Military story thread

petty officer1

Junior Member
wow, this is fun, let me try.

Beijing decided to send the best of the best spec op unit, but they need a support team to help the communication in japan. 2 men are chosen for this job.

Lt. Ma and Lt. Lee. both are expert in Japanese and culture. but the beijing don't know that Lt. Lee is bribed 10 milion $ and japanese citizenship by the Japanese government. Lt. Lee become the next Wan Jing Wei(Chinese traitor during WWII).

when the 2 men COM team and 8 men spec op team arrived in Japan, Lt. Ma and Lt. Lee act as the negotiator from the chinese government. the other 8 will act as business men. their job is to find is the sub attack a accident, or by mean of Japanese government to start a war. If it is the mean of war, the team will kill the head of state of Japan and other meant to stop the wa to win the war.

But Japanese government already know that the team are hostil (thanks to Lt. Lee). 3rd day all 8 men spec op is poisoned and died in the tokoy. Lt. Ma escaped Death, because he is in Osaka. After he lost all communication to the 8 spec team. he start to worry... But he don't know that Lt. Lee already send men to kill him in Osaka. Lt. Ma toke his gun that is secretly "send" to him and left the "Hole". Then next day a left wing pacifist Japanese polititian came and told him the whole story how Lt. Lee helped killed all 8 men spec team. Lt. Ma is shocked. the Left wing Japanese said he will meet him next day to talk about the sub incident more in a safe place.

The next day the left wing Japanese was killed. but he left a note that told Lt. Ma the whole sub incident is a plan by a Japanese right wing Navy General Yamaha (JK:p ) that wish a war with china's navy. He know that the china navy NOW can't beat japanese navy. the war will set back chinese development back 40 years. but most Japanese Officals don't even know this plan. Lt. Ma need to warn Beijing, general Yamaha's plan. then Traitor Lt. Lee showed up with 3 other Japanese agent with gun...

Any one please continue... Hope this makes to Hollywood.

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Ma ran to his laptop, turning on a microphone inside and firing off an e-mail saying "Listen to this but disregard what I say!" to headquarters in Beijing before Lee and the agents entered his hotel room. "Ma, you have been excellent in your service of the motherland, but I am afraid that my mission's objectives have been altered. " said Lee. One of the gun-toting goons let out a low chukle, pulled out a massive pistol with a silencer and cocked it. "I suppose General Yamaha has informed you of the change in objectives then as well. Oh, and nice gun." said Ma.
"Excuse me?" said Lee.
"Oh, yes, you do not know. You see, I knew of the entire ummm...issue, all along. I have been in direct communication with General Yamaha all along, ever since we left Beijing." Ma was desperately trying to sound authentic while still bluffing Lee.
"How could you know this?!" exclaimed Lee. The Japanese agents were standing with confused looks on their face, unable to understand the exchange in Chinese going on in front of them. The one with the gun returned it to his shoulder holster.
"You were not informed about my knowledge of the plot. My job was to...monitor your loyalty." Ma ad-libed again."
"This is not possible! Yamaha ordered me to kill you himself!" Lee was growing angry at his apparent betrayl.
"Well, you see, that was merely a test of loyalty as well. You have passed it." Ma was feeling more comfortable with his bluff now. He laughed silently to himself when he thought that the whole conversation was being recorded and sent back to Beijing instantly.
"No! You know too much. You have seen through the whole plot. I must complete the mission, and kill you, or else the war will be averted!" Lee was angry now, angry at Yamaha for going behind his back, angry at Ma for simply exsisting, because no matter what, even if Ma was actually working for Yamaha, he still had defeated him. His anger blinded him. Then he said something he never should have said.

"I'm going to kill you! So the plot will succed, Japan and China will fight, and I'll get my money from that old fool Yamaha. " Lee didn't so much speak these words as spit them through his teeth. "Yomuri-san, kill him!" he said in Japanese.

When Lee said those words, Ma knew he had won. In Beijing, they had heard everything. It didn't matter if he was killed now. The war had been averted. Of course, Ma still preferred to live. He also knew that Lee was a fool, and he could talk Lee out of anything.

"No! you fool! If you kill me, and Beijing tries to contact me, which they will, they will know what is up! Once they stop getting communications from me and the team, they'll know! Even if its only a brief gap. You'll blow the whole operation. Besides, I'm on your side."
Lee looked at Ma, then at the Japanese agents, and finally he stared at the floor for a moment. Then he told the agent to holster his gun again. The agent looked dissapointed.
"Fine Ma. I'll let you live today. I'm suspicious though. And I'm going to talk to Yamaha right now." Ma almost said "Why don't you call him", but realized that asking that question might give him away.
Lee left with two agents, and assigned the other one to track Ma everywhere until he got confirmation from Yamaha that Ma was indeed on the "right" side.
Lee walked out the door. Leaving Ma and the agent who had almost killed him twice that day, Yomuri, alone in the hotel room.
"Wanna get a drink?" Ma asked.

Someone else can write the next one, or I might. I've got a couple ideas.


New Member
this is getting really interesting, petty and finn, keep up the good work! so far, I have seen politics, military, conspiracy, dialogue, friendship, and betrayal all mixed in this story, if only someone can put some actions and romance, ... :), then we will have all the necessary elements for a hollywood movie, :china: :china:


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Ok...if swimmer says you that NO JAPAN:mad: :mad: as it is practically banned topic, the wisest move afterwards of his warnings is not to continue the forbidden topic!
Now I let you continue but if the 'story' event hint of trouple, you will all et warnings! Understood?


Junior Member
Basically we don't necessarily have a problem with your stories except for the parties involved; from the Forbidden Topics list...

1. Nanking massacre, conducted by japanese during WWII

2. Japanese policy towards their past

3. All time faforite..."which is better india or china" all threads that mentiones India and China in same topic.

4. Tianenmen Massacre 1989 and corresponding critizm towards PRC humanright issues.

5. General USA bashing and pointing out US past and current misconducts.

6. Useless Taiwan invasion threads...

Now whereas a story may or may not be a direct violation of the rules remains to be seen. HOWEVER I strongly suggest that if you post a story which has potentially inflammatory material, THINK HARD about posting it.

petty officer1

Junior Member
My bad.. :eek:

I didn't really want to start a flame or anything it is just trying to go along the story.

I stated in my story not all japanese are bad. that is why I said It is all gerneal Yamaha's plan. It have nothing to do with Japanese goverment. And I also put a left wing pacifist Japanese in the story to tune things down.

In fact, I lived in Japan for 1 year, and I like it.

So I here again sincerly request mods to let us to finish the story. we meant no harm.:(


Banned Idiot
netspider said:
this is getting really interesting, petty and finn, keep up the good work! so far, I have seen politics, military, conspiracy, dialogue, friendship, and betrayal all mixed in this story, if only someone can put some actions and romance, ... :), then we will have all the necessary elements for a hollywood movie, :china: :china:

Yes, ill add in the hot chick.:D

I still dont see how this is japan-bashing. If we wrote a story with Egypt as the enemy, does that mean we are bashing egypt? Certainly not. We simply wrote about japan becuase current events can easily flow into a FICTIONAL story, and japan is close to china. We have not even made a single mention of Koizumi

Anyhow, the story...
Btw, guys, Lee is a korean name. Li is how you say it in chinese, so we can change it
finn, im having soem tourble understanding your part, can you provide a synopsis?(via PM?)
Guys, if this were a movie, keep it pg-13. No naughty stuff...

Li invites Ma to dine at a prominent restaruant, where they can discuss. a beautiful waitress arrives to take the order. The men order sushi with kalamari, and the waitress leaves. When she comes back, she opens the food dish and takes out a...gun. A 9mm glock. With expert aim, she shoots Lt. Li in the forehead. Li falls over dead. Upon hearing the shot, a dozen waiters at the restaruant suddenly produce guns and start shooting at Ma and the waitress. The waitress grabs Ma's arms and the town run onto the roof, where they jump into a garage, and steal a hummer. Thw two then drive off, with the japanese guys in hot persuit...


Finn McCool

Registered Member
Ok, I'm gonna continue, but I'm disregarding what Mig said because it doesn't make sense with what I wrote.

Here's the action-packed grande finale.:D

Yomuri and Ma walked down to the luxury hotel's restaurant. Yomuri knew that leaving the hotel room probably wasn't the best idea, but he wanted a drink too. They made their way to the bar, and both ordered sakes. Ma and Yomuri made small talk. Then, when Yomuri was not really paying attention. Ma quickly got off his stool, ran into the middle of the room, pulled out his Glock, and fired 5 rounds into the air. People in the restaurant screamed ducked under chairs and tables, but, fortuneatly, 3 men at nearby tables tackled him. Two hotel security guards came hustling in, and they carried him off. Ma saw Yomuri as he was being carried away by five screaming men. Yomuri had dropped his sake glass and had the most stunned expression Ma had ever seen on his face.
The men dropped him in the security guards room. They were calling the police. "Excellent." thought Ma.
Minutes later, the police arrived. There were 8 of them. Two of them handcuffed Ma and the others talked to the guards and took Ma's gun as evidence. They walked Ma across the hotel lobby. Guests and customers at the restaurant had filtered back in to the area.
Yomuri decided that he couldn't wait for Li to tell him. He had to kill Ma before he got into the police car. As Ma walked across the lobby, surrounded by policemen and security guards. Almost everyone in the room watched them, and was silent.
Then Yomuri pulled out his Desert Eagle, no longer silenced. He squezzed off four shots, shattering the silence. Two policemen crumbled, but Ma was unscathed.
Ma didn't understand what was happening, but he ran as fast as he could for the street, just 15 feet away through the hotel's revovling door. The policemen had opened fire on Yomuri, but he had made sure that he was on the other side of the restaurant before firing, so they did not hit him. Yomuri took up a position behind a pillar in the restaurant. The entire first floor of the hotel, was, by this time, a cacophony of screams, shouts, and gunshots. Yomuri pulled out his cell phone, and called Li. He told him what was happening while firing at the panicing police, who were pinned down in various places throughout the restaurant.

No one had noticed Ma as he ran for the street. He was trying to hail a taxi with handcuffs on, when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw four black BMWs pull up to the curb in front of the hotel. Men in suits piled out, and Li was one of them. In the other direction, several police crusiers pulled up. "Oh god," thought Ma, "I'm in the middle of a gun battle."

Li saw the policemen driving up. "Open fire!" he screamed in Japanese. The men fired on the crusiers with VZ-61 Skorpions, Berettas, and Uzis. Policemen piled out of the cars as quickly as they could, falling left and right. The survivors ran down the street, as pedestrians sprinted in every direction. One of them was Ma.

Ma hailed a taxi. He had broken it against a street sign. He told the cabbie to take him to the airport. "I have to get to Beijing." thought Ma.


Banned Idiot
Hey finn, can you soemhow write a second part to your last post? Ill delete my original post and repost it afterwards(so your second post will help it flow). Just inform me me of any minor changes I might need to make...

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Okay...I'm going to finish that Indonesia story and try to ressurect this thread. Sorry that it is so long, but I kind of got on a role. I sort of outlined how I think the PLA will fight in the future through story. Remember that it is 2008-2009, so the PLA has more capabilites. Background: You can see the first post about this. Basically the Indonesian government was taken over by Taliban-like rebels with backing from many of the people and the army. Most of Indonesia is under the control of seperatists, warlords, or Malaysia and East Timor. Java is under the control of the Islamists, and they have declared it the Islamic Republic of Java.

Chinese troops landed on Java in November, just as the hot months of summer were beginning. Approxamately 50,000 PLAN Marines landed the first week, encountering resistance only around the city of Yogyakarta. In the next week two PLA infantry divisions were landed. This brought the total of Chinese troops on Java to 86,000 men. At the same time, planes from the Varyag (now called the Mao) attacked the ships of the Indonesian navy in port. They were destroyed, as they had no crews. The crews had abandoned their posts because there was no central government to pay them. The same was true of the Air Force, which the Chinese destroyed at its mostly abandoned bases. The stage was set for Chinese troops to move inland.

The forces the Chinese faced on Java were an odd assortment. The most capable component were soldiers who had been in the Indonesian Army. Whole brigades of the Army had given their support to the Islamic fundamentalists when they took control of the government, and they retained most of their equipment and organization. Many units, however, were at less than full strength because individual soldiers did not support the Islamists and had deserted. Another component of the Islamist forces on Java were foreign jihadists. They had come to Java to find an Islamic paradise, but most were now enlisted in the Islamists forces, fighting on other islands against reigional warlords and secularists. When the Chinese arrived, the Islamists had withdrawn all of their forces to Java in order to withstand the Chinese invasion. The last component was the fanatical civillian militias who had been armed to enforce Sharia rule and eliminate political enemies. They now were tasked with resisting the Chinese forces through sheer self-sacrifice. Islamist forces were under the command of General Hasan Tambali, an army general who had risen to command the Islamic mini-state that now ruled Java and several outlying islands.

As the Chinese moved inland, they encountered massive resistance around the beacheads. Indonesian forces had been massing for attacks on the beacheads, and Chinese forces stumbled into them, kicking over a hornet's nest. Chinese armoured columns were assaulted simaltaeneously by waves of suicidal militia and more professional Army soldiers with anti-tank weapons. Much of the fighting fell to the infantry, forced to clear the area around the beacheads with lots of firepower. Helicopters from the PLAN's helicopter carrier, as well as planes from the Varyag, had to make sorties day and night, and several planes were lost to crashes, as the Chinese were unaccoustmed to operating a carrier round the clock. In addition, PLAN ships provided gun fire support.

Superior Chinese firepower won the day in the week long Beachead Battles. Even though there were some mistakes, the Chinese had been training for that situation for decades because of Taiwan. Chinese forces now had room to manuver, and showed their adeptness at it. PLA Armoured cloumns made up of IFVs, Type 63 tanks and Type 99s, and supported by mobile infantry shot ahead of the main force, bypassing and surrounding enemy strongpoints, in an astonishingly American kind of strategy. With poor command and control, the Indonesians were not able to make truly effective counterattacks. However, this was not to be an Iraqi style cakewalk for the Chinese. The isolated pockets of Indonesians fought ferouciously, spurred by pure conviction. The United States had encountered the same problem in Afghanistan, but had been able to deal with is by pulverizing Taliban postions with B-52s. This was not an option for China. Thus the Chinese had to overwhelm the isolated enemy pockets. This was where the Chinese took the most casualties. Most fighting during this period of the war was done in and around villages and towns, in a urban-rural enviroment, that afforded many advantages to the defenders. However, the Chinese adapted very quickly, and inflicted massive casulties on the ill-trained militia.

As Chinese troops from the differnent beacheads linked up, General Tambali became desperate. Chinese troops began to encounter suicide bombers, on foot and in vehicles. Also, on November 25, a Chinese armoured company advancing on the city of Semerang was cut off and annihalted in the Battle of Gayamsari. In a fight reminisent of the Battle of Mogadishu, professional Indonesian soldiers cut off the unti, which was then bmbarded on all sides by suicide car bombs, mortars and rockets, RPGs, and skillfull infantry assaults. Hundreds of Chinese troops were killed, several helicopters and and an Su-30 were shot down, and rescue efforts merely added to the casualty lists. It was a dramatic lesson in how a semi-guerilla force could humble a much stronger conventional force. Freelance reporters captured sickening images of Chinese prisoners being executed en masse. The irony of the fight was that Semerang had the largest Chinese population of any city in Indonesia.

Although the Chinese suffered heavy casualties and were defeated at the Battle of Gayamsari, they eventually captured Semerang and the battle did not particularlly slow them down. Chinese troops were rapidly advancing on Jakarta, leaving massive destruction behind them. Thousands of civillians had been killed in the fighting. At the time this recieved little world attention because the Chinese had closed the island to all reporters except those from Xinhua and anyone who could make it in illegally.

The final battle of the conventional war took place over Christmas, in and around Jakarta itself. Lasting from December 23, 2008 to January 3, 2009, Jakarta fell in an orgy of violence. General Tambali, in increasing Hitler-like madness, ordered political enemies and "infidels" murdered. Thousands were killed by militamen, including reporters and the few foriegners still in the city. Chinese forces took the city using massive firepower, as well as with skilled infantry tactics, taking account of the numerous booby traps and ambushes that had been set for them. The Chinese inflicted large casulties yet again, and were only slowed by suicidal resistance. Special Forces landed in Jakarta's port on the day after Christmas, as the rest of the Army advanced from the landward side. The extent of the religious, political and ethnic (the few ethnic Chinese still in Jakarta were targeted) cleansing in Jakarta was revealed with each city block taken. The day after Jakarta was declared secure, Gen. Tambali was killed in a firefight with Chinese Special Forces. The short-lived Islamic Republic of Java was destroyed, drowned in Chinese and Indonesian blood in what had been undoubtedly the most violent and bloody conventional war of the still-young 21st century.

In Borneo, the war was over in about two weeks.The Chinese flew in the15th Airborne Corps to the few airports on the island. Prior to the invasion, Ministry of State Security agents made contact with the warlord in control of most of the island, including the airports, and allied with him. Chinese troops flew in and then attacked the Islamic Republic of Java forces holding the oil fields on the island. Without support, except from poorly trained and armed locals provided by the warlord, the 15th Airborne Corps was able to defeat 7,000 enemy troops with less than 100 Chinese soldiers killed. This remarkable feat was one of the few bright spots in this victorious but bloody war for the Chinese.

At the end of the conventional phase, the Chinese had lost about 5,400 men killed and 10,000 wounded. Indonesian military casualties stood anywhere between 50,000 and 80,000. Civillian casualties were estimated at 100,000. Based on the example of the continuing conflicts in Chechnya and Iraq, people around the world expected another inscrutiable guerilla conflict to develop.