air strikes, artillery, and armored columns.

What remained of the Chinese civilians around Indonesia were called back to the motherland within days. The state contributed materiel funds to help them start their new lives, and built them homes near Beijing (hey, it's possible, the gov't did similar things before). 200 000 more Cat B PLA troops were brought in for the occupation. Troops that were used in the assault (elements of the 38th, 39th, and PLA marines) were recalled back to China to be go under refit.

Meanwhile, China received criticism from various individual states in the world for illegally occupying another nation. China declares it a police action.

Taiwan, in the mean time, has declared independence, knowing that the PLA has sent its best troops to Indonesia. China threatens war unless Taiwan forfeit their independence but takes no action.

2011 winter, with the tactics used in the Indonesian Campaign thoroughly evaluated, the 38th, 39th, and marines finished refit and the whole PLA underwent modernization in tactics. Capable generals, veterans were promoted, and the incompetent were degraded. China fully mobilized all its troops that are to take part in the assault and gives Taiwan 24h to decide.

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Oh god...that is gonna be interesting. Oh well...I got another idea. Now I can bring fictional destruction to a new continent!:)

The year is 2007. Venezuela's "Bolivarian Revolution" is waning. President Hugo Chavez is hard-pressed to keep the people distracted from his total political domination, especially as oil prices have temporarily declined. With elections approaching, and not wishing to experience any suprises (like a viable opposition, or, even worse, a "color" revolution) Chavez is searching for targets for his nationalist fury. He announces several things: a reigional "Bolivarian Revolution Conference", with Paraguay, Argentina, Panama, Cuba, Suriname, Uruguay, and Mexico invited, declares Venezuela "the leader of Latin America" in a speech before Armed Froces of Cooperation, aka the National Guard, and dredges up an old border conflict with Guyana, which is now much more important due to the possiblity of oil in the disputed territory.

In Brasalia, the capital of Brazil, these moves cause anger. Brazil had had its ego brusied by Venezuela's regional grandstanding. Ministers in the Brazilian Cabinet saw the border dispute as an opportunity to face Venezuela and present Brazil as the defender of reigional sovreignty, in the face of Venezuelan "imperialism", which is what Brazil's President Lula said in a speech that was designed to respond to Chavez's speech. Brazil announced it would do whatever was necessary to back Guyana. As the election approached, Chavez prepared for a Falklands-style operation, designed to make the maximum amount of propaganda and translate quickly into a political advantage for Chavez at the polls. Venezuelan troops assembled at the border with Guyana for several days, hidden by forest and mountains. On May 18th, Venezuelan troops exploded across the border, overwhelming Guyanan troops holding strategic hilltops in the jungle. This provided many excellent video clips for State Television in Venezuela. As Venezelan troops advanced on the Guyanan capital, waving Venezuelan flags from their APCs for the cameras, Brazillian ministers and members of Parliment debated what to do.

On May 26th, Brazil declared war.

One May 28th, the Brazillian navy put to sea, with the Sao Paulo, all of Brazil's Broadsword Class Frigates, 4 Garcia class frigates, and 6 Niteroi class frigates, Brazil's sole Tikuna class attack sub, and 4 Tupi Class attack subs. Their task was to blockade Venezuela and strangle its economy by preventing its oil shipments from reaching the outside world. The Brazillian Army also began deploying 200,000 men to what parts of Guyana were still unconquered by the Venezuelans. The troops were accompanied by Leopard 1s, EE-9 Cascavels, M-113s, and EE-11 Urutus.

The Brazillin Air Force tried to slow the Venezuelan advance, now virtually unopposed, in order to give the ground forces time to deploy. Venezuelan troops had mostly advanced ahead of their air defence umbrella, and the air force was not prepared to even fly, not expecting to need to in a conflict against a country as small as Guyana. Brazillian F-5s, Mirage 2000s, Mirage IIIs, and later helicopters attacked the leading Venezuelan columns and bridges, fuel and supply depots and command posts in rear areas. The results of the first day were tremendous. The Venezuelan advance was halted for a week and a half by the first days bombing operations and subsequent ones. This gave the remnants of the Guyanan military and Brazillian advance units time to form a line to protect the main highway across Guyana and a few important cities. On the 2nd day of the bombing campaign, the Venezuelan Air Force flew to challenge the intruders. 18 F-16 Block 15s attacked 12 Brazillian Mirage 2000s. The confrontation resulted in 5 F-16s downed, and 3 Mirages downed, a conclusive victory for neither side.

Soon the war would begin in earnest.

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Seriously, does anybody even read this? Because if not, I'll just stop writing. I kind of like it, but I have homework to do, and if no one reads this, I won't even have an excuse to procrastinate. Normally this is how I think:
"Hmmm, I have homework. But I really don't want to do it. And I have a following on Sinodefence. They're hungry for my stories! I guess I can't let them down by doing it. So I guess I have to post the rest of that story." :D :rofl:

Brzillian air attacks diminsihed in sucessfulness after a few days as air defences increased. By this time, the Brazillians had several divisions in positon in Guyana, and the line of battle cut the small country in half. Both sides made some half-hearted offensives, but neither expected the war to last much longer. However, the US was only too happy to see Venezuela beaten into submission by Brazil, and the in the EU, there was no political will to intervene in other countries, especially after the defeat of the EU Constitution. So the war continued.

Brazil's High Command realized that Venezuela had a smaller military, and that Brazil could use its superior number to apply so much pressure to the Venezuelans, from so many directions, that their military would be streched thin.

Thus, in July, the height of summer in the jungle, the Brazillians launched a new offensive out of the cover of the Amazon Basin. The main blow fell on the small town if Santa Elena de Uairen, in Bolivar Province. The town was signifigant because the only road into Venezuela from Brazil on the Southern side of the Sierra de Perija ran through it. Two companies of Venezuelan troops held the twon, supported by a few platoons of Special Forces soldiers who had been conducting reconnisance deep into the Brazillian Amazon (but had failed to notice the buildup of two and a half Brazillian divisions) and some local National Guard troops. They faced of twenty thousand Brazillian troops. However, the town sat atop a long, mountanous, jungle covered ridgeline, making a frontal assault very difficult. However, there were absoulutely no roads through the surrounding jungle, and the terrain of to either side of the town was even more difficult to get through. Thus the Brazillian commanders deemed that a frontal assault was the only option.

The Venezuelan troops knew the territory by heart. Assaulting the approaches to Santa Elena de Uairen, the Brazillians were met by devastating ambushes, mortar fire that seemed to come from nowhere. The Venezuelans had constructed an extensive network of tunnels that allowed them to minimize the Brazillians numerical advantage by shuttling back and forth between postions, without taking fire. For two days, the Venezuelans held to Brazillians, withstanding limited air strikes and recieving another company in reinforcements. On the third day, the Brazillians tried using massivve firepower. They hit the ridgelines with an artillery barrage and with naplam from F-5s. Then Leopard 1s advanced along the unpaved main road, supported by 7,000 infantrymen, who also advanced on the road and fanned out into the surrounding jungle. They ran into dozens of booby traps, several ambushes and pre-sited fields of fire from small artillery and mortars. The first wave, with the heavy tanks firing their main guns into bunkers on the jungle-covered mountain sides, forced their way into the town itself, but was in danger of being cut off. A second wave of attackers did not use the road, or vehicles, but instead advanced with 6,000 men through the jungle towards the ridgeline. They climbed under heavy fire from the Venezuelans, capturing several bunkers against sucidal resistance reminisant of the Japanese defending Pacific Islands during WWII. One they reached the relatively flat top of the ridge, they began to sweep over the defenders. In anastonishing turn the Venezuelans (the few left alive or unwounded) began to surrender in droves, seeing the battle was lost. However, men bringing back wounded still set off Claymore mines throughout the day. The Brazillians had triumphed at Snata Elena de Uairen, but at a heavy cost (800 killed, several armoured vehicles destroyed, 1 plane shot down, 3 helicopters shot down, 1700 wounded). It had been the war's first true land battle. The Venezuelans had manged to delay the Brazillian's new offensive about 5 days. This had allowed the Venezuelan military to move troops into what had been undefended territory.

At sea, the Venezuelan navy and the Brazillian Navy clashed just a week after the battle of Santa Elena de Uairen. The battle was short and decisive. Brazillian Broadsword frigates had been able to defend against the Venezuelan missles, and the Brazillian fleet lost only 2 ships, with another mission killed. The Sao Paulo then launched its Skyhawks, along with Harpoons and Exocets from every ship that could fire them. The did severe damage, sinking 9 ships. Then 3 Brazillian subs moved in for the kill, finishing most of what remained of Venezuela's navy. Commentators everwhere said that Chavez was foolish to waste his navy by sending it to face a fleet so clearly superior (Brazil has a blue water navy that is one of the world's best.). Now Venezuelan oil had no way to reach the rest of the world.

The Venezuelan Army was ordered to launch an offensive in Guyana quickly, to capture the capital city and give Venezuela leverage for the negotiations that Chavez wanted to initiate. To do this, the Venezuelans would have to advance 15 miles into Brazillian/Guyanan held territory and cross the Essequibo River, then advance another 10 miles. Combined with the fact that they could be shelled by the Brazillian Navy and that there wre two Brazillian divisions holding a very small sector of the line, it was a monumental task. The Venezuelans assembled about 73,000 troops and almost every tank, artillery piece and SAM battery the Venezuelan Army owned for the task. It was named Operation Maracaiabo. The Venezuelans struck on August 1st, with a massive artillery barrage followed by an attack by every combat aircraft the Venezuelan Air Force could fly. Heilcopters landed Special Forces units behind enemy lines to secure the bridges over the Essequibo. They were successful. Venezuelan troops moved foreward, in a Blitzkreig style advance, riding in trucks and APCs, dismounting to fight with Brazillian infantry. The Venezuelans were sucessful, blowing a hole in Brazillian lines and advancing throught the farmland over the Essequibo. They lost dozens of tanks, however, mostly to more mobile Brazillian armoured vehicles equipped with anti-tank missles. These were mostly killed by infantry and helicopters. After crossing the Essequibo, there were almost no combat units to oppose them, and the Venezuelans took the captial, Georgetown, without fighting. Total cost-1000 dead, 2000 wounded, 72 tanks destroyed, 1 helicoter lost, 8 planes downed 2 days fighting. On the Third Day, there were orchestrated parades in Caracas, and Chavez went on state television to announce a massive victory. He promised peace with gained land (and gained oil fields) by the end of the month.

It was not to be.


Junior Member
Well, if it makes you feel any better I like your stories. I'd prefer a different medium (as opposed to using the online forum) because it gives you more room to flesh out details and all that... but overall I like your scenarios because they are somewhat imaginative yet still plausible.

I used to write a lot of these things when I was a kid too, because I used to love playing this old flightsim called "Fighters Anthology", and it had a really good Pro Mission Creator, and you could create your missions and all that with 16 maps... so it's nice seeing these summaries, brings back fond memories. Plus your scenarios are better than mine.

Finn McCool

Registered Member
The_Zergling said:
I used to write a lot of these things when I was a kid too, because I used to love playing this old flightsim called "Fighters Anthology", and it had a really good Pro Mission Creator, and you could create your missions and all that with 16 maps... so it's nice seeing these summaries, brings back fond memories. Plus your scenarios are better than mine.

Jane's Fighters Anthology? I played that too! So fun. You could play it for a long time. I was never very good though. I just can't believe that anyone else owned it. Its good to know that someone else did it too. My favorite plane was the F-14, or the SU-33.:D

I guess one person reads my boring stories. That is good enough. I'll keep writing 'em. But it would be good to know I had a following. (Hint, Hint)

By the way, I use all real place names in these little scenarios, and I also base all the units, equipment, terrain etc. on real information, and then try to make my best judgement as to what would happen. For example, Santa Elena de Uairen is a real place, really has the only road through the jungle in the entire province, and really is on a jungle-covered ridgeline.
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Junior Member
Yeah, I like those little touches such as real names that make a scenario all the more believable...

I think you'd be interested to know that Fighters Anthology is in fact right now undergoing a MASSIVE third-party overhaul... I used to be one of the *cough* best *cough* editors for it, making custom libraries, creating new map textures, sound effects, aircraft cockpits... in fact I made a decent Taiwan Strait LIB for Fighters Anthology, but I lost interest after finding out the ROCAF only had 120 AMRAAMs.

However, recently in FA this one dude has figured out how to edit a lot of previously unknown stuff, like making custom shapes, and improving the resolution of graphics... I'm still looking forward to it ^_^


Would you believe this is FA?


Obviously still not even close to LO-MAC quality, but still awesome nonetheless... it is, after all running on a engine that's over 10 years old...

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Well, I would do all that, but a few things would stop me. Mainly, I lost the disc after loosing interest and moving on to some other game. Also , I am incredibly bad with computers. I don't even remember my password for the computer lab at school. :eek:

I think that I'll finish Brazil vs. Venezuela tomorrow. I don't know who will win yet. Logic tells me that Brazil should win, because it is stronger. But I kind of think that I should have a story with an upset, because that happens in real life.

Any suggestions for the next one? Anybody, anybody, Beuller, Bueller?:nana: :rofl:

Nice new avatar zergling. The dog is cool, but the old snowman was the best. I would get an avater, but I can't get a custom one, and all the ones here scare me. (They have a puppy with a gun pointed at its head! That is wierd!)


Junior Member
Yeah, I kind of burned out for a while too, now I just work on it sometimes when I have free time. It's just so annoying because with custom LIBs (the game seriously sucks without it, once you've tasted the good stuff you never want to go back) half of the time after you spend several hours updating, drawing new skins and all that and then compile the library, it crashes FA without telling you what's wrong, and you have to start all over again.

BTW, the no-disk executable is now very easy to find. Of course nothing doing if you've lost the disk, but something you might want to know.

And thanks for the compliment on the avatar. Actually I was planning to keep the Snowman one (Calvin and Hobbes FTW) but I like changing them when I feel like it... BECAUSE I CAN. When I first joined the board in September last year everyone could choose a custom avatar but apparently now you can't unless you're a mod or a Senior Member...