Lessons for China to learn from Ukraine conflict for Taiwan scenario

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I'm concerned about Taiwan's younger generation. From what I've seen at my university, they make HK kids look patriotic.

In the mainland WW2 is known as 'the war of resistance against Japanese aggression'. Taiwanese youth instead refer to it as 'the war of liberation of the Chinese race', justifying such language with the logic that as natural slaves of the Japanese, Chinese people cannot be truly happy under self-rule. Atrocities such as the Nanjing Massacre and Kill All, Burn All, Loot All policy are portrayed in the light of Japan as the knowledgeable parent punishing China the wayward child. At least Japan denies moral culpability - Taiwanese youth openly celebrate the death of 20 million Chinese during WW2. In fact, their love for Japan can only be matched by their hatred of China. I've overheard more conversations than I can count where these kids fantasize about teaming up with the Japanese military to invade China and, I quote, 'kill and rape as many mainlanders as possible'. They're also all utterly obsessed with anime.
So what's the complain and their fake concerns for Tibet, and Xinjiang then? Lol there's no logical consistency with those people.


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So what's the complain and their fake concerns for Tibet, and Xinjiang then? Lol there's no logical consistency with those people.
They don't give a shit about Tibet and Xinjiang, in fact because Tibetans and Uyghurs are Chinese they want to genocide them just as much as the Han majority. Like I said, Taiwanese are by far the most self-hating race I've ever seen, they make HK kids look patriotic.


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I can imagine massacres taking place in Chinatowns all over the west.
Just like in Indonesia way back. My grandma was saying how lucky she was moving back to the mainland in the 50s to marry my grandpa cause alot of her other relatives in Indonesia got murdered. When you think about it, it was the US's fault too for that one, inciting racial hatred using fear of communism.

Han Patriot

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They don't give a shit about Tibet and Xinjiang, in fact because Tibetans and Uyghurs are Chinese they want to genocide them just as much as the Han majority. Like I said, Taiwanese are by far the most self-hating race I've ever seen, they make HK kids look patriotic.
Taiwan needs some cleansing, we will offer those patriots asylum before the war starts, the rest must be annihilated. Lessons from Ukraine. The average Ukrainian is so brainwashed that they don't care about their slavic roots anymore.


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Overseas Asians already are treated far worse than what's happening to Russians right now. I don't recall any Russians getting beaten to death in the streets.
Stuff like getting cancelled and losing your job because you didn't denounce China's govt, people avoiding you whenever you go outside for shopping, etc..

It's bad now with the pandemic and trade war. In a hot war involving China, it'll be 10x-20x worse.


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Taiwan needs some cleansing, we will offer those patriots asylum before the war starts, the rest must be annihilated. Lessons from Ukraine. The average Ukrainian is so brainwashed that they don't care about their slavic roots anymore.
Parallels between Ukrainian neo-Nazi worship and Taiwanese IJA worship... I fully support Russia's War of Liberation.


Registered Member
Back to the military matters, does the performance of Buk and S-300 affect any thinking? Considering HQ-16 and HQ-9 are related developments, and can be considered improved versions especially with respect to data linking and AESA search radars.

I feel like this really dampens the possibility of US intervention from a military standpoint. If US would be forced to use standoff range weapons, the cost of defending Taiwan would be untenable simply from military costs.


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Back to the military matters, does the performance of Buk and S-300 affect any thinking? Considering HQ-16 and HQ-9 are related developments, and can be considered improved versions especially with respect to data linking and AESA search radars.

I feel like this really dampens the possibility of US intervention from a military standpoint. If US would be forced to use standoff range weapons, the cost of defending Taiwan would be untenable simply from military costs.

Legacy SAM are inadequate for defense against low flying drones.
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