Military FAQ thread


New Member
Re: Military FAQ

Just out of interest my military knowledge is really low and when it comes to acronyms i fail.
Can you tell me a few that are used regulary?
So far i have seen AWACS, SSBN, SSK that i have seen alot.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Military FAQ

well AWACS stands for Airborne Warning and Aircraft controll...or something like, basicly meaning aircrafts acting as mobile radar stations.
SSBN is typical NATO's STANAG designation meaning submarine, ballistic missiles and nuclear powered....
SSK means diesel-eletric submarines aka conventional submarines.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: Military FAQ

I was wondering if anyone could steer me in the right direction on finding some detailed info and pictures on the following Type-69 I (RPG-7) grenades:

DZGI-40 (75mm)
HE-HEAT-MP (92mm)
I-HE-AP (76mm)
Type 69 (Thermobraic)
Type-69I (85mm)
Type 69II (94mm)
Type 69III(80mm)
Type-84 (85mm)
Illum (75mm)

The Sino-Defence Homepage really doesn't say anything all that useful.
Any help would be appreciated.

Semper Fi

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Re: Military FAQ

A few questions about MBTs.

Can anyone tell me wht the current status of the Arjun MBT project is? I totally thought that they were in service, but apparently they aren't. Is that right?

Also, Brazil designed an MBT not too long ago. It was called the Osorio. Apparently it had no buyers because of the Gulf War and was never produced in large numbers, but I can't believe that they just left it unfinished. IS it inservice anywhere in the world? Will it ever be?


VIP Professional
Re: Military FAQ

Finn McCool said:
A few questions about MBTs.

Can anyone tell me wht the current status of the Arjun MBT project is? I totally thought that they were in service, but apparently they aren't. Is that right?

Also, Brazil designed an MBT not too long ago. It was called the Osorio. Apparently it had no buyers because of the Gulf War and was never produced in large numbers, but I can't believe that they just left it unfinished. IS it inservice anywhere in the world? Will it ever be?

AFAIK Arjun is not in the service (only small batch is delivered to army).

As for EE-t1 Osorio MBT; it is not in operational service in any country and Brazil is not offering Osorio on military market any longer… Development was finished but Gulf war and could war surplus equipment killed exports … In early 1990s Engesa filed for bankruptcy. Engesa has been dismembered, with some of its companies sold to private interests, and ordnance-related firms taken over by the state and integrated with the Indústria de Material Bélico do Brasil (IMBEL - Brazil's Industry of War Weapons and Equipments).

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Military FAQ

I bectha Golly knows the answer to this..

What happened to the Yak-44 Russian CV based AWACS/AEW? Was it ever really built? Are the pics we see of it just the "mock up"? And would the Russians ever put an updated version into production for sale to the PLAN?

I read a blog today that said that 16 were built! Fact or fiction?:confused:

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VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Military FAQ

Well as far as I know, Yakolev did build up a real size wooden mock up of the plane but never flying prototype one. I think the whole effort was mainly to show of to the Soviet naval aviation chiefs of which kind of plane would have been needed on Kuznetsov class...
In many line drawings of soviet 80's era of conventional carriers showed similar looking aircraft on board....But Im pretty sure that they never build even a prototype of it...

I will return to this issue in the part III of the soviet carriers...when ever i cvan steal some time to finish it...:)


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Military FAQ

I've only heard little about it too

It's checks new assault riffle based on Ak-74 aquired from Poland, chambered with the NATO calibre. It's odd choise as Checks actually haven't operated Kalashnikoviks before and choosen them now after warshaw pact has fallen down..:confused: Well perhaps the capapilityes of kalashnikoviks have made some serious impressions to checks....