Low-cost, muti-role aircraft for small militaries


Tyrant King
Re: New interceptors for the Argentine Air Force?

The F16 series has operated for over three decades now with out a major issues because of its intake configuration. It may not have the grates and shutters of the Russian flanker but its a reliable air frame.
So that belly intake reason is total bull.
Given the age of the Mirages and there service life it may be that this is a holding action. A attempt by Argentina to buy time until they find a jet they like. Perhaps once Pak Fa or Mig LMF ( assuming they build it ) or J31 or maybe one of the other concept fighters now projected for nations like Turkey become available.


VIP Professional
Re: New interceptors for the Argentine Air Force?

The VP of China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) has stated that the J-10 is currently not approved for export. However I suspect Pakistan will probably get it sooner or later. For Argentina, the JF-17/FC-1 deal will be a stepping stone toward the J-10.

If there is a major concern with "first strike" from Chile on Argentine AFB's, then Argentina needs to invest in better early warning radars, SAM systems, and hardened aircraft shelters. However, I'd also point out that although Chile's military budget is higher than Argentina's, their economy is only 1/2 the size. So for every 1% GDP that Argentina spends on defense, Chile must spend 2% GDP to match. If Argentina has the willpower to invest in its defense, I do not believe that they will be out-matched by Chile easily. But if we're talking about Chile-UK alliance against Argentina, then we're back to Argentina vs UK.


Tyrant King
Re: New interceptors for the Argentine Air Force?

Of course this is post dated for 2014 - 2015 for a official competition and request for information. So though she may not be ready today she could be a year to two years from now.


Re: New interceptors for the Argentine Air Force?

The F16 series has operated for over three decades now with out a major issues because of its intake configuration. It may not have the grates and shutters of the Russian flanker but its a reliable air frame.
So that belly intake reason is total bull.
Given the age of the Mirages and there service life it may be that this is a holding action. A attempt by Argentina to buy time until they find a jet they like. Perhaps once Pak Fa or Mig LMF ( assuming they build it ) or J31 or maybe one of the other concept fighters now projected for nations like Turkey become available.

I agree! The excuse given by the government for rejecting the F-16 is total bull. It would have been nice.


Re: New interceptors for the Argentine Air Force?

Of course this is post dated for 2014 - 2015 for a official competition and request for information. So though she may not be ready today she could be a year to two years from now.

I realy like the look of the MiG LMF. Too bad the FAA cannot hold out that long. I am kidding myself the current government would not put in the monies for this kind of long term planning.
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Junior Member
Re: New interceptors for the Argentine Air Force?

Interesting. Well here’s a possible list of aircraft, which I have updated since originally starting this thread:

1) JAS-39 Gripen, but it has British Avionics/Radar, etc…., and they own an interest in Saab so that eliminates the JAS-39. Too bad, since it’s such a great aircraft and inexpensive to maintain.

2) The SU-27 this would be my first choice. Two squadrons of 12 aircraft each plus 4 OCU aircraft would do nicely.

3) The Mig-29 would also work well and could be purchased much cheaper than the SU-27. The maintenance and support issue really concerns me though.

4) The F-18 was rejected because it has two engines. This poor excuse since Spain purchased some additional F-18 from desert storage for around $US20 million each (with extra engines to boot). It was rejected on two reasons; first it’s American and the second is that the English were concerned that Argentina could have an American Aircraft with BVR AMRAAM.

5) The F-16 was rejected because of under belly intake and runway debris ingestion (an unlikely story, I could use the same excuse as above).

6) The Rafale was rejected because there would be no technology transfer and its way too expensive and unaffordable.

7) The J-10 could be an interesting and great option. However I don’t see China selling one of their best aircraft to Argentina, since there is no track record, or long term alliance.

8) The Spanish Mirage F-1’s they were originally rejected because of the airframe fatigue, but yet now they are being purchased (I still cannot get by head wrapped around this deal).

9) The JF-17 that’s near the performance of the F-16 and would cost less to maintain and upgrade.

9) The Jordanian Mirage F-1’s (that deal is now DOA)

10) Which leaves us with the Mirage 2000, but nobody will sell them since they’re still useful.

11) The AT-50 would be very nice but the F404 engine would kill the deal.

12) We could consider the Kfir, but at $US20 million each you’re better off with JF-17s

My two cents:

the ONLY logical option is JF-17, with eyes closed. And one should reach this conclusion within 5 minutes.

The rest are just infeasible.

I used to chat in an Argentine military forum for a short while years ago. Except perhaps 1 or 2, most of Argentine’s forumers were a bit delusional without a clear goal, like some spoiled 15-yr-olds seeking to buy the best iphone in the market. A few of them had a goal, rightly or wrongly, but soon lost it as they moved forward.

What is the only realistic goal for Argentine then?

No, mister, it’s not Looking For a Best Fighter.

The goal should be a tight combination of some objectives, none of which can be compromised.


A. Non-made-by-UK: obvious enough?

B. Non-made-by-US : for the same reason of A, otherwise F-16 would be the top choice, far better for Argentina at its current stage than any other US warbirds. (also forget about Gripen due to its US engines)

C. Non-made-by-France: France is one of the closest strategic allies of the UK. They share a navy together at the moment for God’s sake. Argentina buying a French warplane, being Rafale or Mirage, against the UK, will be 1982 2.0 again, as simple as that. Not even for FREE.

D. Economically affordable: This takes out operational-expensive Su-30s and its other heavy variants which are perhaps too much for the current Argentina.

E. Upgradeable: you don’t want to be stuck with a V 1.0 forever, but constant modern goodies coming along. It requires a deep pocket and long term dedication of the seller. This takes out both minor sellers such as Kfir etc, and financially bankrupt-prone Migs.

F. Enough tech transfer that could kick-start both Agentina’s aviation industry and airforce experiences/knowhow on modern 4th gen fighters: since F-16 and Mig -29 are out, J-10A is not for sale for the moment, JF-17 therefore is the ONLY choice left that meets not only F but all of other objectives.

JF-17 is the GOLDEN choice. Argentina can modernise its entire airforce most efficiently and quickly, not only front line fighters but also air defence etc as well, a whole backet of deal NO OTHER country in the world could be able to match. It’s also good for the economy. Since JF-17 is not at level with EF Typhoon, it won’t immediately change the statue quo, hence both the UK and China will also be at ease. The sooner Argentines realise this the better.


Tyrant King
Re: New interceptors for the Argentine Air Force?

Logic and Argentina rarely seen together.
Lets straighten one thing first the French are not under the English thumb they have and continue to sell to whomever they like. That out of the way I would lay money down that the procurement process will be either delayed or under cut. Argentina has been under the reign of a civilian government for a while now but its a government afraid of the military. The current president has taken steps to ensure that the choke chain she has on her generals is tight part of that is slashed military budgets, just remember last year the ARA Libertad was seized due to bad finances, the ARA Espora was stuck in south Africa because of lack of parts for a aging class. And the ARA Sanisma Trinidad sank at her own peir. They will buy vintage Mirages' and fly them till the wings fall off and maybe if the pilot is unlucky beyond that to.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Re: New interceptors for the Argentine Air Force?

My two cents:
JF-17 is the GOLDEN choice. Argentina can modernise its entire airforce most efficiently and quickly, not only front line fighters but also air defence etc as well, a whole backet of deal NO OTHER country in the world could be able to match. It’s also good for the economy. Since JF-17 is not at level with EF Typhoon, it won’t immediately change the statue quo, hence both the UK and China will also be at ease. The sooner Argentines realise this the better.

Definitely, her price about 20 million US$ ! and use BVR AAM.

I have see also some rumors for Mirage F-1 BM Spanish retired.


Re: New interceptors for the Argentine Air Force?

My two cents:

the ONLY logical option is JF-17, with eyes closed. And one should reach this conclusion within 5 minutes.

The rest are just infeasible.

I used to chat in an Argentine military forum for a short while years ago. Except perhaps 1 or 2, most of Argentine’s forumers were a bit delusional without a clear goal, like some spoiled 15-yr-olds seeking to buy the best iphone in the market. A few of them had a goal, rightly or wrongly, but soon lost it as they moved forward.

What is the only realistic goal for Argentine then?

No, mister, it’s not Looking For a Best Fighter.

The goal should be a tight combination of some objectives, none of which can be compromised.


A. Non-made-by-UK: obvious enough?

B. Non-made-by-US : for the same reason of A, otherwise F-16 would be the top choice, far better for Argentina at its current stage than any other US warbirds. (also forget about Gripen due to its US engines)

C. Non-made-by-France: France is one of the closest strategic allies of the UK. They share a navy together at the moment for God’s sake. Argentina buying a French warplane, being Rafale or Mirage, against the UK, will be 1982 2.0 again, as simple as that. Not even for FREE.

D. Economically affordable: This takes out operational-expensive Su-30s and its other heavy variants which are perhaps too much for the current Argentina.

E. Upgradeable: you don’t want to be stuck with a V 1.0 forever, but constant modern goodies coming along. It requires a deep pocket and long term dedication of the seller. This takes out both minor sellers such as Kfir etc, and financially bankrupt-prone Migs.

F. Enough tech transfer that could kick-start both Agentina’s aviation industry and airforce experiences/knowhow on modern 4th gen fighters: since F-16 and Mig -29 are out, J-10A is not for sale for the moment, JF-17 therefore is the ONLY choice left that meets not only F but all of other objectives.

JF-17 is the GOLDEN choice. Argentina can modernise its entire airforce most efficiently and quickly, not only front line fighters but also air defence etc as well, a whole backet of deal NO OTHER country in the world could be able to match. It’s also good for the economy. Since JF-17 is not at level with EF Typhoon, it won’t immediately change the statue quo, hence both the UK and China will also be at ease. The sooner Argentines realise this the better.

I hope I wasn’t being delusional in my assessment above (however I must agree that South American forums do tend to be infantile in their belief of actual cost of acquisition and maintenance of aircraft). I did mention that the best option was the JF-17. My preference is the Su-27.

Is an Su-27 purchase feasible: Yes, even an increase in defence spending of 2% could more than cover the purchase and maintenance for these aircraft.

Is an Su-27 purchase probable: No. Although this aircraft has the endurance and range to cover the vast territory of Argentine. As you mentioned the President has a chock hold on the military and will not provide them with proper equipment. Let along monies to maintain it.

In my list above I mention that the JF-17 comes close to match the F-16 in performance and would be much more economical to operate. Additionally the aircraft (by nature of it being new) will also have the additional advantage of less down time and a longer life than the F-16MLU operated by Chile.

If the current government, and preceding ones, produce sufficiently interesting numbers of these aircraft Argentine could then retire two aircraft types (Mirages and A-4s) and simplify maintenance and logistics.


Re: New interceptors for the Argentine Air Force?

Logic and Argentina rarely seen together.

Yes I still can’t understand how she got elected (Oh yes….. Voter fraud) The last 15-years have been very difficult to watch for educated professional that see the smoke and mirrors being done and the utter disrespect for people in uniform that are willing to lay down their lives to protect the nation. It make me sad and (yes it does) defies logic. Just like the Spanish Mirage F-1’s they were originally rejected because of the airframe fatigue, but yet now they are being purchased (I still cannot get by head wrapped around this deal).

This is why I will send my sons to study in EEUU (America) as I did. Except that I will make them stay there.