@solarz hi bro good day, what the Russian had done is a tactic worth imitating especially in Taiwan, for me the Taiwanese know they're defeated, but how much suffering can they endure and what about
its aftermath. IF we follow the US shock and awed tactic and see the end result, are they worth emulating especially IF your end goal is a peaceful reunification?
My thesis is based on actual people which is my brother in law, he know the situation and I think there are a large silent majority who want to maintain the status quo. And IF the Chinese do invade after studying this Ukrainian conflict it will be mostly done using decapitation strike of key leadership and landing of forces in key strategic bases, leaving the city for fifth column to operate and govern. It's a cheap way to win a war and use those missile and armaments in US bases in Japan, SK and GUAM. As I said why destroy something you owned and why severely punished your kin, the sin of the few doesn't justify the persecution of all.
And watching the Ukrainian War for a month now, where are the so called resistance, we are used to hear that a majority of Ukrainian hate the Russian and they will fight fiercely, well I see otherwise and they are more afraid of their owned troops, it only show that the Western propaganda are full of shit and that is also true in Taiwan.